Chapter 19

"We should go." Grace press on. I shake my hand from her grip. I have my reasons for staying but she won't understand.

Someone wants either Conrad or I dead. I hope it's none but I know its the latter. Am their target. I seem to be a magnet to these aliens.

I hear the door opening and I know someone is coming. I think Grace contacted George. I don't turn, my eyes focusing on the dark figure on the other side of the building. He retrieves the gadget and look around. His head turning to our direction.

I drop down and Grace with me out of reflex. Grace groans but I don't bother checking on her. I know she is not that hurt for a Mars person.

"What is going on? Are you alright?" I hear George ask.

"Down! Now!" I shout at him. I hope the alien on the other building won't hear what I just said. I hear George dropping down. Nice one Rea.

"Lets go." I say tapping Grace and we crawl to where George is. With the time we had stayed down, even if the guy suspected anything he will give up but I know he will be looking for movements with his peripheral view.

"What happened, Rea? Are you alright?" Conrad asks. He places his hands on my shoulders. I shrug his hands away and move from him. He looks at me quizzically.

"My name is Patience Andrea Sana, Sir." I tell him with a serious face and tone. I look at him and he looks torn almost close to tears. Good job faking that. He takes down his hand on the back of his neck.

"What did I tell you about blocking me?" He furiously asks. Quickly I unblock my mind.

If it helps you sleep at night. I snort on my thoughts.

Grace and George looks between us. Conrad doesn't seem to mind them. "I blocked because of... I won't block again, Sir."

He looks irritated by the name. You want it you'll get it. Two can play the game. I walk to the couch and sit down. Grace sits next to me and George sits next to her.

"What had happened there, love?" George asks Grace holding her tight.

"I don't know much. We saw Mr Vogel bodyguard and thats all I know. He had spyglass with him and a fire gun infront of him. Patience forced me to go down and we crawl back. Oh! I forgot to tell you that she was the one who saw him first." Grace narrates.

"What else did you see, Rea?" George asks me. All eyes turn to me anticipating my side of the story.

"I should go back to my apartment. If I die no one will bother coming after my family. Only my family will cry when I die but its better than putting their lives in danger. Take care guys." I tell George and Grace and kiss their foreheads and walk back to Conrad room. Ignoring his glare.

I head to my suitcase and pick it up. I start dragging it when a hand stops me. I try to snatch my hand from him. I don't have to look to know who this person is.

"Please don't do this. We'll figure something out." I don't bother looking at him.

"You can do whatever you want, just let me go. I won't kill you and I won't seduce George. Your mother and sister are alive but no one knows where they are." I tell him and untangle my hand from his grip. Am surprised I didn't use much energy.

Cold lips are smashed on my lips. I loose balance on my suitcase. He moves his lips but I don't respond. He moves me closer to him that I can feel his erection. I moan and he takes that chance to use his tongue. My body betrays me.

I hold him tight to me. This kiss is different from the kiss I had started. Our lips fighting for more. My body shivers with need. My hands angling Conrad for more. He doesn't decline.

My body softly drops to the soft mattress. Before I can even move, Conrad is right on top of me. His lips back on mine. I wrap my legs on his back. I can feel his erection right where I want him.

His lips have left my lips and are now on my neck. "Conrad please." I thrust upwards earning a deep groan from him. He hold my hips back.

He moves downwards. His lips lick, nib and suck on my perky nipples. I feel more moisture as my groin tightens. I try not to climax.

He removes my pants with undergarments and leave me bare. My punani vulnerable to his eyes. I shift when I feel a breeze on my clit.

"Grant...please." I moan my hand moves to his head as he licks and lap my clit. I push my back to meet with his sinful mouth.

My body still tingling after the orgasm. Conrad has gathered me in his arms. The sweet smell of his cologne makes me to stick on his chest.

Oh my God! My pussy got licked.

Conrad body trembles and he groans. He curses lowly. I tilt my head and look at him. His eyes closed, teeth clenched.

He snaps them open when I place my finger on his lips. I trace the outline of his lips. His pupils dilated. Eyes filled with ranging need and desire.

"You should have some sleep. The sun will soon rise." He says placing me carefully on the pillow.

"What about you?" He shakes his head. "I can help you." I offer. I don't know why am reacting this way. But I can't control what my body wants after getting that awesome climax.

"Don't. If I loose the thin control I have I won't stop myself from milking inside your womb. It hurts but I know your not ready. Even my body knows that. Block me only if you thinking about what happened. I know you will just like I will." He stands up.

I look at his strained erection. I notice his trouser wet at the tip of his erection. "I wasn't talking about sex. I can give you a blowjob. Have never done it before but I can try."

I rub my thighs together adding pressure to the already throbbing clit. Conrad groans his eyes where my punani is under the covers now. I open my legs wide and I see him sniff the air with a groan.

After sometime he shakes his head and unclench his fist. "What is blowjob?" Hold on! Is this guy really serious.

"Umm...its... I put your... umm... manhood on my lips and suck it just like how you did to me... you don't know what blowjob is for real?" His eyes darken but he stays rooted.

"No. In Mars we are only told of the penetration and how to be careful and the kiss and massaging of breasts will make a woman ready and when they reach the peak and what to do after. I only know that. You earth people have different ways perhaps."

I am surprised he doesn't see earth people pathetic like before. My eyes goes to his erection and its huge. I wonder how it really looks like. I have seen photos of naked people but never saw one this close.

"I can teach you."