Chapter 12

He looks deep in thoughts. I don't know what his answer will be but I am hoping it's a positive response.

I am scared. My hands and legs are shaking. Is this fate? Do we have to go through all this? Or maybe it's the end time?

"I've been thinking about it." He pause. All my senses alert ready to receive the news.

"I know how we were discovered." He says. I frown at him. Here I was waiting for a different news only to hear about something else.

"You can just say you can't help. I will understand." I tell him.

"You have the tracker in your thighs and I think they were using it." He says not even listening to what I have been saying.

"I'll go call Terrence to help me remove it." He says walking towards the door.

"Are you crazy? If you take it out I will be hunted down and risk my life and my friends and family. I have already put their lives in danger. Take me back please. I promised my parents and Aunt Chantel that I'll take care of my siblings and save the world. "

He looks at me and turns to the door and walks out. Just like that! I don't know if I can handle this man anymore. He turns all sweet and gentleman the next he acts like he wants me then all of a sudden he is heartless.

I place my hand on the stamp on my thigh. I never liked tattoos but with this one no one had a say. Heck! we have no say in everything.

I remember that day like it was yesterday. It was all over spoken of. Radios, televisions and people's mouths. Songs were made about the U-virus and what the aliens needed. We all knew it was our only way to survive. Must of us searched for a different way but we all failed. No one knew what it was, the signs and symptoms were confusing and if treated the person died.

It was scary. Two weeks after millions of people were infected and others were dying in large digits. Mourns, wails and stench of dead bodies had replaced the joyful laughters, the happy aura and the sweet aromas.

We were huddled in our homes. We slept with masks and gloves on. We were happy when the aliens gave us hope.

Sadly ma and pa got infected and died. We weren't even able to get a decent burial. The rules were that the infected must be burnt. Aunt Chantel was there with us and our cousin Diva Mallory. We comforted each other.

We did tests for one to be marked and added to the system. After that the qualified were taken to the basement which was the area where everyone is safe and living like a normal life.

Mars Basement mostly known as Basement is where millions of people in each continent now lives. Though they don't get the freedom like before they work, fed and have the technology that keeps them busy. Also they are allowed to move around without suffocating masks.

I was there before but not for long because I passed all the tests and was hired to work for America Mars ICT department. It was a lifetime opportunity. I was happy when I found out my little twins were hired too. People were jealous about us. Most wanted to be us.

"Promise me that you will look after your siblings and you will not give up on saving the world." Those were the last words from Aunt Chantel. The only living relative we were left with. But after the death of ma and pa she seemed to have gone crazy.

The following morning we woke up and she and Diva were not in the house. We searched everywhere before the government declared them dead. Michael told us they were not, but where was the prove? Upto now Michael still believes they are alive somewhere out there. But the question is where?

I had gone through the system searching for them but they weren't. That meant they were not qualified and the chance of surviving was zero percent. No one could stay out of the basement without food and water and if they did where would they be hiding since the aliens technology could detect a breathing earthling even if they were ten feet deeper.

"Rea?" I turn my head and look at Ryse and Conrad.

"What!" I snap. Ryse flinch from my tone. Conrad walks towards me. I drop my eyes to my shoes on the floor.

"You need to understand Rea. If they are tracking you how will you be able to save your planet. We need to work together and find the cause of all this."

"They will still know where I am." Doesn't he know how his technology works.

"Not if you bear the Prince's tattoo." Ryse tells me. That was definitely something I will not try again. That thing hurts worse than my period pains. My whole body trembled because of the pain it caused.

"No I am... wait did you say prince? I didn't know you have that. So who is the Prince. You guys never told us that."

"I am the prince." Conrad tells me like it's a normal thing.

"Oh! Still I don't want to go through the same pain." Even the heroes are afraid of something, Aunt Chantel had told me. I am not sure if I fit to be a heroine.

"I will mark you myself. I'll make sure the pain is bearable."

"Why are you doing this? You work there and here. Who are you really? What are your motives?" I need to know answers to these questions.

"I will tell you one day. It's not like I don't trust you but I don't trust them with you." Just great!

"Ryse you can go back to sleep. I can manage now." He says with a smile on his face.

Ryse instead of going out, she walks to me and hugs me and whisper, "He means well. Try and trust him. You are our only hope."

She has just confused me. What did she meant by that? I look at her back as she walks out and the door closes.

"Shall we start?" Conrad asks placing the small bag which Ryse had handed it to him.

"Start what." I am more than just scared.

"Me marking you." My dirty mind can't help itself causing a shiver down my spine.

Help me God

"I can make it not to hurt. You won't even register what is happening till am done." He says a small smile playing on his handsome face. I want to place my fingers on those deep dimples.

"Are you going to dose me?"

"No... this is different. Only if you don't want to feel the pain but you can change your mind." He is busy shuffling with somethings inside the bag that I can't see from this side.

"What is it then? Does it involve pain too?"

"It involves pleasure. You need to be sexually stimulated." He looks at me am sure to catch my reaction.

"Isn't there any other way?"

"If there is something, Does food gives you pleasure? We can go with that." Haha not funny.

"Can you umm...sedate me or something?"

"For this to work it needs your blood pumping fast. Either with pain or pleasure."