Chapter 23

Yoongi stood up to listen to his servant. The latter took a big breath before laying out the villainous scheme he had heard and its origins.

"I don't know who to turn to for help, Hyung... You're the only person I can tell this to." The servant was worked up and couldn't calm down, despite Yoongi's attempts.

"Speak Jimin, I'm listening. You have nothing to fear with me. What's going on with the emperor?" Yaongi asked him

"Hyung, yesterday I lost track of you and thought you'd gone back to your apartments... I was on my way to your pavilion when I saw the Thai Prince in the middle of a conversation... I can't... It was..."Jimin fell silent, unable to continue.

"Jimin, what did you hear?" The raven-haired man pushed him to continue, wanting to know what was going on.

"The Thai prince aims to take the Emperor's life at the time of the treaty signing." Jimin finally let the bomb drop.

With his words said, Yoongi's eyes widened. There was no logic to this. Why would the prince want to kill the Emperor when the two empires are about to ally themselves?

"Are you sure Jimin?" After a few moments, when the information reached his brain, he began to question the servant to obtain more details.

"I heard everything Hyung. It was indeed the Thai prince."

"Who is his accomplice? Is it a palace member?"

The young servant didn't give an answer, afraid to reveal the other person's identity. He diverted his gaze, not knowing whether Yoongi was going to believe him or not.

"Jimin, answer, the future of the empire is at stake." He spoke firmly, leaving the servant no choice but to give the name.

"The Empress ... He is colluding with the Empress."

When Jimin dropped this bomb, Yoongi felt like he was trapped in one of the various designs of the Sand Merchant. He had always been wary of others, but hearing this was just shocking.

He had noticed the haughty behavior of the Emperor's wife. But he had never imagined that the woman was at such a level of cruelty to the point of murdering her own husband and endangering the lives of her citizens.

This was difficult to accept, and even more so in such a short amount of time. He would have preferred not to know so as not to bear such a burden on his shoulders.

He managed to regain his composure and question the servant further so he could be absolutely certain. Jimin confirmed everything for a second time, detailing everything he had heard. Yoongi panicked because he had no idea what to do. What could he do anyway? He was just a simple concubine.

Facing the lack of reaction from Yoongi, Jimin gathered himself in order to convince his master to try to save the situation.

"No one would believe me. It's just absurd that the Thai prince and the empress are plotting to assassinate the Emperor when the two empires are about to enter a new era of peace."

"You have always repeated that one should never trust palace people because they are sneaky. Now that it's happening right before your eyes, you are reluctant."

"Jimin, a concubine just can't accuse rulers of high treason, especially without evidence." He sighed, unable to stop the prince.

"But if we don't do anything, the Emperor is going to die in a few minutes."

Yoongi thought, but he could hardly find a solution. His brain was working at a mad pace without finding an idea that would stop the empire from sinking.

On one side of the palace, where the Emperor was supposed to draw his final breath, things were unfolding as planned, and no one suspected what was being planned.

The Thai Emperor signed first. Jungkook was about to do the same thing, but the young prince snuck up behind him. With care, he pulled out his dagger and prepared to strike.

"Your Majesty!! Behind you!!" Yoongi had time to say, having rushed into the room in a loud bang.

Jungkook barely had time to dodge. The dagger grazed his forearm, causing it to bleed.

The Goguryeo warriors immediately took up positions, their hwando pointers aimed at the opposing clan, which had now become an enemy of their nation. The air seemed to have left the room. The joyful atmosphere that reigned just a few moments ago had completely changed.

Namjoon, the faithful right hand of the emperor, pointed his hwando at the prince's neck, waiting for the orders killed him. Because that's what traitors and enemies of the emperor deserve.

"Give me one reason not to end you right here." Though Jungkook was bleeding, the pain he felt in his body was nothing compared to the anger that had settled in his veins.

"I only regret not being able to complete my project" the proud prince smiled, refusing to lower his head.

The Thai Emperor was still in shock. He tried to defend his son and resolve the situation but it was a lost cause from the moment his young son decided to embark on this path. Especially since he felt no regrets.

Jungkook was in a dilemma. By killing the prince, he risked bringing war to the doorstep of Goguryeo. However, he couldn't let the enemy get away unscathed.