Chapter 27

Sometimes you just needs the answer and move on but when you have to wait to get answers... well that is something else. Everyone has a secret of their own and it'll be hypocritical demanding for theirs when I keep mine deep within.

When I was young I used to question ma and pa and Aunt Chantel about why am differently. The answer I received from both of them was a dodge. They made me wait to get the answers but they never did give them.

"The name King. Is it another secret thing that am not supposed to know?" Impatiently I ask. He shakes his head and sigh deeply.

"Its because I am one."

"So, King is name number what?" Our eyes meet as he gives me the answer I never expected.

"I am the ruler of our planet. Fisherburne is my beta and Coen is the head of the council of my pod." I look at him perplexed.

"Did I just heard correct or there is something blocking my hearing? Isn't this planet huge?"

"No, you heard me correct. I am the king of this whole planet. In each pod I have a gama who reports things to Fisherburne before they pass to me. A king and beta earn the titles through inheriting them. The gama are choosen or voted by the people of that area."

Am speechless for some moments before I regain control. "Thats nice, I guess. Right?

"Not really. It has a huge responsibilities. Like not ruling without producing an heir. Some tasks are also not easy like the current situation in your planet." He tells me.

"Is that why you are with Mia? Are you guys like couples or anything?" The questions are out of my mouth before I can even hold them back.

"Something like that. An heir cannot be born out of wedlock." If they are married do they even get divorced.

"Why do we share this connection if you are married? This is not fair to your wife!" I exclaim. "What if she finds out? People finds out?"

He pulls me to him and hugs me so tight. "They won't take you away from me Rea. You are mine body and soul. Just like how I am to you." His lips touch mine.

They are soft and cold as they sought mine. Ferociously and passionate he kisses me and my body goes all fuzzy wuzzy. Am sure if we weren't seating and Conrad isn't holding me am definitely sure I would have fallen on the ground.

My hands reach his hair. Deepening the kiss not ready to let go. Conrad groans and pulls me even closer to him if that is possible.

"I want you." He mumbles breaking the kiss but he doesn't stop leaving burning trail of kisses on my shoulder and neck. He use my soft spot making me wiggle. More moisture seep through my pussy.

"Please enough of this sweet torture. Have me already. I-" His lips are back on mine. I feel his desire, passion and... love into the kiss. He moves lower while I wanted him higher. I groan.

He eats my punani so good. I almost lost count of how many times I orgasm with his skilful mouth and fingers.

"Did I ever told you how good you taste?" I nod vigorously. "My body is trembling because I want you so bad. Thought I'd tease you but I guess the impact got me too." He chuckles.

He coo as I feel his manpole stretching my insides. I expect him to move but he is still. I clench my already stretched insides. "God woman! I just want to enjoy the feel of you milking me. Your so tight and if you keep doing that, this might end before we start."

"We have all-night." I whisper. Slowly he starts moving in and out. My toes curl needing more, wanting more.

"Is it true that one Mars year has 682 Earth days, or was that a scientific lie?" I am currently laying on his chest. Still exhausted from our previous sessions. If Conrad is right about being a virgin then his libido is either too active or that is the nature of Mars people.

"Its the truth." He mutters smoothing my hair from my face. "I want you to be my queen, Rea."


"I want everyone to know how much you affect me. How much I want you so bad everytime I set my eyes on you. And that you are my other half. I want it so bad but we need to be conscious of what will happen."

I lift my head and look at him. "When am I meeting the council? And what about the DNA test?" I ask.

"The test is tomorrow morning and in the evening the council will be here. Grace will be with you all the time. If you are not comfortable around Mia let me know. She already knows I have feelings for you. I guess am bad at hiding my feelings for you. Lord knows how much I don't want to hide them."

I sigh and nuzzles on his neck. "If you keep doing that one of us may not be able to walk tomorrow." He pecks on my lips and gets off the bed.

He walks back in with a red bag and places it on the bed. "Open it." I eye him. I elongate my arms and drag it to my side all this time Conrad's eyes don't even blink.

"Are these mine?" I ask. He nods and I hug him tight to me. "Thank you. I think you deserve a proper gratitude." I give him my best seductive look.

He chuckles and I frown at him. "You are a naughty one." Well that was a relief. I hope he didn't read my mind.

"I just did. You are hard not to want to read your mind. Put those away for now. I just want you all to myself before the council destroys my mood."

I wake up to Conrad eyes on me with a big grin. "Am I drooling? Did I snore?" I ask my hand trying to find the drool.

"I keep falling harder and deeper inlove with you." He murmurs. "I would love to wake you up nicely but we need to get ready for your test."

"Oh! You slept here. What will happen to you if your wife finds out?" I admit that am abit jealous of Mia.

"I told her where I'll be spending my night and besides we don't share same room. We have no intimate interaction except for few kisses infront of people and they were all just pecks. You can read my mind if you want." He says and I believe him.

"Before we get to the shower I need to teach you something." He smirks and I narrow my eyes at him.

"What are you going to teach me?" He forces me to stand and I realizes that we both are still naked. "Its something you'll need to know incase we don't get time together before we meet the council."