Chapter 08

"Is this an Island?" I curiously ask.

"Yeah an Isle." The gates to the building infront of us opens.

He walks in not even looking behind to see if I am tailing behind. A servant walks towards us. He is human I note. He greets and welcome us to Heavenly Island.

This is my first time to be on an island. I have seen beautiful like this one but never been close to one.

The buildings looks old and earthly. I follow the man and decide to ignore Conrad. I refrain myself from admiring this place too much. We walk inside the main building.

"Take her to her room I am sure she is tired. I'll be in my office." He says. I watch him as he ascend the stairs.

"He is always like that." the servant mutters.

"Always?" Surprised!

"Yes. Oh I am not supposed to say that. Please do not tell Conrad that." He pleads.

"Do not worry. I won't. Can I have a tour of this surrounding?"

"Mr Vogel will take you around. My duty is to welcome you and make sure everything is alright and well settled till you leave these premises." We walk towards an elevator door.

"How are you guys surviving here? I noticed there are so many humans even though you guys are following the precautions."

"We are all clean. Mr Vogel makes sure we are. I am sorry I can not share more details." Disappointed, I nod.

I look at the number of the floor readings. It stops at six and the elevator dings. The doors opens and we walk out. We turn around the corner and stood infront of a door with a tag that reads, Miss Andrea.

Seems like my visit was expected.

The servant who I still do not know his name flash a card on the door knob and opens it.

"Your room. You will find your luggage in there too." He waves and walk away closing the door behind him.

I look around the room. Next to the door is a bathroom. There is a bed at the center of the room. The house is well decorated with African arts in one side and the other aquatics. A television on the wall.

I pick the remote and scroll through different channels. These are channels which earth people control but under the supervision of the mars people. I am not in the mood so I switch it off.

I spot my bag next to the nightstand. Quickly I open it and make sure no one has opened it. I sigh when everything is well. I put down my laptop which was still on my hand.

Did I carry this laptop all that time?

I make a mental note to call the twins and then Terrence. Taking my lucky disc I place it beneath the laptop. Incase someone else comes snooping around.

I head to the shower. The room smells nice. Everything is white or silver. Next to me is the sink which has the shampoos. I open the tap and splash water on my face.

The feel of the cold water on my face makes me takes my clothes off. I prepare my bubble bath while naked and dip in. If I could have a drink next to me I will feel how those actors on television feel.

People used to wonder why we are rich but do not act like one. I don't know why but there is a reason. My Ma and Dad brought us up that way. The only thing we get to use without a problem is the amount of food we ate.

My friends did not know that my Ma was an astronaut till the day I found a photo of my Ma. At first I also thought it was photoshopped but when I opened the boxes which were hidden I found more evidence.

That was the first day I got beaten by my Ma. I wonder how people survive the canes. I cursed that day. Not only did I get strokes, my Ma and Dad did not talk to me for a week.

I was like a stranger in the house. They served food and put it on table for us all to eat. I got my usual pocket money. I got the same amount of kisses. I got everything like the twins except one. Parent-child bonding.

Someone is knocking at the door causing me to startle. I clean up and put on my rob.

"Who is it?" I ask standing outside the bathroom door.

"Robert." The familiar voice answers.

"How may I help you?"

"Mr Vogel is requesting your presence in the dining room."

"Oh okay. I'll be there." He gives me the direction and I thank him.

I put on my clothes and head to the dining room which Robert directed me.

I can hear the sound of my shoes as they come into contact with the clean and shiny floor. These people know how to keep clean. I am even afraid I am destroying their hardwork.

I stop infront of a mass of people sitting. Well this is unexpected. I thought it would be only me and him.

All eyes are on me. I feel naked. My head turns to Conrad who is sitting at the other end. His emerald eyes are digging deep on my skin. I feel them on my stomach. I wish I had put on a jacket or maybe a dress instead of this. I rest my hands on my stomach breaking the spell

"What did I tell you?" I ignore him and scan around the room for an open seat apart from the one next to him.

I sit next to the man with no name. I am not afraid to mingle with other earthicans since I see them close to each other.

"Hey." I greet them and take the sit. All eyes are on me now.

I ignore them and turn to the man next to me. "Are we waiting for someone or something?"

"We were waiting for you miss." He says his eyes on the empty plate.

"I am now here. Lets eat." I pick my plate and serve myself the rice next to me.

"Can you pass me that? It's long that I don't remember how fish meat tastes like." The woman on my other side hesitate before passing the bowl.

I look at Conrad and notice his eyes and other earthlings are on me. The tables were made as a one table but it seems like different groups.

"I thought you guys were waiting for me." I start with the meat.

With my peripheral view I see Conrad picking a bowl and serve himself.

Did I break another rule?

I think loud for Conrad only to hear. Since others are earth people. He eyes me and focus back on his plate.

Light conversation starts. I listen to them conversing with each other. I notice there are no children around.

"Are there no kids here?" Yup, My curiosity and talking mouth will put me in deep trouble.

"They are asleep." The man said. I think he is the one who introduced himself as Robert when I was enjoying my bath earlier.

"So.. under which department are you guys on?" I ask again. I should stop questioning the nervous man. I know. I just can't help myself.

"We are in neither."