Chapter 67: "Sister, Yours Are Really Big"

"Lady Mei Terumi!" "Lady Mei Terumi is here!"

Before long, the people of Kirigakure found Mei Terumi and cheered loudly. Hearing this, Elder Genma wept with joy. Having been unable to find Mei for a while, he had already begun considering other candidates for the Mizukage position.

However, no matter whom he considered, there was no suitable candidate. They either lacked sufficient reputation or strength. This realization made him appreciate Mei Terumi's importance to Kirigakure even more.

Rushing to Mei's side, Genma looked at the unconscious figure at her feet and exclaimed in shock, "Is this the Fourth Mizukage?"

"Yes," Mei nodded, confirming his words.

"Really?" "Lady Mei Terumi actually brought back the Fourth Mizukage?" "Lady Mei Terumi is incredible." "I can't believe Lady Mei Terumi managed to retrieve the Three-Tails from those mysterious figures."

The Kirigakure shinobi stared at the unconscious Yagura in astonishment. Hearing their words, Mei felt a sense of pride.

Humph! My man brought him back. So, naturally, it was me who brought him back, Mei thought smugly.

Ao, who was among the crowd, rolled his eyes as he observed Mei, whose chin was nearly tilted up to the sky. He knew her strength well and also knew she had been with that man.

Only that man's Flying Thunder God could have allowed them to survive the Birth of the World of Trees.

Knowing this was meant to bolster Mei's reputation and secure her position as Mizukage, Ao joined in the applause, supporting the narrative.

Mei, basking in the admiration, felt a surge of pride. Her man had done it, so naturally, the credit was hers too. She returned to Kirigakure with her people, and as the news spread, her reputation soared, silencing any dissenters. Mei's position as Mizukage was now unshakeable.

At the Land of Demons' palace, Shishou, guided by Priestess Miroku, found Uzumaki Eri, Karin, and Aoi learning sealing techniques.

"Uzumaki clan members?" Tsunade exclaimed, surprised to see survivors of the supposedly extinct clan.

Hearing Tsunade, Eri hid behind Shishou, fearful. She had suffered greatly due to her identity and only felt safe beside Shishou. Karin, however, stared curiously at Tsunade's ample bosom.

"Don't worry, she carries the Uzumaki bloodline too. She won't harm you," Shishou reassured Eri, gently squeezing her hand. Tsunade, being the granddaughter of Uzumaki Mito, was also part Uzumaki.

"Okay," Eri replied, blushing as she nodded.

Seeing Shishou's comforting gesture, Tsunade frowned. She hadn't expected Shishou to have other women besides Mei Terumi, and possibly even more, as she glanced at the quiet Miroku who occasionally looked at Shishou.

"Eri, I need your help," Shishou said, leading Eri towards the room where Shizune was resting.

"Okay, Shishou," Eri responded, happy to be of use to him.

"Sister, yours are really big," Karin said, pointing at Tsunade's chest with a mix of envy and curiosity. "Bigger than my mom's. How did you do it?"

Aoi nodded in agreement, her eyes wide.

"Rude little brats..." Tsunade muttered, her face hardening as she followed Shishou.

In Shizune's room, Shishou placed one hand on Eri's and the other on Shizune's wound, preparing to use his Phosphorescent Insects to transfer Eri's life force to heal Shizune.

"Shishou, she can bite me directly," Eri suggested, glancing at the unconscious Shizune. She knew Shishou planned to use her life force for healing.

"Is this method fine? I don't want you to recall any bad memories," Shishou replied, concerned about Eri's well-being.

Hearing his considerate words, Eri's eyes filled with tears. She had finally found someone who respected and cared for her.

"Shishou, I don't mind. It makes me feel useful to you, and the healing will be more effective," Eri insisted, wiping her tears.

Shishou hesitated but then smiled. "Alright, but don't push yourself too hard."

Eri nodded, her eyes still glistening with tears. She rolled up her sleeve, revealing an arm still marked with faint bite scars, and placed it near Shizune's mouth.

Shishou gently pried open Shizune's mouth and let her bite into Eri's arm. Instantly, Shizune's wounds began to heal rapidly, her complexion regaining color. The healing was far more effective than Shishou's previous method.

Priestess Miroku watched calmly from the side, occasionally glancing at Shishou. She knew about the Uzumaki clan's unique abilities.

Tsunade, however, was astonished by the healing method. She had heard of this unique trait in the Uzumaki clan but had never seen it. Even her grandmother, Uzumaki Mito, didn't possess it.

Karin and Aoi, unfazed by the scene, occasionally glanced at Tsunade's chest, whispering to each other.

Before long, Shizune was out of danger thanks to Eri's treatment. This brought relief to both Tsunade and Shishou.

As Kirigakure's forces finally found Mei Terumi, they cheered, relieved to see her safe. Elder Genma, overwhelmed with emotion, had tears streaming down his face. He had been considering the next Mizukage, but none seemed suitable until now.

Rushing to Mei's side, Genma exclaimed, "Is this the Fourth Mizukage?"

"Yes," Mei confirmed, her pride evident as the villagers praised her for bringing back the Fourth Mizukage.

Ao, observing from the crowd, knew better. He understood Mei's actual capabilities and recognized that only Shishou's Flying Thunder God technique could have ensured their survival during the Birth of the World of Trees.

Knowing this was meant to bolster Mei's reputation and secure her position as Mizukage, Ao joined in the applause, supporting the narrative.

Mei, basking in the admiration, felt a surge of pride. Her man had done it, so naturally, the credit was hers too. She returned to Kirigakure with her people, and as the news spread, her reputation soared, silencing any dissenters. Mei's position as Mizukage was now unshakeable.

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