Chapter 4

Min Yoongi and Kim Taehyung both took the path to the Goguryeo Empire. Yoongi arrived first after a week on the road.

He stood in front of the palace with his parents waiting for the emperor.

According to tradition, when the future empress arrives, the emperor must wait for her standing on the steps of the palace. This testifies to the respect and importance of the future empress. But when it comes to concubines, it's the latter who have to wait for the emperor to come to them. Which translates their place within the court.

A few minutes later, Jungkook left. He placed himself on the dais. Yoongi's parents bowed before the emperor. Yoongi did the same out of simple courtesy. He really had no respect for the emperor. Certainly he deserved respect in view of his rank, but as a human being, he was not sure if, yes or no, he deserved it.

- Min Sr: "All my respects, dear emperor. I am grateful for the honor you have done me by wanting to unite our two families." Yoongi's father said, still bowing.

- Jungkook: "Thank you for accepting." the emperor replied in a tone that gave no hint of emotion.

He turned his face towards Yoongi.

Yoongi was wearing a veil hiding his face. He was to show his face on the day of their union. This was to prevent disgrace. Although Yoongi was a man, he did not escape tradition.

- Min Sr: "I present to you my son, Min Yoongi. He just turned 31. He is a mature and trustworthy man. He is also an exceptionally charming man, my emperor."

- Jungkook: "I will make my own assessment and judgement concerning him." the emperor said.

- Min Sr : "Of course, my emperor."

Yoongi was shocked by the words coming out of his father's mouth. The same one who had always treated him like a loser, had always belittled him due to his face judged too feminine was making his praises. His father was even worse than he had thought.

Seeing that Yoongi didn't speak, Emperor Jeon decided to speak up.

- Jungkook: "Does your son not speak?"

- Min Sr: "No emperor, he does." He shot his son a dark look while trying to keep up appearances.

- Jungkook: "Then why didn't he say any greeting?" the emperor asked calmly but authority could be heard in his voice.

- Min Sr : "I'm sorry emperor. He's just shy at first. He might be afraid of saying something that could embarrass him. But I assure you, he is proud and grateful that you chose him."

Yoongi rolled his eyes. Luckily, his face was hidden where he would have gotten into serious trouble. He decided to finally talk, wanting to end this charade as quickly as possible.

- Yoongi : "I offer you my sincerest apologies, emperor. It was not my intention to disrespect you. I am honored to have been chosen."

The emperor sensed the sarcasm in his voice but said nothing. He frowned and decided to bring them into the palace.

Jungkook: "My guards will accompany you to where you will reside. I hope your stay is pleasant, Mr. and Mrs. Min. And Yoongi, I hope you get used to the place quickly. This is where you will live forever."

They were escorted to the concubines' quarter. The ceremony was scheduled in three days, a day after the arrival of Kim Taehyung.

The place was beautiful and very orderly. He wondered what the inside of the castle would look like if this place was so gorgeous.

As soon as the door was closed, his father began to reprimand him.

Min Sr: "Do you realize how close you came to embarrassing us in front of the emperor? Your behavior was shameful. He could have canceled the wedding."

Yoongi didn't fight back, knowing that it would just aggravate the situation. He couldn't wait to never see is father again. No matter what his life would be like from now on, it would probably be better than it was living with his father, he thought. His mother was the only one he would miss. If he had the power to decide, he would have taken her to live with him without hesitation.

When night fell, a servant brought them dinner. He didn't have the right to eat in the hall with the emperor since the ceremony had not yet occurred. Yoongi felt like a miserable animal. Already, he couldn't digest the idea of being married to a man, who had always wanted to find his soulmate and have children. He was disgusted with marrying a man when he had never even had a single thought about them.

But at least the emperor wasn't an old, repulsive old man, he reassured himself. Life had really been unfair to him till the end. But he had no other choice but to accept his lot.

He didn't, however, intend to behave like a perfect concubine at the emperor's feet. He hoped that the emperor wouldn't cast any sort of glance his way. He sighed at his pathetic situation over which he could do nothing or wasn't willing to do anything. Running away would have been a solution but it would have been at the cost of his life. He would have probably been captured and beheaded. Alone with his thoughts, he couldn't help but imagine what his life would have been like if things had been different.