
'Of course I forgive you, I'm even thankful to you. Which mother gets her son a reincarnated expert as a servant, she even has the potential to grow into a great beauty. Which man won't be happy.'

Keiji's thoughts about a personal servant were anything but pure, he imagined alll kinds of dreams he never got to fulfill in his past life.

Keiji's mother then went to the little maid to wake her up.

"Oh dear, it looks like she's been hit too hard it's starting to bruise. This is due to my oversight, seems like I'll start filtering the maids more thoroughly starting from their manners."

She then proceeded to take out a pill from somewhere, Keiji guessed it's some kind of spatial space considering it's a cultivation world, and fed it to the little maid. Right after taking the pill, the bruises on the maid started healing and she showed signs of waking up.

'What a useful pill, but it seems to be expensive. System, can I get this pill easily im the future?'

[Yes, for you it'll be easy as you have us, the system, we can guide you in almost everything, but you can also always ask your parents for some, they'll agree for sure as they care for you and your health.]

'You are right. My background is like a headstart in this world, if my guess is correct.'

*Ughhh* The maid little started waking up.

"Madam? Where am I? Am I getting fired? Please forgive me, I'll work harder, I-I won't--"

The little maid, as soon as she woke up and saw unfamiliar surroundings, started panicking and unsure of what's happening, but Keiji's mother calmed her down.

"Stop. Don't jump into conclusions, you're not going anywhere and you did nothing wrong, it's those maids that did something wrong, not you, and they'll be punished for it."

"But but I was the one who didn't do my work properly and they got yelled at instead of me, I'm the one who should be punished. I-I'll work even harder."

"No, you did your work properly, the work they gave you was never yours, it was their's so they're the one who should be punished."

"I-I'm already thankful that you hired me even if I can't do anything a maid should, I have to work even harder than the rest so I can be deserving of working here."

'This maid has some serious inferiority complex, the maids really did a number on her by brainwashing her.'

Keiji thought about how pitiful the little girl's situation is.

"I don't want to hear anymore about those maids, what they did or what you should do. I hired you for a reason, and assigned you specific work for a reason, so you saying all that means that you disregard my, your madam's, reasons."

"I d-didn't mean to, I-I was just--"

"No more explaining yourself, I have already forgiven you, but I'll have to assign you someplace else to work at."

The little maid then looked down as though tears may come out at any time.

"Y-Yes madam. Huk." She said while trying to hold back her tears.

"So you'll be working here. And you're gonna be my son's personal maid."

The blue and red eyes of the little maid the brighted up like she just heard the happiest news of her life.

"Thank you, Thank you, I'll be working even harder, I won't slack off and I'll do my best in serving the young master."

The reason why the little maid was so happy is because Keiji's parents didn't allow any maid to get close to her son, she strictly forbade it. And seeing as she'll become his personal maid, meant that she'll be with him all the time and by then nobody will be able to look down on her.

That also meant that she'll have a much better life as the benefits and pay are better. And that could even mean she'll be a formidable cultivator in the future and will be able to protect herself better if anything goes wrong.

Seeing this, Keiji's mother smiled and said.

"Don't be happy too early, if you want to be his personal maid, then you'll have to train to be one, from martial arts to how to cook, clean to self defense to alchemy to formations, you'll be taught everything, and it won't be easy at all. By then you'll be hating me because I put you through all that."

"I-I could never hate you madam, you were the one who saved me and even gave me a place to live, work and kept me safe. I-I won't ever forget what you did to me and won't ever betray you."

Keiji's mother then smiled a bit. She remembered when she first saw her, she was being beat up in the back alleys by other kids and even adults for having those blue and red eyes, at first she was just going to save her and try to get her some place to work at, but she felt that her soul was a bit abnormal and that there's more to it.

So that made her decide to take her to work at the mansion and look into what's wrong with her. To her surprise, she found out the problem today while showing Keiji around the mansion, which was also a blessing in surprise.

"But first, you'll have to sign a spirit contract. So that I can make sure you won't ever have a change of heart, and even if you do, you won't harm my son."

"Yes of course madam, I'll do anything to repay you for what you've done for me and ease your worries."