Bull-Headed Adventurer

The next day, the dungeon was even busier than it had been the day before. However, Veronica no longer had to worry about adding new [Monster] to replace the old ones. The spawners ensured there was no shortage of gargoyles to keep the adventurers entertained. Instead, she spent her time questioning Seraphina and learning more about the world around her.

"So, what are things like outside of the dungeon? I know you said my dungeon is on an island and there is a large city nearby, but that's about all I know."

Seraphina looked up from the stairs she had been absently staring at while munching on an apple. Tilting her head to the side in thought, she replied

"Well, your dungeon is like a square tower, if a rather short one. As you add floors to your dungeon, new floors will be built on top of the old, creating a tower that can be seen from farther away. Similar to the central hallway and your dungeon core room, the outside of the dungeon is made from very smooth, but plain grey stone bricks. You're not really missing anything by not getting to see it for yourself, the inside of a dungeon is always far more interesting.

I should probably mention, though, you haven't named your dungeon yet. Every dungeon has an area above the main entrance for the name to be displayed. There's no rush, though, you can always name your dungeon later. Even if you build a few floors first, the option will still be there."

Veronica blinked her blue eyes in surprise. She didn't realize there even was the option to name her dungeon. It wasn't like it wasn't an option listed in her menus. Of course, this only brought up further questions about what sorts of other hidden mechanics her dungeon had in store for her.

"Well, I'll think it over some. I'll probably end up naming it something dumb, but I know I'd like it to be something related to the inn and tavern side of the dungeon. It would be good to advertise that feature up front."

Seraphina just shrugged in response. That seemed to be a habit of hers and it was beginning to grate on Veronica's nerves. She didn't expect the elven woman to be her friend, but it would be nice if she acted like she cared a bit more.

"What about the city? What sorts of businesses are there? I know the dungeon gets tributes from adventurers, but it might be good to consider some sort of trade with a merchant so I can get what I need for the hotel."

Seraphina looked up from hermostly eateneaten apple. Her expression was pinched as she said

"I wouldn't recommend getting into contracts with others so easily. While I can help you make arrangements outside of the dungeon, should it become necessary, people aren't always trustworthy. A lot of times it comes down to misunderstandings since they don't know much about how dungeons work, but I don't want to see you get hurt."

Veronica could certainly appreciate how concerned the elven woman sounded for her, but that still didn't answer her question. Giving her an impatient look, Veronica waited for her to continue. Sighing in exasperation, Seraphina relented

"Fine! I guess there are a few remaining merchants around the area. Those who could afford to chose to leave the area after the last dungeon was destroyed. We are in a port city, though, so a lot of trade from other kingdoms and traveling merchants pass through the area. For the most part, though, there are just general store merchants who sell general supplies, smaller food market stalls, a few basic tradesmen, a nearly bankrupt inn, and the adventurers' guild."

Well, that wasn't much, but Veronica was pretty sure she could work with it. However, before she could think much more on the topic, Seraphina stood up in a defensive position in front of the core. Just moments later, a rather muscular and tall man came barreling into the room. Seraphina would later explain that the man was half giant and half shifter, which is why he had bull horns sticking out of his head. Pointing to Veronica the man bellowed

"You, me, duel now!"

Then the man thrust his fist out at her, clocking Veronica in the jaw. Seraphina stepped forward, demanding

"You need to leave this room or I will be forced to take action."

The large man took Seraphina in, seemed to make a decision, and then grabbed Veronica's arm, dragging her out into the hall as he replied in a gruff voice

"Fine with me! I'm just here for the dungeon master. Can't very well consider the dungeon conquered unless I can defeat the dungeon master now can I?"

Looking back at her assigned dungeon diplomat, Veronica was horrified to see that she seemed to have no intention of helping her. She just remained in the room, leaving her to her own defenses. After a moment of thought, she opened the door and tossed out Veronica's staff and called out

"Good luck!"

with a far too cheerful tone. Looks like she was on her own. Stumbling to her feet, she took up a defensive stance and prepared to defend against the man in front of her. The man might have let her stand back up, but it seemed that was the only kindness he was willing to grant her as he immediately charged her with his horns pointed forward.

Veronica barely managed to dodge to the side, but the man redirected too quickly and she ended up taking a punch to the gut. As she had never needed to take self-defense classes and a few hours practicing with Seraphina, the previous night, was hardly enough for her to stand a chance against the man. Unfortunately, a few too many hits led to her vision spotting around the edges and she could barely stand up. Veronica was fairly sure she likely even had some sort of internal injuries, yet the bull-headed adventurer didn't relent.

"Come on, do we really have to do this? You're clearly stronger than me, can't we call it quits? I don't even know you! Please stop!"

Veronica called out, desperate to get him to stop. It worked, for a moment, as the man introduced himself.

"My name is Bo, no more talking!"

Then he charged forward once more, piercing into her throat with his horns. It didn't take much longer after that for Veronica to experience her first death both in this world and her previous one.