we have a visitor

while, on the other hand, Linda was getting the opposite of the rumors. She was curled up on the cold tile, her hand wrapped around her body as she kept shivering with fear.

Her pretty face was covered with bruises as her tears kept pouring down like rain. "Cough, cough," she spat out a mouthful of blood as she coughed and crawled under her desk, shivering in fear.

Daniel's eyes burned with intense hatred as he stared at her, his lips tightly pressed together. He took a slow but steady step towards the curled-up Linda and pulled her out of her desk roughly. "The next time you touch Lina, I swear I'll feed you to the crocodiles," he threatened and threw her mercilessly to the ground, treating her like a piece of shit.

Linda fell to the ground with a loud thud. She winced in pain as her butt hit the ground hard.

Daniel stepped out of the office, like someone who didn't just hit a lady. he straightened the wrinkles on his suit, and ran his hands through his hair as he walked steadily towards his private elevator that leads to the underground parking lot.

"Drive," he ordered coldly as soon as he got into his car. His assistant ignited the car's engine with shaky hands and immediately drove off.

He knew his boss was not In a good mood, and if he made a mistake he could end up getting fired

He pulled up in front of Lina's apartment in five minutes due to the speed; all he wanted was not to be in the same car with Mr. Viggo.

And Daniel, on the other hand, couldn't care less. He got out of the car and strode towards the building.

Lina had just come out of the room and was heading towards the kitchen when she heard the doorbell ringing. "I'll get it," she informed the girls before walking towards the door.

She opened the door and was pulled into a hug by the man standing outside the door.

Lina's eyes widened in surprise. She hadn't had the chance to see the person's face before she was hugged.

She tried pushing him away, but he was too strong. On top of that, she had injuries. "Hsssss," she hissed as she pulled at her wound.

It was only then that Daniel pulled away from her. "It's me, baby," he said and looked down at her, smiling.

Lina glanced up at him for a brief moment before smiling back at him. "You scared me," she said and took a step back away from Daniel, staring straight ahead to see if his assistant came with him.

Lina invited him in and closed the door behind her.

Daniel walked into the living room and met Sofia and Bella seated on the couch, talking seriously while facing each other.

He coughed lightly, "ahem," trying to get their attention, but they were too engrossed in their talking to even hear him cough.

"Y'all, quite the chit-chat! we have a visitor," yelled Lina as she walked towards the girls, pulling them apart.

"Are you going to break my arm now?" Bella asked angrily. She folded her arms over her chest, glaring at Lina.

Sofia on the other hand couldn't move a inch she stood in front of the couch like a statue, staring wide-eyed at the man who was standing right in front of her. "M-Mr. Pr... Pre... President," she stammered feeling jelly all over.

Bella couldn't help but be surprised she stare at Sofia and asked. "Mr. What now?"

"Mr. President, dummy," repeated Lina.

"Why on earth would she call him Mr. President?" she asked puzzled.

"Be-because h...h-he is the CEO," Sofia stammered after finding her voice. She still couldn't believe the great Daniel Viggo and the mighty CEO of blackwood enterprises was in Lina's house.

Lina couldn't stop herself from laughing she turned to look at Daniel, and their eyes met, Daniel's face turned black immediately.

Lina saw the flames of hatred burning in Daniel's eyes, and her smile froze. She stared at him with fear in her eyes, wondering what she did wrong. "Is it because of Sofia?" she thought. "Wait, did I say something wrong?" she asked herself.

Daniel's gaze was fixed on Lina's face. The more he looked at her, the colder he felt inside. He slowly walked towards her, and Lina's face sank.

she made to step back, but her legs betrayed her. She stood frozen on the spot and waited until Daniel was standing right in front of her.

"Did Linda do this to you?" asked Daniel as he lifted her face with his index finger.

Lina breathed a sigh of relief when she found out Daniel's black, iron-like expression wasn't aimed at her but at the bruises caused by Lady Linda. "It's nothing," she shrugged. "I made a mistake," she said and was about to walk past Daniel when he grabbed her arm and pulled her back to stand in front of him.