What the flying fuck

Lina was called to lady Linda's office as soon she entered the company, "Angelina Williams.. come to LLs office right now" she was just about to sit on her chair when she heard her name being called

"What did you do?" Sofia asked worriedly.

"Girl, I don't know. Maybe it's because I came late," she sighed.

"I also came late, but I wasn't called," Sofia said with a quizzical expression.

"Maybe I'm being called for something else then" she said

Lina grabbed her phone and walked out of the HR department. She went straight into the elevator and pressed the 20th floor, ignoring everyone's pitiful gaze towards her.

It's not like she is going to be reincarnated.

Lina stepped out of the elevator and slowly walked to the door. She became more and more restless in her heart as she was getting closer to the door. She took a deep breath before pushing the door open without knocking.

The door opened wide, and she walked in, only to be greeted by an empty room. "Huh, where on earth is she?" She looked around the room, searching everywhere with her eyes but didn't see a sign of anyone.

She started admiring the decorations. "Hmm, Linda does have great taste," she said, smiling.

Lina's gaze fell on Linda's desk. "Oh, wow, how come I didn't see how beautiful this table was?" She smiled indulgently and walked to the desk. She trailed a finger across the table. "Uau, so smooth," she said, giggling.

Lina sat on the office chair with her long legs crossed. She furrowed her brows and leaned in the chair lazily. "I want you to bring me all the files," she suddenly burst out laughing. "Damn, I sound like the boss..."

She went to fetch water for herself and sat back on the chair. Just as she was about to drink, Linda and her assistant walked in. "WHAT THE FLYING FUCK?"

Lina was startled and jerked up from the chair, causing all the water to pour on her body. Her face turned red and pale. "I'm sorry, I..." Before she could finish her sentence, Linda slapped her hard across the face. *pah*

"Ahhh," Lina fell to the ground, her cheeks wet with tears.

"How dare you, low-life bitch..." she yelled and pulled Lina by the hair, dragging her across the cold floor. "You wimpy piece of shit, I'ma turn you into a fucking castrate," she roughly pushed her out of the office.

Linda walked up to her and kicked her in the lower abdomen. "Please," Lina cried out in pain.

"You think just because you came with the CEO, you're free to do anything you want, huh?" she asked, her chest heaving up and down as she spoke with difficulty.

"Pl...please forgive...me...me," Lina begged as she curled up by the door.

"You still have the mouth to talk...," she asked and walked up to her arrogantly. "Hold her up for me," she ordered. Mary walked up to Lina and pulled her up by her hair, holding both her hands behind her. "Ahhh... it hurts," Lina cried out.

A slap hit Linas' right cheek, causing her legs to go limp. She would have fallen if Mary wasn't holding onto her tightly.

She hadn't had the chance to look up when another slap hit the left one. "Ahhh"

Linda continued to slap Lina across the face until her hands ached.

"This will teach you a lesson," Linda said before walking back to her office. "This office is so dirty... MARY!" she screamed. Mary pushed Lina to the ground and ran straight to the office. "Yes, sis?" she asked as she walked towards Linda. "What do you want?"

"I want you to change everything she touched with her filthy self in this office."

Mary was suddenly at a loss. "But I wasn't there. I don't know what she touched and what she didn't."

Linda glared at Mary and asked sternly with a cold voice, "Do you want me to sit on the chair she sat down on?"

Mary quickly shook her head, "No... no... you might fall sick."

Linda gave her a look again. "Then change everything."

"But that would cost a lot of money."

"Get the fuck out of my office and do as I tell you," Linda yelled in frustration.

Mary was stunned, she hurried away from the office. As soon as she opened the door, she saw Lina limping to the elevator, so she walked towards her arrogantly.

Her lips curled slightly. "LL really pitied you. You can still walk. If I were the one, you would have ended up with a dislocated jaw, a broken nose, and a broken leg," she said and walked past Lina going straight into the elevator.

Lina waited for the elevator to go down, and waited for it to come up. Before entering, she placed her right hand on her flat tummy and used the left one to press the 5th floor.

Her knees went weak as she fell down with a loud thud. "Ahh," she winced in pain when she hit her butt hard on the floor.


The elevator doors opened at the HR department floor, and Lina limped out. As soon as she stepped foot out of the elevator, everyone gasped, looking at her with pity. "Oh, poor child, her second day at work and she was already beaten like a pulp," her colleagues surrounded her, staring at her pitifully.

Sofia was sitting on her chair playing with her phone when she heard the commotion at the door. She walked there and pushed her way through the crowd. "BLOODY HELL!" she screamed.

Her gaze landed on Lina in the middle of the crowd. She hurriedly moved to her side and touched her swollen cheek. "Ouch," Lina winced in pain. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry. Did that lady bitch do this to you?" Sofia asked angrily.

"Its okay" Lina said weakly

"Hey, wait here," Sofia said and ran back to Lina's desk. She picked up Lina's bag from the table and looked around to see if she was missing any of Lina's stuff before running back to the elevator.

"Hey, let me take you home," Sofia helped Lina into the elevator. The receptionist at the lobby was shocked when she saw Lina being helped out of the elevator. "Oh my god, what happened?" she exclaimed while walking towards them. "Go ask that bitch LL," Sofia stated angrily.

The receptionist gasped and covered her mouth with her palm. "Did LL really do this to her?" she asked.

"Who else, if not her?" Sofia asked, raising her eyebrows.

The receptionist widened her eyes in shock; she was speechless. How could a goddess beat someone like this?

She sighed and walked back to her seat. Staring at Lina being helped into the taxi. She couldn't help but sigh in her heart.