Come on in officers

The flashing of lights streaked across the cu-de-sac, the red and blue melding into a wave of purple, striking across the windows of the still-slumbering residents.


The gruff-looking man in the driver's seat observed a small laptop on the car's dash; next to him, a woman was typing something and reading the lines of text, muttering to herself while flicking her eyes over the report.


Kendleton: So what's the call? (Brow raising.) Did someone get their head bashed in with a pan, or the usual? 'Brusque.'


The typing of the keys stopped, and the muttering was coherent now, getting louder as the two seatbelts unclasped and whipped back up to the sides. The key turned off the flashing lights, and the laptop screen dimmed as both of them exited the police car.


Both doors opened one after another and slammed closed. Standing on the left side of the car was a man, and on the right was a woman, both dressed in a dark blue police uniform. The black, stab-proof vest made them much bulkier than they appeared; the vests shifted while both of them were on the move.


Hinnakow: (Rolling her eyes.) Strangely, it appears that someone attempted to kidnap a child from a parked car on "Samuel Street." It was reported by "Mr. Mitsuko Aherra." a school teacher. They have the kid with them. 


Both of them headed up the tidy footpath, away from the barely visible light coming from the dash.


Kendleton: 'Mockingly.' Quaint little garden. (Looking down the footpath.) So why are we here? This looks like a job for detect's... Not us beats 'Bothered.'


Kendleton stretched his arms up, yawning.


Before she knocked on the wooden red door, the small woman shuffled the vest up with one hand, causing the empty gaps inside to chafe against her chest.


Hinnakow: 'Brusk.' This thing is getting on my tits, literally. 'Shrugging.' We received the call, so it's ours now. (Knocking on the door.) The "detectives" are busy in the main district; something about an incident—I don't know the details. (Glancing at Kendleton.) We can't pick and choose; it isn't a "Food delivery service." you know! 'Direct.'


The jingle of keys slipped into the man's pocket as the knocking of knuckles on wood ended.


Kendleton: I know, I know, I'm just tired, pulling double shifts and all. (Putting a hand up.) Let's just get this over with; it's probably some piss head that got mixed up finding his car. 'Tired.'


Hinnakow continued to knock, much harder this time, abruptly stopping. Both officers could hear the chains slipping from the other side of the door. The door began to open with the turn of a handle, and a man appeared in the small hall, blocking the light above him with the top of his brown hair.


A tall man, about six feet four, towered over the two officers, both of whom were looking up in awe. He had abandoned his teacher's formal attire in favour of a brown t-shirt and shorts, adorned with an odd-looking logo that neither officer could identify. The ape-like man with hairy legs and arms spoke.


A warm welcome was ushered into their ears.


Mitsuko: Please come in, officers. 'Friendly.' My wife is in the kitchen. (Hand gesturing both of them in.) Please forgive me for making you come all this way.


They followed the giant man in front of them, heading to the far end of the house.


Hinakow: 'Polite.' No forgiveness is needed; we are just doing our job. (Following the man down the hall to the kitchen.) I take it you are "Mitsuko Aherra." are you not?

The man in front gave a visible nod

Mitsuko: The one and only, sadly! 'Joking.' I was the only one who saw what happened; my wife at the time was in the backseat with Akio. 'Serious.'

Hinakow: The boy, I take it that he is in the kitchen also. 'Questioning.'


Mitsuko: Yes, he is.

Maria sat in the small, unfinished kitchen, and Akio was next to her, both of them looking at a large book. It was filled with ancient-looking animals, some larger than others, some with wings, and one that had a long neck, some amphibious, and some land-dwelling. The detailed graphs and numbers of their fossil records were strewn along the margins.

But not all of them had pictures; some were lists of fossils with names on them.


Maria pointed a delicate finger at each of them, the excitement in her voice growing, like she was teaching a class of one, slowly going down the page one by one.


Maria: A long time ago, Akio, these animals used to walk the earth, well, before ctenophore. 'Stopping.' Sorry, I meant jellyfish, I nerd out when it comes to things like this.

Footsteps caught the attention of Maria, who was still reading to Akio. 

Maria: 'Radiant.' This will be on the new curriculum next year for newly discovered animals of the Pretroa era. If you look hard enough, I think Mitusko could be on one of these pages. 'Smirking.'


Akio stared at the book, while Maria gazed up at someone coughing, she knew full well who it was.


Mitsuko: 'Coughing.' Maria! It's the officers. (Shooting his eyes at the two standing behind him.) Also, I'm not that old.


Both officers introduced themselves to Maria, Mitsuko, and Akio at the end of the couple's playful banter.


Hinnakow: I am Officer Hinnakow from the Mykan Police Bureau, bearing badge number 5689-0. This is... (Allowing the other officer to speak.)


Another cough erupted, this time from the female police officer, startling Kendleton.


Kendleton: Sorry, I was just looking at the book, who'd think that.... (Seeing the glare from Hinnakow.) Pardon me. 'Ahem.' I am Officer Kendleton, also from the Mykan Police Bureau; my badge number is 4578-5.


Maria stood, carefully returning her chair under the small round table, and made her way to the stove, the white gown encapsulating her in a comforting warmth.

The pouring of water from the filtered jug filled the stove kettle. Mitsuko joined her, leaning his body on the worn-out counter top, looking at the two standing officers.


Maria:  'Sweet.' Does anyone want a cup of tea?(Looking at each person.)

Gentle nods came from all around, except for Akio, who was no longer in his school uniform; he sat in clothes that draped over his small body like a giant sheet. A large cup appeared in front of Akio, the smell of honey and chocolate wafted under his hair and up his nose.

Maria: 'Gentle.' Here you go; this is from Mitsuko's secret stash; you will love it. 


Time passed as the conversation flowed in and out of what happened. The two still-standing officers listened to Mitsuko's recent recollection. The friendly voice that ushered them both in faded to a stern tone at the mention of the man by the bush and the actions he took to get away.

Both officers listened to the man's words. The small boy caught Hinnakow's attention with his motionless body, which sprung to life.

Akio was reading the margins of the book, and he began to draw something in his notebook.