Mission Submission

After Seraphina went to bed for the night, Veronica decided it was time to check her [Missions] tab again. It had only been a few days since she last checked them, but she was certain there should be several of them now complete.


Origin: System

Status: Complete

Info: Complete first dungeon room

Reward: Unlock a new [Critter] option

Origin: System

Status: Complete

Info: Set up first spawner

Reward: Unlock a new [Critter] option

Origin: System

Status: Complete

Info: Complete first inn room

Reward: Unlock a new [Critter] option

Origin: System

Status: Complete

Info: Make a first-floor reception

Reward: Unlock a new [Critter] option

Origin: System

Status: Complete

Info: Check-In First Guest

Reward: Unlock a new [Critter] option]

There were still several [Missions] she could easily complete, if she put in the effort, like one for placing her first [Trap] and one for setting up her first challenge room. Veronica had actually learned a bit about how to go about completing those [Missions] today by asking Seraphina about it during training. 

Apparently, she would have to set up the room with any [Traps] and room features necessary to make the challenge and then she would have to have the intended reward researched before choosing to set the challenge's parameters and reward with the system. The dungeon system would then communicate with the adventurers' systems to convey what the challenge and reward was as well as to dispense the rewards automatically when they were successful. Luckily, she wouldn't have to worry about ongoing mana costs for the rewards either, but she would have to invest dungeon points to complete the initial set-up.

She had also learned about setting the theme for a room and how that would ensure the system knew which [Items] and room features belonged to the room. When the dungeon half was completely empty of adventurers the rooms would then reset, ensuring the resources, like flowers or fruiting bushes, were always available. The [Monsters] that were assigned to spawners could respawn at set intervals and didn't require the dungeon to be cleared of non-dungeon entities. As for the challenge rooms, the challenges themselves would reset just enough to ensure the challenge could be taken on by the next set of adventurers.

It was because of this new information she had learned that Veronica was surprised to see her reception and inn room [Missions] were considered complete. She hadn't set the room's theme for any of those rooms. Marching over to the reception room she decided to test out the room theme system prompt.

[Error! Unable to complete command.]

After testing some things out and asking the system some follow-up questions, Veronica found out the inn didn't function the same as the rest of the dungeon. Well, she already knew her dungeon setup was a bit... unique. Apparently, the inn and tavern side didn't require her to set the room theme because she would have to manually take care of things. The dungeon would absorb anything that was considered to not belong to the dungeon, meaning she could still move forward with her public bathroom building plans, but beds would remain unmade and obtaining more firewood would require her to spend mana.

Well, that wasn't exactly ideal, but it wasn't like Veronica didn't have experience working at her parents' bed and breakfast. She could play the role of housekeeper and having adventurers constantly in the dungeon meant she wouldn't have to worry about having the mana needed to obtain the supplies she needed. Still, she could only hope that she would be able to obtain some useful [Monsters] to help out with the housekeeping side of things sometime in the future. Otherwise, Veronica was fairly sure there was no way she'd ever be able to keep up with all the inn rooms wanted to build in the future.

Shaking her head, she decided to leave that problem for the future as she focused on accepting her [Mission] rewards.

[Would you like to receive the reward now?

Yes or No?]

Veronica selected the [Yes] option and accepted her first [Critter] reward.

[Please select one of the following options to be randomly rewarded a [Critter] from:




She had no clue what most of the options meant, so she decided to go with the last option on the list.

[Randomizing options...]

[New [Critter] option unlocked!

-Queen Bullet Ant (10 MP)

Behaves the same as a normal queen bullet ant. Capable of laying eggs and starting a new colony. Incapable of engaging in combat.

-Soldier Bullet Ant (1 MP)

Behaves the same as a normal soldier buller ant. Nonlethal, but extremely painful bites, territorial. Consumption is not recommended.]

The description of the queen bullet ant as well as the fact that she had received two options instead of just one seemed to suggest the ability to reproduce was a special feature of the bullet ants. As the first of five rewards, the bullet ants, honestly, didn't seem like a bad option. If anything, she was surprised by the fact that she had gotten something with some combat ability when she only had the first-floor of her dungeon unlocked. Moving on, she decided to roll the dice again.

[Randomizing options...]

[New [Critter] option unlocked!

-Red-Eyed Tree Frog (2 MP)

Behaves the same as a normal red-eyed tree frog. Poor combat skills, excellent jumping skills. Is safe to consume.]

[New [Critter] option unlocked!

-Angel Fish (2 MP)

Behaves the same as a normal angel fish. Colors are randomized. Incapable of engaging in combat. Consumption is not recommended.]

[New [Critter] option unlocked!

-Tarsier (3 MP) 

Behaves the same as a normal tarsier. Poor combat skills, average climbing skills. Is safe to consume.]

[New [Critter] option unlocked!

-Crimson Topaz (2 MP) 

Behaves the same as a normal crimson topaz. Colors are randomized. Incapable of engaging in combat. Excellent flying skills, cowardly.]

After seeing all of her new [Critters], Veronica couldn't help but draw the conclusion that she had been given them based on her tropical rainforest theme for her first-floor. She wasn't about to complain, though, as most of them were fairly cheap and they would be useful for making the environment on the floor more realistic. Of course, she would have to figure out how to balance the cost of her [Monsters] with that of her [Critters], assuming they could both be assigned to the spawners in the rooms. Currently, she had 45 of 50 points being occupied by her gargoyles and she wasn't sure reducing their numbers was a great plan.

Oh well, that was something she could tackle another day. Right now, she was eager to get started on her first challenge room while there weren't adventurers on that side of the dungeon.