10.That's my girl


My eyes went wide after seeing the crowd of people in similar outfits outside the library.

' I guess they're some kind of workers ..or employees...or even worse..maybe they're from the finance company travelling around the city looking for sponsors???' A demon appeared on my left shoulder ranting some lame shit.

'What the fuck Lyra..they seem like they're gymrats. They have muscles that can smash a person. Don't you dare say something stupid or sarcastic to them ' The little angel from my right shoulder advised me.

I may throw sarcasm on their face like dollar bills or say some shit that I'm gonna regret later. Whatever let's just know what happened. As I reached the crowd, I confirmed them as some body guards or private security team from some A&A corps. ' I heard that name somewhere. Don't tell me they're here to buy some books'.... okay that's the dumbest thought I ever had. Let's just shut up and ask someone what's wrong.

"What's happening?Who are you guys?" I asked the guy that's standing close to me. He quickly retorted loudly "Boss!Mam is here" startling me. I look at him in utter shock " Dude!! Why are you shouting!??". I pushed him slightly aside and barged into the library. There is the dumbass Eline standing at the side facing her back to me at the log counter. All the library workers are standing , all tensed. Uhhh okay .. what the fuck is happening? I scanned the whole library. My eyes darted towards a man who is entering the library through the front door. Tension clearly visible in his face. .....Wait....WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING HERE?

Few hours back


7:30 AM


I woke up in the morning as usual and did all my daily activities.' I have nowhere to go and nothing to do. I guess I just have to wait for Lyra to regain her memories'. As my thoughts drift towards my love..I remember about the box they brought from Poli. My eyes shifts from my reflection on the mirror in my walk-in closet to the small sized peacock green chest on the bedside table.

"It's not the real one. It's a dummy piece"

"Sir..but the chest has the exact same details you informed us sir".

"I never said that the box is a fake one. It is the item inside it. It has an emarald on the top. The original doesn't have it".

" We're sorry sir. We couldn't know that's a fake. I would try my best to find the real one soon sir".

I remember the conversation between me and Diego. 'Yeah....the item they brought is a fake one. The thing I have been searching for belongs to a prominent family's succession line. So it definitely would have many duplicate versions. How did I not think about that?  I strongl wish they find the original piece soon

I sigh looking back to my reflection in the mirror. With the dark circles and dry skin , I look like a man who's living with his miseries and depression wih a gloomy aura around him. Eyes dull and ready to go full black and white. Skin pale like I'm a freaking ghost. All my body containing only grey and white shades all over. Not a hint of blood and happiness.

My phone chimed with a ping in the silence amid the dark room glow with the brightness of it's screen. Strolling towards the bed, I grabbed my phone and opened the message. It was from Evangeline, the new security team recruit trainee, informing me about the mission.

"Sir. I'm at the library. Mam is not here yet. I'll inform you once she's here. I'm gonna start the plan from today sir ".

A small smirk swaying at the corner of my lips. I put the phone down and changed into my usual outfit. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I took the crate into my hands as my fingers travel accross the initials AINIX. A tear rolled down my face remembering the most beautiful time of my  entire life. I remember her laughs, her smile, the way her eyes shine brighter than this universe, her voice, her pranks , her relationship with my brother , her promises, her silly reasons.



"I am not a fool!!I really saw a snake inside!!...please stop laughing guys.....I SAID STOP LAUGHING!!!!!"



I close my eyes in a light shade of happiness. The smirk on my lips curve into a small smile. Very small but still it was a smile, for the first time in awhile. I noticed that I am becoming my usual self after a many long yeas of waiting as she is back. To me. I'll steal every chance to get her back.

The ring of my phone pulled me back to the reality. The spy we had set up to keep an eye on Lyra is calling me. 'Weird. Employees don't call theirs bosses so easily' . I lift the call and placed it on my ear. The moment I heard what she said, my mind went black with all the negative thoughts swarming my mind like a group of people dashing into the metro. Something must have happened to her? What thefuck does that mean?


At 9:32 Am

Scottdale, Mosvil, Florein Library and bookstore

A girl with short red hair who seems to be in her teens can be seen outside of the library. "Eline come inside. She'll come anytime soon. You don't need to worry. You should better start working before your boss arrives". Shouted the assistant librarian from inside the library. "I don' know how you people are so casual about it. I'm freaking out. What if something happened to her on the way? Oh my god what if she's sick? " Eline  shouted back clearly freaking out texting Lyra continuously.

" Should I call my boss? Nah... he's going to be freaked out even more than me. Or worse ..he might kill me for not paying attention to her.  But what if she's really sick? Maybe if I inform him...he may go and help her..ughhhh nooo then she might kill him for sure. What do I do? Uhhhh what the fuck did I do wrong to deserve this on my first day!!!" Eline tapped her fingers on the table before her in tension muttering to herself nonstop. " Ughhh...fuck it I'm gonna tell him. They'll decide what to do " She dialed her boss Felix's number and placed it near her ear.

" Sir!Mam is neither answering my calls nor responding to my texts. I am afraid that something must have happened to her. She didn't come to the library yet. I -...hello?...hello?" Eline heard the other line die. He hung up on her. She can feel some storm coming from the Weston city. Her anxiety kicked in making her more tensed and terrified of what she had just done.

Meanwhile, Felix's face got paler than it already was as all the blood drained out from his face. His face filled with fear and terror. He called Mark and told him about the situation. " Mark something happened to Aine. I mean Lyra. I am starting to Mosvil. It may take half an hour to reach there. Tell someone near Mosvil to go to her house and check what happened" he cut the call shortly after that and sped towards the stairs grabbing his car keys. Starting the engine he started to drive out of Weston city.

