Chapter 25

Despite the Thais departing, escorted by the elites trained and recognized by the emperor himself for their strength, a heavy atmosphere still reigned in the palace. The council hastily met to take measures to prepare for possible retaliation. The Thai empire was just as powerful as Goguryeo militarily. They should not show any negligence at the risk of being caught off guard. All the men in the room had concerned expressions on their face.

What was supposed to be a day of celebration turned into a complete disaster. Jungkook was the one who felt the worst. The safety and well-being of the population rested solely on his shoulders. And he might have just potentially drawn dark days upon the people he had sworn to protect when he took the throne.

"Emperor, with all due respect, your decision has condemned the empire. We just made another enemy," the oldest of the advisors expressed his concerns to Jungkook, but it was more of a rebuke.

"The decision of the emperor was the right one. Goguryeo is an untouchable empire. No one will go after the emperor without consequences," another said. It was impossible for the emperor to show cowardice by sparing the prince.

Soon, the room became a scene of reproaches, albeit indirectly stated. Namjoon spoke to avoid debates about what had been done and that which could not be undone in time.

"The prince is dead and there is no turning back. We must focus right now on the measures we need to take to avoid an imminent invasion."

The elders fell silent and each seemed to think of the best method to adopt. It was Jungkook who broke the silence, giving the directions to follow.

"Place more men at the border. Each entrance and exit must be monitored. Place spies within the Thai empire to know their intentions and thus have an advance on them."

Jungkook's uncle responsible for monitoring the safety of the empire nodded, ready to execute the emperor's orders as soon as the meeting over.

They continued the meeting while on the other side of the palace, the imperial physician tended to Yoongi. Thankfully, his wound was not too deep. However, he had lost a lot of blood due to late medical attention. The physician successfully stopped the bleeding and put him out of danger. He was still unconscious, lying on the bed. Beside him was Jimin. The latter felt guilty about his master's condition. He passed his hand through the black hair, praying for him to wake up as soon as possible.

"This scene is very much reminiscent of a lover who is saddened by the state of his beloved," a voice startled Jimin, who automatically removed his hand and stood to face Taehyung. He tried to justify himself, wanting to clarify any misunderstanding that could lead him and Yoongi into trouble. Taehyung snickered, dismissing the servant's excuses with a wave of his hand, not interested in the servant's response.

"Tell me how he is instead." He asked, approaching the bed.

"The doctor said he is out of danger. But it will take some time for him to recover."

"Poor thing... Rushing into the thick of it like a hero, only to end up in this condition...." He sighed before continuing, "I hope at least his heroic act will bring him something good in return."

Taehyung's gaze fell on Yoongi's face.Its previously beautiful face had lost its vitality due to the pain inflicted.

"Yoongi Hyung simply did what he thought was right. He's not the type to do something for recognition," Jimin responded

"You seem to know your master well..." Taehyung cast him a suspicious glance that Jimin felt obligated to set the truth straight once again.

"All it takes is to see Yoongi Hyung to know he's not a self-interested person."

"Anyway, it would have been a shame for such a beautiful face to stop breathing," he said.

Later that evening, Jungkook headed toward the concubines' pavilion. He hadn't had time to see Yoongi all day, dealing with the security of the empire. His usually slow and calculated steps gave way to a rapid gait, as he wanted to be near his savior and ensure that his condition was not critical as soon as possible.

He entered the chamber, his eyes instinctively drawn to the bed. Yoongi was still unconscious. He sat on the edge of the bed. His hand gently made its way into the black-haired's hand. He was grateful to Yoongi for saving him, but he felt guilty about the other's condition. He also felt guilty for neglecting Yoongi all those months.

He stayed at Yoongi's bedside all night, ensuring that his condition did not deteriorate. He pulled an all-nighter. Although Jimin offered to take over and look after his master, Jungkook refused.