Chapter 101: KD Ahri Kurama

In Naruto's subconscious.

"Hey, Kurama, long time no see," Shishou said, stepping into the watery expanse of Naruto's mind. He strolled up to the large iron bars that imprisoned the Nine-Tails and gave them a light kick.

Due to the constant ANBU surveillance around Naruto, Shishou hadn't found an opportunity to enter this space until now. Finally, here he was, ready to have some fun with the tsundere fox.

"You troublesome Uchiha brat, what do you want this time?" Kurama, the Nine-Tails, opened one eye lazily, glaring at Shishou. The memory of Shishou's previous pranks still stung.

"I'm here to help you, of course. What? You're not happy to see me?" Shishou grinned, his tone teasing.

"Hmph! Get lost, you annoying Uchiha brat!" Kurama growled, closing his eye, clearly not interested in Shishou's antics.

"I did help you last time by bringing out the Fourth Hokage, didn't I? Aren't you going to thank me?" Shishou continued, tapping on the bars.

Kurama opened his eye again, scoffing. "You only wanted to learn the Flying Thunder God technique to impress girls."

"Kurama, did you really think Minato was the only presence left in Naruto?" Shishou's smile widened as he hinted at another revelation.

Kurama's eyes snapped open fully, narrowing suspiciously at Shishou. "You mean Kushina?"

Shishou nodded. "See, you're not that dumb after all."

Kurama's chakra flared angrily at the mention of Kushina. The fiery red energy swirled around him violently, clearly showing his hatred for the Fourth Hokage and his wife. They had not only split him in half but had also set up contingencies after their deaths to keep him trapped.

"Where is she? Where is Kushina?" Kurama demanded, eyes blazing.

Shishou ignored Kurama's outburst, casually examining the seal and the surroundings. This nonchalance only infuriated Kurama more, and the fox slammed his chakra against the bars, causing a loud, reverberating clang.

"You think you can just ignore me? You think I'll beg for your help?" Kurama roared, the seal absorbing some of his chakra and redirecting it back into Naruto's body.

"Is that any way to ask for a favor?" Shishou chuckled, unphased by Kurama's anger. "I know where your other half is. If you play nice, maybe I'll help you reunite with it."

Kurama's eyes narrowed. "What's your game, Uchiha?"

"No game. Just an offer," Shishou said, leaning casually against the bars. "But, seeing as you're not interested..."

Shishou turned to leave, counting down in his head. Three, two, one...

"Wait!" Kurama's voice thundered through the space. "You know where my other half is?"

Shishou smirked, turning back. "Of course. But you don't seem interested in cooperating."

Kurama's pride was at war with his desire to be whole again. After a moment, he growled, "Fine. What do you want?"

"First, a little gratitude for helping you last time," Shishou said. "Then we can talk about my other conditions."

Kurama's eyes flashed with anger. "Gratitude? You're pushing your luck, Uchiha."

Shishou shrugged. "Your choice. I can always leave and find the other half of you."

Kurama's growl was low and menacing, but he nodded reluctantly. "What do you want?"

"Great," Shishou said, his eyes gleaming mischievously. "I want you to transform into something for me. Specifically, into this."

Shishou held up a picture he had conjured from his mind—a picture of KD Ahri from his previous life's game, League of Legends. A seductive fox-girl with nine tails, long flowing hair, and an alluring outfit.

Kurama stared at the image, then back at Shishou. "You can't be serious."

"Oh, but I am," Shishou said, enjoying Kurama's discomfort. "No gender, right? Just chakra? This should be easy for you."

Kurama's growl deepened. "You're asking for too much."

"I'm not asking, Kurama. I'm telling," Shishou said, his voice firm. "Or the deal's off."

Kurama's mind raced. The humiliation was unbearable, but the thought of being whole again was tantalizing. After a long, tense moment, he sighed. "Fine."

With a reluctant 'poof,' Kurama transformed into KD Ahri. The seductive fox-girl now stood where the massive nine-tailed fox had been, looking incredibly out of place in the dank, dark cell.

"Happy now?" Kurama, now in Ahri's form, said in a voice laced with venom.

"Very," Shishou said, his smile widening. "You look great, Kurama. Now, about your other half..."