When he was halfway through Weston,he received a phone call. "Sir we saw her car at the Mosvil-Scottdale intersection. She's headed to the library sir" He turned the car to the left and drove towards the library. As soon as he reached the library, he saw his men outside the building. " Boss!Mam is here!"

" Dude!!why are you shouting!!??" He heard her say to one of his men when the gaurd shouted at top of his lungs to inform him that she arrived. He got out of the car without even caring to stop the engine and take the keys with him. Like...who's being fooled? He can buy more of the same kind, like the car that's worth millions of dollars, is equal to a piece of paper infront of her. Nothing in this world can compete with her in value for him. She's his treasure.

Mark quickly got to Felix's car immediately after he saw Felix leaving the car without even shutting the engine off, He powered down the engine and parked the car at a safe distance where it wouldn't create a traffic.

Felix strode inside the library with a straight face, and his eyes automatically drifted towards her. There she is. His love. The second meeting with her is no less than that of first meeting. He looked at her when his aquamarine shaded eyes turned dark green, like she's the only thing that can give life to his barren world. Everything around them seems to stop, To witness the pure enchantment raising between them. His eyes holding some unknown mix of pain and bliss. As she locked her eyes with his, the air around them flew like it is dipped in pink and blue hues reflecting the alchemy of the spellbounds.

"You!!????? What the fuck are you doing here?" Lyra's roar echoed inside the library. 


Wooaahhh.....I definitely woke up in the wrong side of the bed. Like what is this shit? I just over slept and got to the library a little late and here, everything is so fucked up?? I sighed closing my eyes as this shitty man who decided to give me a headache walked towards me. Looking through my lashes I noticed a little worry in his eyes.

"Are you alright?" Was all he said.

"....ummm...yeah I think. Why do you care ? No....Just tell me why are you here? " I retorted penting up my anger. I turned around and looked at Eline who's looking at me like she's relieved that I'm okay. Uhhh.. what's happening here?

" You're really alright? Like you're not feeling any pain inside? Did something happen?" This dumb motherfucker just asked me the dumbest question ever. Am I not looking fine? He's making me doubt myself. My senses immediately made me jump back when he tried to reach my face. " Woaahhh....relax dude nothing happened to me. What are you talking about? And.....Stay there. Don't come any near. Talk from where you are" His hand hung midair as I walked back a few steps to avoid contact with my hands in a 'ready to fight anytime' position. Naahh..im not gonna let anyone touch me with out my consent. My senses doesn't approve of that. My body is not used to physical contact unless it's Leo.

He looks offended. Good. That's what I want. "What do you want?" I ask him again incase if he didn't heard me the first time. "I'm here for you. I came here to check on you". "....What?" I blinked in confusion, clearly not understanding his words. What is this asshole depicting?. " I came here for you. I thought you're sick as you didn't come to the library on the usual time. I thought something happened to you " . Okay...he is a little bit emotional. But that doesn't give him the right to barge into my library. " I sent your dog back to you with a warning. What did you think of me?You sent such a noob to tail me? For your grace, I almost killed him " I spoke loudly to let him get that into his brain.

" I know" ... That's all he said. Great! What a group of dumbasses.  " Didn't he warn you? I told him to convey my message to you. What part of 'I would cut your dick if your ever try to follow me again ' you didn't understand? " He looked puzzled. But he rubbed it off in a blink with a small smirk. 'Wait... You're smirking??!! Ohh this is getting intresting'. I raised my brows and waited for him to say something.


Felix just couldn't hold his smirk after listening to the warning she gave him. 'Yeah that's my girl. Keep resisting. Your sarcasm isn't dead after all' he thought looking up at her eyes. He opened his mouth to say something but stopped. "That's a good warning but too bad but that doesn't work on me. I just wanted to check on you. Now that I have confirmed that you're safe and sound,  I'm leaving" He turned around to leave but stopped when she spoke with a hint of sarcasm and annoyance

" I didn't warn you on that. I just told you about your future. If I find you again around me, I'm gonna enjoy torturing you to the extent you beg me to kill you. Life is precious you shit head. Save yours before I play volleyball with your fucking head. And then again I'm not warning. I just happen to predict future ". Lyra said in a low voice approaching him so that only he could hear what she's saying, the corner of her lips curved up into a smirk.

"Remind me to spoon your face off the next time I see you giving me that face. It's really annoying. And don't ever try to give me that chance. Don't jump into a Spitfire knowingly. You might kill yourself. I hope you understand that".

Felix just couldn't help but smile at her fearlessness. He promised himself mentally that he would never let her go. Nodding his head in a yes, he took a last glance at her and left the library. Lyra couldn't understand if she scared him off or if he is just playing with her. Anyways he is gone so that should deadass solve the problem. She thought and glared at Eline who's standing at the counter silently.

"Was that you?" Lyra asked Eline to confirm something. "What?? ....No mam. It's totally different aspects. I don't even know who he is!!" Eline resisted shaking her head vigorously. Lyra nodded her head in acceptance and asked " Why did you call me so many times in the morning? What's wrong? " She clearly knew that Eline got the situation messed up but she just let that slide as it's her first day of work.

"What happened mam? why didn't you reply me? That's what made me so worried. I was freaking out when I saw those goons outside ". Eline enquired Lyra with concern. " Oh...my brother had a fever so I had to stay up all night. I overslept. That's all. You didn't need to make such a scene. All this madness just because I'm late..tsk tsk. Go to your work. And try to practice saying your name at the beginning of a conversation. That may help others to decrease the chance of a heart attack", walking behind the librarian desk Lyra started her daily routine shaking her head and sighing. Eline on the other hand is so embarassed that she created a mess out of nothing, started to clear her works as well.