A Fun Day

"Huh? Annie? What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean Huh? And what am I doing here? Isn't that obvious, my only Keiji was almost hit by a truck, losing consciousness and getting transported to the hospital, how can I not be here or worried? Why would you even jump in front of a speeding truck on a street you don't need to cross on your way home? Have you finally gone crazy?"

A girl with silky smooth auburn hair with blue eyes that are accompanied by pale skin that compliments it with a small and petite nose bombarded Keiji with questions out of concern for his well-being.

"What do you mean why? I was saving a little girl that was about to get hit, thinking about it, how is that little girl doing? Did she get out safely? And did you say I wasn't hit by the truck, but was about to??"

"What little girl? There were no children walking alone on that street, only old people or children accompanied by their parents. And yes, thankfully, the truck driver hit the brake just on time so that you don't get injured."

'What's happening here? Isn't it the norm that you get hit by truck-kun while saving someone and go to another world? So what went wrong? Add to it, I wasn't even hit. So was that just a normal accident?'

"Sh*t" That was all that could come lut of Keiji's mouth.

"KEIJI, don't tell me you were planning on commiting suicide? No no no, my Keiji would never do that, he wouldn't leave me alone here, right? right? Or are you not Keiji? Speak, who are you and what did you--"


"Stop stop, don't let your little brain wander any further, nothing of what you're saying makes any sense. If I'm not Keiji? Then who should I be?"

"You didn't have to do that." Annie said while pouting and holding her forehead where Keiji just flicked her.

"Alright alright, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that, I was just trying to calm you down." Keiji said while comforting Annie in his embrace.


"So is your little fight over now, love birds? Can I enter?" The doctor said and the nurse could be heard laughing behind him.

"We're done, yeah, sorry about that. We're not in that relationship yet, we're just friends currently." Keiji was the one who replied as Annie hid her face in his chest as she was too embarrassed.

"Alright, I've come to inform you that all your tests don't show and bad results and the discharge procedures have been done you just need to go complete the rest at the front desk. So you can leave at any time. Just don't go around jumping in front of speeding vehicles again." The Doctor informed them.

"Thank you, we'll head out now. Come on Annie, let's go." Keiji said as he started heading for the door and leaving with the nurses.




"Now that we're outside, Keiji, what did you mean when you said 'yet' when the doctor said that we're l-l-love b-birds?"

"What? Did I say that? Anyways, look at that ice cream shop, I've always wanted to try their lemon flavored ice cream. Let's go try it now that I've gotten the whole day off."

"Wai--" without even getting the chance to finish her words, Keiji had already dragged her towards the store.




"Mmmhm, that was fun. We haven't gone out together in a while, Keiji." Annie commented while stretching.

"Yeah, that was fun. We should do so more often. It's already this late, so let us return home."

"Good times fly."

'phew, she forgot, I didn't know what I'll do if she didn't, it's not the right time yet' Keiji thought inwardly.

Walking home, they both talked about various random things, while laughing every now and then.

Arriving home, they both went to their respective rooms and started getting ready to sleep

Their home, which can be said to be Keiji's, was a decent sized apartment in a well-off district. It can accomplished 3-4 people easily with much space left. It was cozy and not too spacious nor too small that they would feel cramped. It had good lighting and a modern look with most things having some sort of technological hardware.

Keiji and Annie both had their own rooms in which they also had a wardrobe. There are two bathrooms, with one being used more often than the other as it was more spacious.




As the days went by and before they knew it, a month had passed since that incident and now Keiji was on his way back after work and was headed home.

'Let me get Annie some dessert, we haven't had one in a while.'


"I'm back"

"Welcome back Keiji. Oh, what's this?"

"This is something I thought you'd like, think of it as me being thankful to you and how you take care of me all this time."

"Awwww, thank you Keiji, you didn't have to, after all, that was what we agreed on at the start."

"I know that we did, but still, I'm thankful for you and everything you help me with. Let's eat this after dinner"

"Alright let me go prepare everything."

Each went their own way, Keiji to his room to change his clothes and Annie to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

"These next few days I might be home later than usual, so you don't have to wait for me. I'll warm the food myself and wash my dishes." Keiji informed Annie while they were having dinner to which she didn't accept positively.

"No, I'll wait for you. Food tastes better when you have someone to eat with. But why will you stay at work that long?"