Trust Me

***The same night***

Domi was helping Princess change into her night gown.

"My Lady, are you going to meet His Highness tomorrow?" Domi looked at Ignis through the mirror in front. "We will need to find out what they are thinking"

Ignis nodded "I will ask Albert to book an appointment in the morning".

"Can't you just go directly to his chamber in the morning? The maids were saying that he wakes up pretty early. I am sure he can spare a few minutes to hear you."

"That would be too improper" Ignis shook her head and let out a sigh. "There are too many people keeping an eye on me in this palace. As we are not yet married, this will be taken as lack of decorum by the Nobles. We need to follow the proper protocol"

Domi muttered something incomprehensible under her breath. It sounded like she was cursing the Nobles. Ignis was never comfortable with people cursing loudly so she ignored it.

"Can I suggest you something?" when Ignis nodded, Domi asked. "Since you have already decided to take this marriage seriously, how about making a move on the King now?" Ignis looked dumbfounded but didn't say anything, so Domi continued. "I am asking you to seduce His Highness. I can teach you a few tricks. You do not have to hit the target just yet, but you know ... you can start exploring each other slowly. Not that I mind if you go all the way. It's high time for you - "

"Domi" Ignis said, clearly looking vexed. "Are you suggesting that to right the wrong that you did while intoxicated, I go and frolic the King to win some favor?"

Domi sealed her lips. She knew one more word from her mouth and she will be sleeping in the stables tonight.

Just then the guards announced the arrival of the King followed by a knock.

Ignis was surprised by the sudden visit of the King, this late at night. She asked the guard to wait for a min. She quickly draped the shawl over her shoulder and asked Domi to open the door.

Domi got annoyed "Why is it that he can visit you anytime but you cannot?"

Ignis shot her a look and mouthed "Get out". Domi opened the door and moved out.

The King entered, looking as radiant as always. Ignis quickly ushered him to the sofa. Many questions kept popping in her mind in quick succession. Why is he here now? Does he want to start the negotiation again? If he does, why is he here in his pajamas? Why do the pajamas need to be so thin and revealing? 

Domi has messed up my brain. Ignis groaned internally.

"I hope I didn't disturb you Princess" he asked after settling on the sofa.

"Oh no, not at all, Your Majesty" she quickly shook her head. "You can just summon me whenever you want. You don't need to make trips to the guest quarters."

The talk she had with Domi kept echoing in her head. Ignis tried her best to fix her eyes on his face. But they would slip sometimes below, at his open neck and chest.

It looks like I am getting seduced here.

"That's fine Princess. I ... wanted to know if you have any meeting tomorrow post lunch"

"No, Your Majesty, I do not have any work, post lunch." she answered after pondering for sometime.

"Perfect!" he clapped his hand. "The thing is, after every month or two, I inspect a few areas, to keep a close eye on the developments of the City. Since you will be the Queen in the near future, it will be beneficial for you to know about the people and culture of the Aqua Land. I would like you to join me tomorrow. Can you spare some time?"

Even though the reason for taking her with him was understandable, the slight hesitation felt like he was asking her to spend time with him.

"O-Of course Your Majesty! It would be my honor to accompany you." Ignis replied, much more enthusiastically than needed. 

"That's great then" he smiled. Ignis felt that the King wanted to say something more but he kept quiet. The only sound in the room was crackling of fire in the hearth beside them and her own heartbeat.

"Did Sir Aldo say something to you?" she broke the silence first, steering the course to some serious issue.

Adrian smirked and slowly nodded.

"He told me about a vault as big as my palace, where you have stored all kinds of valuables"

"Although I do have a vault, it is not that big. Domi must have exaggerated" Ignis thought of giving him a smile of assurance but something told her that he will not believe it, so she didn't and maintained a calm poise.

"I see. He also told me about all your transactions going through a web of different transactions. I am sure you are not embezzling the money. But, may I know why go through such length? Just to hide from your Father?"

"I must applaud Sir Aldo for finding my ways to do transactions in a short time" Ignis smiled, impressed. "But, allow me to assure you, Your Highness, none of the money that I have earned was by immoral means. Every penny is the result of my endless efforts.

"The transaction web was not just created to hide my money from my Father but also because there are few to none businessmen who would get into any business with a woman. You can be a Princess or a Queen, but, you still need to go through your father or husband for making any transaction. To hide my identity, not just as a Princess but also as a woman, I had to create this complex system. If Your Highness or Sir Aldo still harbor any doubt, I am fine to disclose some of my recent deals".

"I have, long back, decided to trust you Princess. I do not need any kind of evidence. But, in future, there might come a time when people will ask you to explain such things, you must stay ready with the evidence"

Adrian rubbed the back of his neck.

"Of course, I will not let such a situation occur. Also, do not worry about Aldo, he is stubborn and tends to follow his own heart, but he will never go against me. I have stopped him from digging more about you. You can rest assured, Aldo won't cause any problems for you. I hope you can trust me on that."

"About Sir Aldo, I will meet him and explain my circumstances. I am sure he will understand" Ignis nervously squeezed and relaxed her left hand with the right.

Adrian patted her hands gently.

"Yes you do that. If ever you have any concerns regarding management or administration and you cannot find me, feel free to reach out to Aldo" 

With that he got up.

"I should leave you to rest then. I will meet you outside the Great Hall after lunch" he started walking towards the door.

"Adrian" Ignis called him. Adrian stopped at the door and turned to face her.

"I ... I trust you too... really" she said straightening her nervous shoulders.

A smile formed on his face. He simply nodded and left the room.

"His Highness went with a big smile. Did you actually seduce him?" Domi entered with a smug smile and some snacks, pointing a thumb towards the door.

She was instantly hit by a flying pillow.