Chapter 74: Reactions from All Sides

"Recall the squad we sent to the Hidden Mist Village to investigate the wood release," Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, sighed, issuing an order. "Since the mysterious figure can use Wood Release Secret Technique, our squad won't find anything and might lose their lives for nothing."

The mission was called off before it even started. How absurd.

"No way!" Danzo Shimura retorted. "Sacrifices are inevitable for such a mission. If we recall them now, who will we send next?"

Danzo didn't care about how many lives were lost; his only concern was the mysterious masked man who could use Wood Release Secret Technique. If he could find that man, Danzo could use Kotoamatsukami to control him and uncover the secret behind his wood release. This would make the position of Hokage his for the taking, something Danzo was determined to achieve.

"My decision is final!" Hiruzen countered, rejecting Danzo's argument. He knew the masked man possessed both Uchiha and Senju powers. Previously, while the masked man's wood release was small-scale, Hiruzen had the resolve to investigate. However, learning that the masked man could use Wood Release Secret Technique changed everything.

What puzzled Hiruzen was why the masked man didn't use this technique during the Nine-Tails' attack on Konoha or the battle over the Three-Tails in the Hidden Mist. There must be some hidden reason.

"You're going to regret this, Hiruzen!" Danzo declared, his cane thudding on the ground as he stormed out, planning to deploy his Root operatives for a covert investigation.

Hiruzen, Homura Mitokado, and Koharu Utatane were unsurprised by Danzo's reaction. They had seen this happen many times before.

"Who do you plan to send now?" Homura asked Hiruzen, understanding he must have another plan.

"I intend to recall Jiraiya and Tsunade," Hiruzen said, taking a puff of his pipe.

"Are you sure they'll return?" Homura inquired. If they did, they were the perfect candidates for the mission.

"I've already located Jiraiya and sent someone to find him. As for Tsunade, given that this involves wood release, she should return," Hiruzen explained, though he was frustrated with his two wayward students.

"I've also asked Mr. Lurigan (alias: Shishou) to assist. Hopefully, he'll bring back useful information," Hiruzen added.

Homura and Koharu nodded in agreement with Hiruzen's arrangements.

In the Hidden Cloud Village.

The Raikage's office.


"What!" Fourth Raikage A yelled, smashing his desk. "Someone used the First Hokage's Wood Release Secret Technique outside the Hidden Mist Village?"

He had dismissed the masked man's wood release as insignificant. Now he was proven wrong.

"Calm down, Raikage-sama," Mabui, standing beside Samui, urged, her brows furrowing under A's outburst.

"What happened?" A asked, sitting back down.

"According to our sources in the Hidden Mist, a group of mysterious individuals fought the new Mizukage, Mei Terumi, to seize the Three-Tails Jinchuriki. During the battle, someone usedWood Release Secret Technique. Mei Terumi escaped with the help of a Flying Thunder God user and managed to recover the Three-Tails Jinchuriki, Yagura," Mabui reported quickly.

"It seems likely the masked man who previously used wood release is responsible," she concluded.

A frowned. A Flying Thunder God user aiding Mei Terumi made sense for the recovery of the Three-Tails Jinchuriki. But what was this Flying Thunder God user's relationship with Mei? Why always help her?

"Who were those trying to capture the Jinchuriki? Any clues?" A inquired.

"We don't know their identities yet. However, it seems their targets are the Tailed Beasts. Other villages with Jinchuriki are increasing security around them. Should we recall Yugito Nii?" Mabui asked, worried about her friend's safety.

"No, Yugito is safe on Turtle Island. They won't find her," A assured her, waving off her concern. "Keep a close watch on those targeting the Jinchuriki and find out who's behind them. Also, increase our surveillance on Konoha."

"Understood, Raikage-sama," Mabui and Samui responded in unison, leaving the office.

"Raikage-sama doesn't want Yugito to return," Mabui said, frustrated. As Yugito's friend, she worried about her safety, especially knowing the masked man could use Wood Release Secret Technique.

"It's understandable. Yugito isn't yet a perfect Jinchuriki. She needs to continue training on Turtle Island to harness her power fully," Samui replied calmly.

"You're not worried about Yugito?" Mabui asked, frowning.

"Worrying won't change anything," Samui answered.

"Fine, you win," Mabui conceded with a sigh.

In the Hidden Stone Village.

The Tsuchikage's office.

"Hehe, at first, I thought it was just some small-scale wood release," Third Tsuchikage Onoki chuckled, floating in his office as he scrutinized the intel in his hand. "But using Wood Release Secret Technique is another matter."

Onoki wasn't intimidated by wood release unless it was wielded by Hashirama Senju himself. Hashirama's power came from his own strength, not just wood release. Onoki believed that even if Hashirama used the weakest water release, he would still dominate the ninja world.

Moreover, according to the intel from the Hidden Mist, the masked man used the Wood Release Secret Technique but allowed the Fifth Mizukage and Fourth Mizukage to escape without pursuing them. This suggested that using the Wood Release Secret Technique was his limit.