Chapter 72: The Legendary Insect Egg

After making a bet with Tsunade, Shishou left the palace in the Land of Demons. Tsunade, with her exquisite features, sensual figure, formidable strength, and heroic spirit, was Shishou's favorite female character in the Naruto world. Despite his desire to grow closer to her, he knew that patience was key. The bet they made gave him plenty of opportunities to interact with her in the future.

"Master, please wait," a voice called out as Shishou was about to leave. It was one of the palace maidservants, named Zirene, who served Miroku.

"Lady Miroku requests that you wait for her return," Zirene said.

Shishou nodded, understanding the request. He had wanted to see Miroku perform her blessing ritual in the capital, but it seemed he would have to forgo that now. With a slight regret, he turned and headed back into the palace.

"Why did you come back?" Tsunade asked, looking up from her medical books with curiosity.

"Miroku wants me to wait for her," Shishou replied, sitting down next to Tsunade. Noticing the medical scrolls in her hands, he added, "If I were you, I'd learn the Senjutsu from Shikkotsu Forest first. With the boost from Sage energy, your medical techniques would truly become supreme."

Tsunade looked at Shishou in surprise. "You know about the Senjutsu of Shikkotsu Forest?"

Shishou grinned proudly. "Of course! The Three Great Sage Regions of the ninja world: Shikkotsu Forest, Ryūchi Cave, and Mount Myōboku. How could I not know about them?"

Tsunade studied Shishou intently. "You become more intriguing by the minute. What else do you know?"

Shishou puffed out his chest. "Plenty."

Tsunade rolled her eyes at his arrogance and returned to her reading.

Just then, Shizune approached the room, saw Shishou, and quickly retreated without interrupting.

Shishou chuckled and turned to Tsunade. "Why hasn't Shizune mastered Kato Dan's Spirit Transformation Technique?"

Tsunade's expression darkened at the mention of Dan. "That's none of your business."

Shishou wasn't fazed by her reaction. He had brought up Dan deliberately. To help Tsunade move past her grief, she needed to confront Dan's death head-on. Only then could Shishou hope to find a place in her heart.

"Learning medical ninjutsu alone isn't enough to protect oneself," Shishou said, standing up. "If you let Shizune train under me, I can help her master the Spirit Transformation Technique or become an elite jonin within three years."

With that, he headed towards the door, intending to find Karin and Tayuya for some games.

Tsunade glared at his back, angered by his words. While Shizune had excelled in medical ninjutsu, her combat skills were lacking, a fact Tsunade had to admit. Shizune's inability to protect herself was a direct consequence of Tsunade's own shortcomings as a mentor.

Stepping out of the hall, Shishou found Shizune standing there, clearly having overheard his conversation with Tsunade. Her face flushed with embarrassment.

"You were eavesdropping?" Shishou teased, pointing at her before walking away.

Shizune's cheeks turned redder, and after Shishou left, she entered the hall to comfort the still-angry Tsunade.

The next day, Shishou met Miroku and Karin at the palace gates upon their return from the capital.

"I'll head back now," Karin said, sensing that Shishou wanted to speak privately with Miroku. She left without further prompting.

"Not here," Miroku protested, her face reddening as Shishou reached for her hand. They were still at the palace entrance, surrounded by guards and servants. As a priestess, she was reluctant to display affection publicly.

Smiling, Shishou teleported them to a secluded forest area. "What do you need?" he asked, holding Miroku's delicate hand and admiring her shy expression.

"I want to check the seal on the demon Moryo's prison," Miroku said, looking away shyly. "I need to ensure the seal is still intact."

"Alright," Shishou agreed. He teleported them to the Demon Country's sealing cave in the Marsh Country, where he had left a Flying Thunder God mark.

At the cave's entrance, Miroku deactivated her protective barrier and led Shishou to the underground chamber where Moryo was sealed. Inside the crystal prison, Moryo was a dark, spherical mass, surrounded by tendrils of black energy trying to breach the crystal's confines.

"It seems Moryo's energy is slowly eroding the seal," Miroku said, frowning as she touched the crystal.

"What can we do?" Shishou asked.

Miroku shook her head. "We'll have to reseal Moryo if it breaks free again."

As Miroku pondered the situation, a small, ethereal blue insect flew out from Shishou's body and landed on the crystal.

"How beautiful," Miroku whispered in awe.

"This is the Nine Nether Silkworm," Shishou said, surprised to see it. He tried to recall it, but the silkworm remained on the crystal, absorbing the dark tendrils.

Before their eyes, the black threads vanished, and the silkworm transformed into a golden egg, which floated in front of Shishou.

[Ding! The Legendary Nine Nether Silkworm has absorbed otherworldly energy and laid a legendary egg.]