I wanna be lady Linda's assistant

*Lina's pov*

I stood at the door staring at the most gorgeous man in the world. As I gazed into his eyes, I couldn't look away. His eyes were captivating, by far the most attractive feature in his darkly handsome face.

His hair moved in the wind as if it felt the need to add an exclamation point to his cuteness. Daniel wore a casual outfit, and that made him even more handsome than before.

"Hey," he said and smiled. His smile was like a sudden beam of sunlight illuminating the darkest corners of the room. I stood there gawking, unable to look away.

"Aren't you gonna invite me in?" he asked, breaking me out of my trance. I looked around only to realize that we were still standing at the door. "Oh, sorry. Come in," I said in embarrassment.

He hummed and walked inside. I followed closely behind him as he made his way to the couch. "Where do you think you're going?" asked Bella with crossed arms.

Before I had the chance to speak up for Daniel, he said "I'm going to sit down" and then he sat down elegantly on the sofa.

Bella was furious and stomped her foot. "You're not welcome here, and definitely not welcome to eat out of my delicious macaroni," she said, and angrily stormed to the kitchen.

I couldn't help but burst out laughing, "hahaha," when she said she cooks delicious macaroni, "ANGELINA!" she screamed like she had been electrocuted from the kitchen. That made Daniel and i laugh really hard. She's such a baby!

"What are you doing here?" I asked Daniel as I sat down on the sofa opposite him.

"I called you this morning, and you didn't pick up my calls, so I decided to come check on you," he said, handing me a shopping bag. "Here, I got this for you."

"Awww, you shouldn't have. It's just coming to check on me. You shouldn't have brought a gift," I said, taking the bag from him and placing it on the table.

"Why didn't you bring one for me?" Bella asked, coming out of the kitchen with a disappointed look on her face.

"Who said I didn't bring you one?" he asked, bringing out another bag from the back of the sofa. I don't know when he and bella made up, but it's good they did.

"I thought you wouldn't, I would have chased you out," she said. Shouldn't she be thankful that he brought her something? God, this girl!

She nodded slightly. "Thank you," she said, took the bag from him, and left. Now it was just the both of us in the living room.

"Where you headed out just now?" he asked, now facing me.

I raised my head to his face, and my eyes met a pair of golden eyes. I stared at his face, transfixed, unable to look away or answer his questions. He coughed, "ahem," breaking me out of my trance.

"Oh yeah... yeah, I was," I said with a face flushed red with embarrassment.

"Where to? Let's go, I'll drop you off," he said.

I lowered my head and said shyly, "Ummm... actually, I don't have a destination in mind."

He raised his eyebrows slightly "huh?"

"I'm going out to look for a job, soooooo..." I trailed off.

He suddenly laughed. Huh, what's so funny? I asked myself. "Sorry about that..." he apologized. I hummed in dissatisfaction. "Okay, so you're going out to look for a job with no destination in mind," he continued.

"Yeah, so what's funny about that?" I asked in irritation.

"Of course it's funny, babe. You can't just roam around the street with no destination in search of a job," he stated matter-of-factly.

"I know, but it's no big deal. I'll come back home when I can't find anything," I replied.

"You don't need to find a job, I'll give you a job," he said.

I was taken aback for a moment. "You'll give me a job?" I asked, looking quite shocked. Now that I think about it, I don't know the kind of work he does.

"Yes, where do you wanna work?" he asked indifferently, like someone who owns the world, as if the world revolves around him, he is so arrogant.

"I want to be an assistant to a celebrity, a celebrity like Lady Linda," I joked. Lady Linda is one of the most popular musicians worldwide; she is my role model.

"Really?" he asked.

"Yes," I said. I know he can't just make me Lady Linda's assistant out of the blue. I guess he's just trying to be cool. And I'm sure even he would wanna be her assistant.

L.L. is the best in the world; who would miss the opportunity to be her assistant? Definitely not me.