



I finally closed the library for today and got home. I sincerely felt bad for doubting Eline. She was just trying to get away from her dad. I can understand that feeling as I've been there before. How did I ever doubt such a pure soul? Okay she lied to me...but that's another case. I sigh thinking about my dumb decisions this time.

Maybe if she didn't lie to me, we would have become somewhat better by now. I made some dinner for us and bubs started to eat without delay. He started talking about his ideas of buildings for his project while I talked about some random stuff.

"Vivi! I got an A in the test I wrote last week. Mr.Ronald said that he would get us some appreciation gifts next Monday " he said running from the dining take to his college bag at the couch to show his test paper to me. I took the sheet from his hand and scan through the sheet and said "Wow ....bubs you're getting better at this!  Remember when you said this was the toughest subject for you ?  My baby topped the class!" I tried to smile but my facial muscles lost the ability to smile long back when I was a child. But my happiness and pride was seen in my eyes as he smiled looking at me.

It became normal between us. He understands when I want to smile but can't. He quickly gets the idea and responds accordingly. Like now. I can sense that he knows I am smiling deep down in my heart. I hand over his test paper to him and stood up from the chair. He looked at me confused when I started to walk away. I walked behind the kitchen counter and grabbed the paper bag I hid inside the cupboard. Placing the bag on the table, I waited for him to open it.

As soon as he saw a container with cake inside it, his face glowed like a thousand watts bulb giving me the sweetest smile ever. "You got me cake??!!! Thankyou Vivi!!! Oh my god.. you don't know how much I love you!! This looks so cute and yummy!!" Grabbing the nearest spoon, he opened the box and took a spoonful of cake into his mouth. "I will do anything for a piece of cake. Who ever discovered cake should be awarded"

" Uh uh....don't you think you're going too far?  Awarding someone for a piece of cake? Seriously?!!" I said jokingly raising my eyebrow.

" Mm...I would live a thousand lives just to have a piece of cake! You people don't understand this love. I am in a physically romantic relationship with my cakes" stuffing his mouth another spoonful, he closed his eyes enjoying every bit of it.

I could live all my life watching him eat and talk. I adore him so much that every little thing that he does keeps me breathing. We finished our dinner with gossips and nonstop talking until he is sleepy. He literally yawned after every word he said. He looks so adorable when he wants to talk to me but he is so sleepy that he just skips some words in the middle.

"He really did say that Vivi! Can you believe it!? The famous smoker saying that smoking is not good for health.*yawns* He really seemed like he was high on alcohol. And then...teacher *yawns* said that he saw him sneaking into the *yawns* auditorium for a puff. You should have seen his face then!! *Yawns*"

"That's enough bubs you're tired. Let's get you to bed "

" I'm not sleepyyyy! I want to talk with you moooorrree!!" He whined.

" Nah..you're slurring. You need to sleep. Let's go"

" But-"

" No if's and but's. Come on" I reached out for his hand and dragged him to his bedroom. He slept as soon as he laid on his bed.

" Good night Vivi..." Mumbling half asleep he drowned in his sheets drifting to sleep. I lift my hand and tuck the lone strand of his hair sticking to his face behind his ear. "Good night bubs....I love you" I mutter to myself, watching him sleeping so peacefully like he has been brought up in a sweet and perfect household.

I sigh thinking how could god write our stories so strangely similar and painful. Our fate has been so tangled that we almost didn't make it out at sometime. We both found each other like an empty bottle and a love letter. I am an empty bottle meanwhile Leo if a sweet and cute love letter that carried all the love in this World.

I get up from the bed and left his room switching off the lights closing the door slowly behind me.

I walked towards my room and covered myself with the sheets. Thinking about all the sleepless nights I've spent in my uncle's house, I stared at the ceiling for a good 1 hour. I couldn't sleep. I turned on to my left hand and my eyes fell on the small plant Leo gifted me for my birthday. The only difference between us is that the plant is green in colour and I am just pale.

We both were lifeless. Almost at the point where we fall apart. The plant has its roots to hold onto. And I have bubs to hold onto the hope. The plant is supposed to be blooming from last month. But it not looking like it's going to bloom anytime soon. Instead, its leaves are full. Even though being watered daily, it seems to be getting lifeless day by day. It is as if I am describing myself. I scoffed at the thought and turned to sleep on my back facing the ceiling again. This time, I can finally sleep after three hours of twisting and turning. Drowing in the river of nightmares, I fell asleep when it's almost 2:12 Am.


I opened my eyes to the sound of my alarm. I have been just lying on the bed without getting off of it. I woke up half an hour before my alarm rang and I did not get good vibes. ' I guess today's not going to be good. Ugh..what does the world have for me today? What shit do I have to deal today' I get up from the bed hitting the alarm off. I got ready for the mess I have to deal today and dropped bubs at his college. I noticed some car following me since we started at our house. After dropping him off, I drive the car at full speed until I reached the highway to see if the car is following me or if it's just my insomnic mind playing with me.


Lyra drove at different speeds to confirm. She got clear picture when she drove to different places without them noticing that they're being fooled. She drove three times through the sendui-scottdale intersection not giving them a chance to take hint that they have been circling the intersection for a while now. She steered to an isolated place and stopped the car at a building and looked at the white car behind her through rear view mirror.




"I said to not follow her you idiot! Why did you do that??!!!" Eline's voice rang through the white Swift.

"She was going somewhere else instead of going to the library. I thought there's something going on and decided to follow her !!!" Ashley whispered into the phone after stopping the car behind Lyra's.

