"Dad! Where are you going?" I asked my father when I noticed him coming into the hall of our old house in a rush. He walked to the wall near the TV and grabbed the pistol hung on the wall and got closer to me while taking harsh deep breaths.
"Listen sweetpie there is something going on with your uncle. You should be strong and brave in this time. Go and hide inside your bedroom. Don't come outside until I come and take you out. You got it?"
I couldn't decipher what's happening. "I heard some shooting sounds from upstairs. Where's mommy? What is happening daddy?"
"Everything is okay baby. Daddy will correct everything okay? Now go and do as I ask. Please don't come out of your room even if you hear any sounds. Just close your ears and stay where you are. Okay?"
"Okay. Come soon daddy" The little me stood up from there and started running towards my bedroom. My father pulled the slide on top of the pistol and ran upstairs. My little feet raced against each other when I heard the gun shots again. Closing my ears, I ran inside the bedroom and closed the door behind me. Crawling under the bed, I closed my eyes and ear to prevent any sound or vision. After what seemed like half an hour, I felt something like liquid flowing beneath me. I couldn't hear anything as I was closing my ears tightly. The feeling of cold liquid crawling under my stomach jolted me awake. I shot open my eyes only to see my uncle's face drowned in blood ,that I am certain it's not his, grinning ear to ear showing his teeth covered in blood.
It is a scene that could haunt you forever. Even if you try to forget it, it would return again like the night fall.
"Are you scared baby girl?" I heard my uncle say to me as he laid on him stomach on the floor in a position that he could be able to see me hiding under the bed. I somewhat got used to blood because my father being a mafia lord. But this is new. The blood beneath me flowing like a pool of water from the constant dripping. I turn my head to my right and saw a hand hanging from the edge of the bed. I couldn't see the body but based in the skin tone and the elegant gold watch wrapped around the wrist, I concluded that as my mother.
My eyes start to fill with tears after realising my mother is dead. And I knew death awaits me too. My uncle slowly reached his right hand towards me and grabbed my left arm. Dragging me out from under the bed, he held my teary face between his bloody palms. I saw my father trying to stand on his feet. He is bleeding profusely and had lot of gun shot wounds. Maybe they are not gunshots. Someone stabbed him from behind. He looked at me with such pitiful eyes that I forgot to scream.
My mind going numb of emotions as my body gave up and my vision getting blurry. The last thing I saw before losing consciousness is my uncle aiming his gun to my father's head. The deafening sound of the gun blasting reach my ears jolting me awake.
My body felt so hot and I can feel sweat dripping off me. My skin sensing that the blanket I am covering myself with and the pajama shirt I am wearing got wet with my sweat. I shot open my eyes as the ringing in my ears increase its pitch making me shut my ears tightly with my palms. The feeling inside my chest is swallowing the breaths I take. The pain and anger. Anger is making me vulnerable and pain is telling me that I am vulnerable.
I take deep breaths to satisfy my lungs and brain that I am still alive. Still alive after all that torture and pain I went through. My chest rising up and down rapidly due to the suffocating effect. After multiple deep breaths and convincing myself that I am okay, my body started to cool down and my mind got back to normal from the deathly trance.
Getting up from the bed, I straight my back sitting in the same position. The clock reading it's still 4:03Am, mocking my helplessness. I stare at the clock with a blank face, void of emotions, blinking slowly to let the peaceful reality that will not last long into my mind. Unknowingly letting out a sigh, I lay back on the bed staring at the ceiling.
'When will you stop having these nightmares? It happened 20 years ago. Its time you forget it don't you think?' I say to myself in my mind. It feels more like I am talking to another version of me. The broken version. The version where my heart is shattered to millions of pieces.
The harsh world where my childhood is crumbled down to ashes is tangled inside my mind like a web. With noway to untangle it. Like the past is dissolved in my body. There's no chance to seperate it or remove it from me. Unable to accept my bitter past, I let sleep consumed me again closing my eyes without moving any muscle in my body.
The antihistamines in sleeping pills are still running in my blood taking the control again and pulling me to its influence slowly drowning me in the pool of numbness.
I stayed in bed for few minutes after switching off the alarm that woke me up at 6:30 AM. I made a mental note depicting the list of tasks I have to to this day after waking up. Dropping leo at university, visiting the library, cooking for dinner and most importantly, going for a coffee at Twin Roses Cafe.
I got up from the bed and showered to get rid of dried up sweat from the nightmare. Or specifically to say trauma remembrance. Walked towards the washroom after folding the sheets and setting the bed. Having a good shower time, erasing any evidence of my haunting past from the dream, I tied the bathrobe on and stepped out of the shower. Drying my wet hair with the hairdryer, I stood before the wardrobe thinking about the outfit to wear.
Settling for the white puff sleeves textured blouse and high waist pink trousers, grabbed the pair and adorned myself in the dress. I braided my waist length dark black hair leaving the tiny strands of baby hair to fall on my forehead. Looking at the reflection in the mirror, I darted her eyes up and down my body scanning for any mistakes. Nodding in satisfaction, I grabbed my bag and walked out of the room.
