Chapter 11

- If I were you, I would be very careful about your two concubines. When the empress returns to their chamber, she decided to pull out her cards again.

- Jungkook: What do you mean? Jungkook put down the papers he had in hand and looked at her waiting for an answer.

- Empress: Don't you think two men with physical assets can be a nuisance to the palace?

- Jungkook: Cut to the chase!

He was already fed up with this discussion that had just begun and yet had already made no sense.

- Empress: Well, those are men and they naturally have needs to satisfy, and if they target young women in the palace, it will be a shame for the palace.

- Jungkook: Do you know the psychology of my concubines to level such a slanderous accusation against them?

The empress had never done anything that served Jungkook's interests and he had no doubt that this time was no exception.

- Empress: But isn't that what all men think?

Despite Jungkook being a patient person, his spouse had a natural ability to annoy him every time she opened her mouth.

- Jungkook: Are you implying that you would spend time with them if one of them makes a move on you?

The empress wanted at that exact moment to jump on Jungkook's neck and finally release all the hatred she felt towards him. But they had a significant difference in strength. Her face twisted with anger.

- Empress: How dare you?!?! I'm the empress and a worthy woman!!!

- Jungkook: You didn't think twice before slandering people you knew nothing about. Coming from an empress, your actions are so low.

Jungkook had said this in a calm tone. He really didn't care about being rude. If there was one thing he didn't tolerate, it was making allegations to destroy a person's image when they weren't there to defend themselves.

- Empress: Take back what you just said quickly! I won't let you stain my honor. I am a worthy woman.

- Jungkook: But you didn't hesitate to try to stain the honor of others...

Jungkook put his papers in order and stood up from his desk.

- Jungkook: I don't have time to spend on such futilities. Is it only the first day and you want to already sow discord?

- Empress: My goal was to warn you of a possible threat!!! I get nothing from creating commotion!!!

- Jungkook: Well, that's good then. Stay in your place and do your job as empress. You have a lot of things to handle to be wasting time creating theories about my concubins.

- Empress: Are you really dragging me around for some damn prostitutes?

- Jungkook: You don't have anything to fear from them. None of them can take your place on the throne for several obvious reasons. So forget about it. The more days go by, the less I can support you.

Jungkook left without waiting for a reply. The empress, under the anger, smashed objects , insulting Jungkook with all sorts of names. No one had ever insulted her like this before.

The emperor had no desire to hear such ridiculous things. He had too many more important things to deal with. Anyway, Taehyung and Yoongi knew what was waiting for them if they dared to touch a girl from the court. Whether it be his cousins or the servants.

He went to his usual training. He was the best soldier in the whole kingdom. He had been trained since childhood by the greatest warriors of Goguryeo. He wielded his hwando with cat-like skill.

If he had not been an only child, he would have certainly enlisted in the military, leaving the management of the kingdom in the hands of his brother. However, this was one of the many sacrifices he had to make for the good of his kingdom.

As usual, he never complained. The price of the crown is high. By accepting to live in a life of abundance, of having all the riches, having the power of life and death over his subjects, he had to erase his own will as an individual to think about the good of the empire first.

Jungkook was a conscious and wise emperor who knew how to put aside his own desires to serve his empire. He would not hesitate to go to the front when his people are threatened. He never used his power.

Unlike the deceased emperor, who ruled the kingdom with an iron fist, Jungkook had opted for legality. As a result, all his citizens had a deep respect and admiration for him. They would not hesitate to sacrifice themselves for their emperor.

While a few years ago, most citizens lived in poverty to the great delight of the royal family, today many lived in comfort. Jungkook became emperor at the age of 19. In 7 years, he had made Goguryeo a prosperous empire.

If in the past, taxes and duties were exorbitant, they were much more affordable now. Every respectable citizen could pay theirs without mortgaging or going to bed empty-handed

Another aspect that had changed was the treatment of slaves. Before they had no rest and were abused. But today they were treated as human beings and had the right to report any form of abuse from their masters.

He also decided not to take female concubines for the simple reason that he didn't have enough courage or he wasn't cruel enough to kill his own children before they were born in order to avoid a possible purge for the power struggle.

He also wanted to have good relations with the empress and be a husband she could rely on. But she had shown her dislike for the emperor early on.

He couldn't change all the customs and traditions ingrained for millennia in 7 years, let alone during his entire reign, he was aware. But he wanted to bring about as much change as he could, and give a new era to his empire.

He even managed to make deals with other empires. And the most important thing, he married the Chinese princess, thus obtaining a great ally.

The reputation of Emperor Jeon was no longer worth repeating. He was respected by his counterparts and was feared by his enemies. He was a just emperor who did not hesitate to reward when necessary and punish when necessary.