"Oh yeah!!!so you decided to follow her. So you deal with her now. Don't you dare drag me into this you asshole!! I clearly said that she may have some work at the University. She said she knows someone studying there" Eline growled into the phone from outside the library.

" Why are you saying this now!!!??? You should have told me this long back!!" Ashley said clearly tensed that Lyra might do something to him.

" Well you didn't even cared to ask me for details before you decided to take the dumbest decision ever. How is it you are the one who ruin our plan every single time!! You jerk!!"

"Atleast respect me for my position!!... Eline please save me!! I am at an isolated, remote location. She might kill me right now at this moment. I am the only son to my mother. Please save my ass from getting killed!!" Ashley cried into the phone.

Lyra watched the car behind her through the rear view mirror attentively. She waited for someone to pop out of the car and point a gun to her head. But nothing happened for the last five minutes. So, she decided to take the next step. She opened the car door and got down from her car.

"Oh my god!!! She got down the car!! I am going  to die now!! Eline please help meee!!!" He cried into his phone seeing Lyra get near his car.

"What!! she's getting closer? Oh my...I have to hang up now. She might hear my voice. I almost died yesterday. Byee assholeeyy!!! have a great day I guess" Eline hung up the call before he even opened his mouth.

He tried to text her but she texted him first saying "don't even dare to text me!! Blocking you so that I won't be in danger. You should be more responsible from next time asshh..ill tell your mom that you died a peaceful death. Take responsibility for your mistakes!! Goodbye!"

He can see the grim reaper waiting him outside his car when he was startled by the knocking on the car window. He thought that he looked into the eyes of death. He saw Lyra standing outside the car with a gun in her hand. She signalled him to lower the window glass with her hands. He moved it down hesitantly and locked his eyes with hers.

She looked at him dead in the eyes and said    " You're that bitch I knocked down at the cafe right?"

Ashley didn't even utter a word. The truth is, no sound came from his throat as his intuition is telling him to run. "I asked a question!!" she demanded with her intriguing voice piercing his body with her strong gaze.

He nodded in response. He could feel his heartbeat inside his chest pounding like a jackhammer.

" You're following me?"

Ashley nodded again in answer.

"Then why aren't you getting down your car? "

"I made a mistake mam. I'm sorry. It was not my intention to follow you" he spoke in a low voice.

"So it was not your intention to follow me, but you circled the intersection three times behind me unknowingly...right?"

He nodded vigorously.

"Open your fucking mouth. I already warned you right? I said if I see you around me again I would torture you to death. Isn't that right?"

"Yes mam"

" Then why the fuck are you doing it again?"


Seeing him not answer her question, she lost her last fragments of patience and shouted   "Why the hell have you been following me from the morning idiot!! "

With that, Ashley lost his strong man facade and broke into tears saying "I don't want to do it too!!!.....But my boss just doesn't listen to me. He warned that he would kill me if I fail to complete my mission. How can I live with both of you threatening with my life to do things completely different? You want me to stop tailing or you would kill me. He wants me to follow you or he would kill me if I don't. What am I supposed to??!!!!"

" You people are playing with me like I'm a puppet what should do now? Please mam don't kill me. Please!!"

Lyra's anger took a turn and diverted towards this boss. "I had enough of your boss shit. Time to deal with him on my own" she turned back to her car and drove towards Weston city in full throttle.

Meanwhile, Ashley can finally breathe again. He felt so stupid for crying like that infront of a woman. He cursed his day and drove to his home feeling so embarassed.


AT 8:53 AM


I drove towards Weston city main road on high speed. Cursing every idiot that interrupted my drive to assassination. I finally reached this weird ass man's house and parked my car outside the main gate. Two security guards came to the gate after noticing me.

" Who are you lady? What do you want?" One of them asked me.

"Tell your boss to come out. I have to talk to him. Sorry...I have to beat that shit head's ass and knock some sense over his stone ass brain" I fumed in anger penting up my frustration.

" Haha..you think that's a joke??" The other laughed lightly when the first one added        " What do you want woman? it's not some kind of joke. If our Boss sees you messing around, you would be dead by afternoon"

" He was the one that provoked me with his shitty ideas. Now call him before I lose my patience "

" Just leave lady! We would pretend nothing happened. Leave!"

" I said call your boss. do you think I want to do this? Call your fucking boss down here. Or Im going to break into his fucking house"

One of them tried to reach my shoulder to push me away but I grabbed his hand and flipped him onto the ground. He was heavy. But I am able to flip him as he was unaware of my strength and unprepared.

The other guard called more of them and started to shout at me to leave. I pushed him away as he tried to grab my hand creating a mess. He forced towards me lifting his hand to hit me. But I was quick to catch his actions. I bent down to avoid the punch and knocked him out by hitting on his nose so hard that he started to bleed.

He held his nose and started screaming when two bodyguards he called for arrived from nowhere. They held me by my arms and started to drag me from the gate. I lifted my left leg up and reached my hand to grab the knife. I picked up my knife from my shoe and made a slight cut on the thigh of the man on my left. It looked like a slight cut but it's deep enough that he is bleeding. He released my hand to stop the bleeding when the other man looked at him in pure horror. I hit him at his groin with my knee making him groan in pain and fall on to the ground.

I turned back to see if there was any other men to deal with and a pair of green eyes grabbed my attention. I didn't notice him coming out of his house. Maybe he came to see what's the commotion outside. There he was. Standing before me like a majestic lion with his hand in his pockets and a stupid smile on his face.

Watching me.

More like .....staring at me.