Chapter 16

Jungkook bumped into someone by accident. The other person fell to the ground because of the shock. The emperor was ready to shout at him when he finally laid eyes on the individual who was on the ground.

He saw Yoongi at mealtimes. Jungkook hadn't attempted anything else towards him. At the same time, Taehyung was giving him everything he wanted on a silver platter, so he almost forgot the existence of his other concubine.

He held out his arm towards him. Yoongi accepted it to get up. The facial features of the emperor were still rigid but he was not going to vent his anger on the poor concubine.

Jungkook: Are you hurt anywhere?

Yoongi: No. I'm fine. Yoongi removed his hand.

A deafening silence fell around them. Fortunately, Jimin appeared in that moment.

He bowed before Jungkook. He noticed that Jimin had items in his hands. Curious, he couldn't resist asking what they were.

- Jimin: Emperor, Yoongi-nim wanted to go out but since he needs your permission, I wanted to prepare him a little picnic in a corner of the palace.

- Jungkook: Where do you want to go? You only need to ask for permission.

Jungkook was not a tyrant. He did not imprison his concubines in a gilded cage so they would be at their entire disposal. They were human beings and he treated them that way.

- Yoongi: It's not important, Emperor. The palace is big enough.

Even though Yoongi wanted to go out, he didn't want to ask for permission. "I am a 31-year-old man, for goodness' sake, not an object at the emperor's disposal."

He could see that Yoongi didn't hold him in his heart. Maybe it was because Jungkook didn't give him his attention? Or simply because he didn't want to end up there. There was no tension between the two of them. Yoongi simply ignored him.

- Jungkook: Where do you want to leave, Yoongi?

- Yoongi: Just visit the surroundings.

Jimin rolled his eyes and had to intervene.

- Jimin: Emperor, Yoongi-nim wanted to take a walk in the forest and maybe have a little picnic there.

Jungkook looked at Jimin before turning his attention to Yoongi.

- Jungkook: I don't have much else to do. I can accompany you.

This would give him something else to think about and maybe spend time with his concubine and see if he had integrated.

- Yoongi: I don't want to waste your time, Your Majesty. You surely have more important things to take care of.

-Jungkook: I insist. And the weather is beautiful.

Yoongi finally nodded, even though he wasn't at all pleased with the idea.

Jimin therefore went to prepare the necessary things for them to leave. Yoongi stood in front of Jungkook without a word. He didn't have any topic of conversation that came to mind, and nor was he looking for one. Jungkook was the one who wanted to be in his company. It was therefore up to him to initiate the conversation.

Once everything was ready, they took the road towards the forest on their horses. Silence dominated all the way.

Jimin set up their camp in a fairly isolated spot. They had a majestic view of the mountains. The vegetation was green, and flowers had bloomed during this season. A stream was a few steps away from them. Yoongi was taken aback at seeing such a beautiful place. He almost forgot about the emperor's presence.

The emperor placed his hand on the dark-haired one's shoulder.

- Jungkook: You seem mesmerized by the scenery.

- Yoongi: There's a lot to be. You have a beautiful empire.

Yoongi had for the first time said what he really thought since he first came to Goguryeo. He had always been a big fan of nature. When he was in Baekjae, he spent his free time surrounded by nature. This made him forget all his problems.

- Jungkook: And you haven't seen anything yet. There are places even more beautiful than here.

Yoongi turned to him, interested.

- Yoongi: Seriously? A place even more beautiful than here?

Yes. I can take you there if you wish.

Yoongi nodded. He wasn't going to refuse such an opportunity. And if he had to go with the emperor, so be it. He hoped, however, that this day wouldn't end in a disaster.

- Yoongi: Do you come here often?

- Jungkook: When I was still a prince, I would make rounds with the other warriors. So I know the forest like the back of my hand.

- Jungkook: Which do you prefer, being an emperor or when you were a prince?

He dared to ask a question about the emperor. Maybe it was the change of scenery. There, he felt like they were just two people enjoying being in this place. Jungkook had a small smile seeing that his concubine seemed interested in him. Even if it was just a small detail, he was glad because Yoongi had been distant from him since the first time.

- Jungkook: Definitely when I was a prince. There are some things I can't do anymore. And I don't have the luxury of spending the day doing nothing.

- Yoongi: We have to sacrifice a part of our freedom to get what we desire. When we hold a high position, we must put our duty above our personal desires.

- Jungkook : Unfortunately, that's the case. Honestly, I don't remember when was the last time I did something that really pleased me.

- Yoongi: You seem to be having a pleasant time with Taehyung-ah.

Jungkook looked at him with an unreadable expression. Yoongi rushed to clear things up.

- Yoongi: This is not a reproach. Just an observation

- Jungkook: I thought you had nothing to do with your emperor.

- Yoongi: I'm not very talkative, but I have a sense of observation.

- Jungkook: With Taehyung's arrival, things have changed.

- Yoongi: So enjoy these moments.

- Jungkook: And you, how are you living with this new change in your life? Answer honestly.

- Yoongi: I feel like I'm suffocating. I don't see what my existence can be used for. I always dreamed of having a small family, owning a restaurant, and growing old with my wife... Unfortunately, that's just a wish at present.

Jungkook felt his heart tighten at Yoongi's words. He felt guilty in a way.

- Jungkook: I'm sorry. You've given up on your happiness.

Yoongi: It's not your fault. I deliberately accepted it, so I don't blame you. I am responsible for my own choices

- Jungkook: I hope we can at least get along well.

Yoongi smiled at him.

- Yoongi: Maybe. You're not as stuck up as I thought.

Jungkook was surprised or rather shocked. No one had ever dared to say that to him before.

- Jungkook: And your frankness shocks me, but it's an attitude that I like.

Yoongi let out a genuine laugh for the first time.

- Jungkook: You've smiled more here than in the weeks you've spent at the court. I definitely need to bring you here again.

Yoongi: I'd love to. And it's not that unpleasant to be in your company.

Jungkook let out a hardy laugh: - See! It's just a matter of taking a little step towards each other.