An Empty Mansion

For Keiji, this news came at the right time. He was still contemplating how he'll explore more of the world so that he can start planning on what he'll do.

"Come here baby. We'll start by taking you around the mansion and showing you the various buildings in it." Keiji's mom picked him up and explained to him what they'll do, not like he was interested in the how, he was more interested in the exploration part. That will help him determine hus family's standing in the world.



"We'll start from the main building, the place where we've been living." Taking Keiji around she started by the biggest room.

"This is the grand hall, it's a place that should be used for meetings, banquets and so on, but your father doesn't like doing things like that, he's more of a straight forward kind of guy, he does what he believes is right and doesn't like hosting people that always have a hidden agenda and use underhanded methods to get what they want."

"Moving on, this is the dining hall, where we should have our meals in, but we don't need to eat and you also can't eat normal food yet. So it hasn't been used since we bought this place."

"Next is the master bedroom, Orion and I's bedroom, as you can see it's much bigger than your current room, but don't worry, we'll move you to a much bigger one when you get older and can walk well."

'So my father's name is Orion, good to know.'

While Keiji's mother was showing him around and explaining what everything is to him, he was busy trying to hear and comprehend what he can. He was only able to make out what the rest of the words are by just hearing the key words, something he got used to during his college days when his professors were just explaining things not caring whether the students understand.

"This is the storage room, it's used to store things, but that's for mortals and less wealthy people, so it's just empty now with not much of a use for it."

'Wealthy, did my mother refer to us or to someone else? We have a huge mansion so she might mean us, but I can also see that there's nothing in there, so might be the opposite. Anyways, if we're not rich then I'll just have to work a bit harder, no big deal.'

Keiji cared about his family's standing in the world because he wanted to know his starting point, from where he'll start his journey in this world and how he'll be able to live freely. He is always thankful to his parents wether they're his current ones or the ones he had back in his original world.

As previously, he didn't have any siblings so his parents pretty much focused on him only and always wanted the best for him.

Not knowing what was going on inside her son's little head, his mother continued the toor.

"And this is the training room, the one where you'll train your body in in the future, if you want of course. As you can see it's quite big and you'll have plenty of weapons to choose from so don't stress yourself over it."

Keiji's mother kept showing him new places around the house, ones he'd never seen before so it was all new for him.

'Strange, even after walking all around the house, I still can't find any other family member, even the maids are barely there, it's like they avoid me if possible.'

The matter about Keiji having family members was still weighing on his mind, he is sure that he heard the word siblings from his parents before, but now he's starting to believe he doesn't have.



After they finished the tour, Keiji's mother took him back to his room and started getting him ready for sleep.

"So, my baby, how did you like the house?"

Keiji nodded frantically.

"So you liked it. Tomorrow then I'll show you you around the house, it's not as interesting as what you've seen today though. There are only the maids houses and a few other buildings. Anyways, we'll leave that for tomorrow, now get some sleep baby, you looked around a lot today so you must be tired."

With that, she tucked him to sleep and left the room after making sure everything's alright.

'Even after seeing every part of the house, I still couldn't see anybody. They might be living in another part of the mansion or even another place in this world.' Keiji kept recalling everything that he saw today and the numerous rooms they visited.


'Huh? Did I just speak my first words? It's a little crooked yeah, but that can be understood. Now I'm one step closer. I wonder how Annie is doing now, are her parents being good to her?'

Keiji's train of thought was cut unexpectedly when he heard a sound in his head.


[Congratulations Keiji on speaking your first words, the system will now be activated.]
