Chapter 7

The ceremony itself was not grand. It was more of a formality than a true union between two souls. The union itself was meant to strengthen the emperor's power and give him the authorization to possess concubines within a regulated framework. These latter would not have to face any affronts and be wasted. They would enjoy the wealth of the emperor, attend great ceremonies but remain in the background.

Only the empress has the privilege of representing the emperor and accompanying him in official ceremonies. Concubines tend to follow the emperor in times of war or when they travel in order to distract him when he is away from the battle field or to alleviate the fatigue of the journey.

Yoongi came first. After the blessings of the monk, Jungkook removed the veil that covered the features of the blackbird. The emperor had no words to describe the man before him. No word, in fact, would have done Yoongi's beauty justice.

The emperor's eyes were fixed on the lips of his concubine. He wanted to look away but the pink bits of flesh froze him in place, preventing him from making even the slightest movement.

Yoongi's face, on the other hand, was made of stone but his mind was racing at the speed of lightning. Not because he was mesmerized by the emperor, but because he had just bound himself to a man.

His life was now sealed irreplaceably.

He will never know the joy of returning home and being welcomed with open arms by his loving wife or of holding his children in his arms.

His sole purpose in life from now on is to satisfy the desires of another male with the same genitalia as him.

Taehyung, on the other hand, was struck by the sight of Yoongi shining before the emperor. The latter seemed to hypnotize him.

The blond rolled his eyes. Watching this man steal the limelight from him made him see red. This man should have been the one to hold this ceremony first.

He felt like a second choice and that infuriated him to no end. He hated not being the center of attention or discussion. And all the more so when it came to the emperor. He would play his cards to break the spell Yoongi had cast on Jungkook. The emperor should not become enamored by Yoongi. The only one who deserves the emperor's attention is Taehyung himself and no one else.

When the emperor broke eye contact with Yoongi, the latter bowed and made way for Taehyung. The same protocol that had been previously followed ensued.

When the emperor raised the veil, Taehyung had a look of malice on his face. He brought the cup to the emperor's lips while brushing his own lips with his fingers. The emperor remained unfazed but when he raised the cup to Taehyung's lips, through some magic or other, the tip of his middle finger ended up between Taehyung's lips. This scene took place away from curious eyes as the blond had placed his hands over those of the emperor.

He looked Jungkook straight in the eyes while passing his lips over the tip of the emperor's finger.

The last one was in shock. No one had ever shown so much courage towards him. And the worst part was that it was in public.

Taehyung stopped his action and smiled at the emperor. He needed a few seconds to get back to normal. It was probably the first time he had been without words. However, he had to admit, Taehyung was a special person. He seemed to take pleasure in overstepping boundaries.

Taehyung took his place by Yoongi's side. The two bowed before the emperor and empress.

The empress was standing there, with no emotion on her face. She had nothing to worry about. Anyway, these two were men and could never steal her place. They would spend their lives as half-men, opening their hanbok to another man.

She had no respect for Yoongi and Taehyung. But she felt a touch of jealousy because they were both prettier than she was. Moreover, this did not constitute a threat to her as the emperor's affection was the last of her concerns.

- The empress: From now on, your role will be to serve His Majesty. You will owe him allegiance for the rest of your life. Betrayal will be punishable by death. As concubines, you have duties to perform. I hope your presence does not cause any concern to His Majesty. As the empress, full rights and all advantages of being married to His Majesty belong to me. I hope you do not try to trespass your rights.

- Taehyung: I will not trespass my rights, dear empress. I am here only out of the emperor's good will. Taehyung said as he bowed. Of course, he did not mean a single word of what he said.

Yoongi also bowed.

- Yoongi: You can rest assured empress, my presence will not cause any harm.

The empress: I expect no less from you. Servants will be assigned to you. You are free to move around the palace as you please henceforth. From now on, your bodies and souls belong to the emperor, and any adventure with a servant or any other woman will be punishable by death.

When she finished her speech, dedicated servants led them each to their pavilions, which had been decorated.

Yoongi was to be the first to join with the emperor that night. Hearing this, Taehyung was once more scandalized. He would have to go second again. He looked at Yoongi with an evil glare. Yoongi turned his head towards him, confused. Taehyung turned his gaze away and was escorted to his apartments by his servant.