Chapter 80: Slap to Danzo's Face

At the Fire Source City Mansion.

Uchiha Mikoto was kneeling on a tatami mat, methodically applying makeup to Shishou.

"Are you really going to meet the Third Hokage?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

As the wife of the Uchiha clan leader, Mikoto was well aware of the Third Hokage's strength and cunning. Despite his decline in power due to age, he remained a formidable opponent.

Leaning back against Mikoto's thighs, Shishou closed his eyes, enjoying the comfort of her lap pillow. "Don't worry. With the Flying Thunder God technique, I can leave whenever I want. There's no danger."

Mikoto shook her head, still worried. "I know you're very powerful, but aren't you afraid your identity in Konoha will be exposed? That could cause a lot of trouble."

Seeing her concern, Shishou opened his eyes, gently pinched her cheek, and smiled. "Isn't that why I'm having you do my makeup? And if I'm exposed, I'll just become a rogue ninja. Then we can be together all the time."

Mikoto, unaware of Shishou's identity in Konoha, clearly cared deeply for him. This concern made Shishou happy.

"Pfft, being together all the time," Mikoto scoffed. "You'll have so many women in the future. I'll be lucky if you don't abandon me."

Shishou laughed, seeing her so worried. He pounced on her, whispering sweet reassurances.

"How could I ever abandon you? You're special to me…"

After a few tender moments, Shishou started getting more amorous.

"Stop it. I have to spar with Pakura later," Mikoto protested, pushing him away. She composed herself and resumed applying his makeup.

Half an hour later.

"You've made me look so handsome," Shishou teased, looking at his reflection, which resembled Mr. Lurigan from the Land of Demons but with subtle differences. "Aren't you worried other girls will fall for me?"

"Narcissist," Mikoto rolled her eyes and left the room, heading to the training area.

She had a sparring session with Pakura, and she didn't want to keep her waiting.

At the Gambler's Abyss Building.

Shishou arrived at the entrance, where Anko Mitarashi and Takeko were waiting for him.

"Sir?" Takeko was momentarily confused, almost not recognizing Shishou. She ran up to him, confirming his identity.

"Let's go," Shishou said, glancing at Anko before turning to leave.

"How did you change your appearance?" Anko asked, shocked. Takeko was also curious, recognizing Shishou only by his unique aura. She was accompanying him to discuss a collaboration with Konoha.

Shishou looked at Anko and, with a subtle transformation, morphed into her exact likeness.

Takeko was stunned.

"Y-you…" Anko stuttered, feeling a chill down her spine. For a moment, she thought it might be Orochimaru, as he was the only one she knew who could change appearances without using transformation jutsu. But then she remembered Orochimaru wouldn't risk a direct meeting with the Third Hokage.

Seeing Anko's reaction, Shishou reverted to his original appearance and, without a word, sped towards Konoha.

Takeko hurried to catch up. Despite her limited skills, she could still keep pace during travel.

"He's definitely connected to Orochimaru," Anko thought, following them, her resolve to investigate Shishou's ties to Orochimaru stronger than ever.

Shishou smirked, pleased that Anko had taken the bait.

At Konoha's Gate.

Shishou noticed Konoha's two gatekeepers, Kotetsu Hagane and Izumo Kamizuki. It was rumored that even Pain hesitated to attack through the front because of their presence, opting for a sneak attack instead.

Amused by these thoughts, Shishou followed Anko to the Hokage's office.

There, he received a grand welcome from the Third Hokage.

After completing her task, Anko glanced at Shishou before leaving the office.

With Anko gone, only the Third Hokage, Homura Mitokado, Koharu Utatane, and Danzo Shimura remained in the room with Shishou.

"Any attempt to spy on me will be considered an act of aggression," Shishou said, smiling as he noticed Danzo using his Sharingan to observe him.


"Danzo, leave the room," the Third Hokage ordered coldly.

He wasn't angry about Danzo's prying, but he was genuinely alarmed that Danzo's attempt had been detected. This confirmed that Mr. Lurigan's abilities were truly exceptional, just as Kakashi had reported.

Given the current delicate situation, it was best not to antagonize him. However, Mr. Lurigan's appearance differed somewhat from the descriptions provided by Kakashi and his team. The makeup was deliberate, suggesting a cautious approach.

The Third Hokage regarded Shishou's disguised features thoughtfully.

"Hmph!" Danzo's expression darkened as he left the office. His pride was wounded, as Shishou had not only sensed but also openly called out his scrutiny. It felt like a slap in the face.

Seeing Danzo's discomfited departure, Shishou felt a surge of satisfaction.

"This is the information on the Wood Release user and his companions," Shishou said, casually tossing several sketches onto the Hokage's desk before sitting back and closing his eyes to rest.

The sketches depicted masked individuals: Uchiha Obito, Black and White Zetsu, Kakuzu, and Kisame Hoshigaki.

With Tsunade's imminent return to Konoha, these secrets couldn't be hidden for long. Shishou decided to reveal everything now to maximize his advantages before her arrival.

The Third Hokage's eyes narrowed as he studied the drawing of Uchiha Obito. He was certain this man had been responsible for the Nine-Tails' attack on Konoha.

Homura and Koharu, the senior Konoha advisors, were visibly shocked by the accuracy and detail of the sketches. They hadn't expected Mr. Lurigan to obtain such vital information so efficiently.

"Thank you very much for your help, Mr. Lurigan," the Third Hokage said with a warm smile. "Can you provide more details about these individuals?"

The Third Hokage recognized Kakuzu and Kisame but wanted to hear Shishou's account. Kakuzu had once attacked the First Hokage and was presumed dead, while Kisame, a member of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, was well-documented in Konoha's records.