Entering the hall, I heard leo humming from the kitchen. Tilting head in suspicion, I walked into the kitchen slowly.
"Bubs! " My voice filled with panic after seeing leo in the kitchen. Couldn't blame my instincts because everytime leo gets into kitchen, he hurts himself with his clumsiness.
" scared me" leo screamed when he heard me shout suddenly.
" I said you should not enter the kitchen. What are you doing?" He definitely scared me. I stood at the entrance of the kitchen looking at him calmly.
"Relax Vivi ! I am just making sandwiches for us. I didn't use the microwave and stove. Okay?!" Assuring me, he went back to spreading something on the bread. I think it's chocolate spread.
"I will do it. Come out " I placed the bag on the kitchen counter and got closer to him. I grabbed his hand and started dragging him out of the kitchen.
"I'm not hurt. I am doing it safely. See?" Leo stopped me and extended his hands to show that he didn't do anything that might hurt him. I looked at him calmly not saying anything and sighed. "okay. But let me help you" letting his hand free, I grabbed the bread packet along with the butter knife filled with chocolate spread. We both finished our breakfast before I made some salad for lunch. Packing the lunch boxes in our respective bags, leo switched off all the lights and fans. And I locked the door after we got out of the house while leo got seated in the car with both our bags in his lap.
I drove him to college and after bidding farewells, leo entered the university, and I started to drive towards the library. A thought spark up in my mind. I look at the rearview mirror and noticed that no one is behind me.
"Looks like someone learnt their lesson yesterday" i smirked looking at the rearview mirror. Upon reaching the library at 8:34 AM, my eyes fell on Eline at the front desk filling up a form of membership for some lady. She was asking about her details when I walked inside after parking my car.
"Wow..mam you look so pretty today" Eline said scanning me from head to toe. No wonder my skin looked so radiant when I looked at my reflection in the morning. I just nod at her while still walking towards her. She smiled brightly showing me she is happy about it. Why is she so happy?
I sat on the chair beside her after reaching the desk. She continued filling up the form with the customer's details. Asking for the lady's signature on it, Eline passed her the sheet and a pen. She looked at me smiling and said " you look so good in white mam. I think I might fall in love with you"
"Stop playing around and focus on your work Eline" she didn't seem to take me seriously because the smile never faded away from her face. I thought she would be offended by my words. Instead, she just nodded smiling brighter than earlier as she looked at me with adoring eyes. That made me feel awkward infact. I am confused. What does she even mean by that smile?
"Nothing mam" she laughs it off and took the sheet from old lady. The lady looked at me and said "She is one sweet girl you got here Ms. Marino. I will be going now. Thankyou darling" she said the first two sentences to me and drifted her eyes towards Eline and added the last part for her. I suddenly remembered about that idiot who gets on my nerves calling me darling. I served him right last night. Rubbing off the thoughts, I heard Eline speak.
"Oh don't mention granny. It was lovely meeting you please visit often" Eline grinned at the old lady and bowed a little. I can't help but think that she resembles Leo. Her way of talking, easily socialising with others and soft attitude. I was lost in my trance that I forgot I am staring at her.
"Is something wrong mam?" She pulled me out of my trance and looked at me worriedly.
" No.. nothing. You're good at your job"
" Aww is that what you think of me? That's so sweet thankyou mam"
"Save your sweetness for someone else" I stand up from my seat to get the logbook. I turn to leave but stopped in my way to the reception counter and added "And get back to work" I walk to the counter and sat on the chair opening the log book. Signing on the attendance sheet, I checked yesterday's record and saw Eline's signature beside her name with yesterday's date. 'So it's not her I saw in the pictures. Then who was it ? Nevermind. I shooed him away. They will never get in my way again. That's a relief' I thought in my mind and closed the book.
And I spent the day normally. Supervising the staff, organising the new stock, advising the students who books they need, selling some of the books and some other tasks. I asked Martin to assist me in checking the new stock of books that arrived yesterday. We walked to the basement assigning Eline to be at the front desk.
After one hour of checking, counting and writing down the data, I and Martin walked up the stairs and entered the main room of the library.
"The casualties are all finished Martin. I won't be able to be here for some days. I have some important work to take care of. Order the staff to organise the books in their relevant sections. I will inform you before I start coming back to library again. So make sure everything is perfect"
" Okay mam"
" And another thing. Is anyone suspicious coming to the library?"
" mam why?"
" Nothing. Inform me if something happens -" I stop in the midway as I heard someone arguing. It was not loud but the silence inside the library as no-one is around is helping me hear the voices.
I walk towards the entrance in confusion and saw two chaotic epitomes of clumsiness arguing over something. Eline and leo were almost talking like they are some patients escaped from the asylum. This is what happens when an idiot meets another idiot.