The Birth of Snow Sky Dog: A Tale of Divine Destiny

Long ago, when the sky and the earth were still immersed in chaos, a beam of light suddenly flashed amid the eternal darkness of disorder. The sky and the earth began to separate at this moment, and the void celebrated the creation. In that era, the Heavenly Realm appeared in the sky, while deep beneath the earth formed the Underworld. In the Heavenly Realm, 700 gods were born, among them, the most powerful and adept in magic was the Water Ancestor of the Gods. Under the earth, 18 demon lords also emerged, each ruling over a layer of the underworld and controlling 108 demon nobles and 1200 demon legions. On the surface, the world of humans was formed, and various mythical creatures coexisted in that realm. 


On the southern edge of the human world, there was a massive mountain, devoid of any beasts. This mountain didn't experience the four seasons but only had a perpetual winter. On the mountain's peak, there was a wolf-shaped stone absorbing the essence of heaven and earth for a thousand years. One day, a god in the heavens dropped the eternal hammer into the human world. This magical item fell onto the wolf-shaped stone of the snowy mountain. Strangely, the eternal hammer and the stone fused, transforming into silver light that illuminated the southern land of the human world. When the silver light faded, the stone became a creature, part god, part mythical being. The creature looked up to the sky and bowed three times. Then, he cut his index finger, and as his blood dripped onto the snow, three drops turned into a small box. He spoke: 


"From now on, I am Snow Sky Dog, and I will return to this snowy mountain to retrieve the magical item that belongs to me when I awaken all the power within me." 


Snow Sky-Dog spread his wings, as white as snow, behind him and soared to the heavens. He headed towards the Academy of the Gods, founded by the Water Ancestor of the Gods, where young gods were trained. 


Snow Sky-Dog flew straight to the east, passing through the gate connecting the world of gods to the world of humans. He continued until he saw a giant castle made of pure gold. He landed in front of the castle gate. Suddenly, two other gods landed at the same time. The three of them were about to speak when a god in silver armor, holding a crystal spear, stepped forward and addressed them: 


"Hurry into the academy; the Water Ancestor of the Gods has been waiting for you!" 


The three gods looked at each other in surprise and confusion for a moment before hurrying into the academy. The place was bustling with students, all of whom were outstanding talents chosen from the world of gods. Some had handsome, sharp features, balanced bodies, and an air of elegance, while others had peculiar and exotic appearances. Three drums sounded, and an old yet agile god with a tall figure stepped forward and said: 


"Young gods, welcome to this academy! You are the future of the world of gods, those who will bear the heavy responsibility of maintaining the stability and balance of the three worlds: the world of gods, the world of humans, and the world of mythical beings. In the future, upon graduating from this academy, you will have to undertake and fulfill the difficult and complex tasks of all three worlds. These tasks will be directly assigned to you by the Lord of the Gods. If, during your training, I notice any of you committing misdeeds, I will punish you accordingly. You will be divided into small groups for convenience. Each group will consist of three members, and each group will have a teacher who is a god from the academy to guide and manage. A special group will be led by me. Now, I will read the names of the three student gods. After I read the names, the three of you step forward, introduce yourselves, and share your views and ideals." 


The entire hall fell unusually silent. All the students quietly hoped that their names would be read by the Water Ancestor of the Gods before all others. In the entire academy, where only gods were trained, everyone wanted to become the favored disciple of the Water Ancestor. The heavy atmosphere of silence seemed to pull down the curtain of time. Suddenly, the first name was called, the god that Snow Sky-Dog had encountered at the academy gate. 


"Kurogami Masayuki, come forward!" 


Kurogami Masayuki stepped forward swiftly and decisively. He stood in front of all the students and spoke with a resonant voice. 


"I am Kurogami Masayuki, born from the rare but intense light within eternal darkness. I always hold the truth in my mind: ' Truly glorious are the words that express courage; those words guide the courageous actions of an honorable man - a warrior leading the way.'" 


"Well said, Kurogami Masayuki. Now, stand behind me; you are the first student I will directly oversee. You are the top student among the three I find most favorable, so you must take responsibility for protecting and assisting the other two student gods." 


"Yes, Master!" 


The voice of the Water Ancestor of the Gods echoed once again. 


"The second chosen is Snow Sky Dog!" 


Snow Sky-Dog was extremely surprised; he didn't expect a newly-born god like him to be personally selected by the Water Ancestor of the Gods. He felt his body tremble with excitement at this incredible honor. He felt a bit confused and anxious about the speech he was about to make. To deal with this favor, he summoned all the courage scattered in his mind, focusing it on his pounding heart. He clenched his fist tightly, quickly stepped forward, and began his speech. 


"I am Snow Sky Dog, born from the snow of a thousand years, the soul of a wolf, and eternity. If I have a cherished principle in life, it is: In life, as in the art of war, if you cannot adjust the rhythm, you are merely a failure. A strong warrior must know when to attack and when to retreat." 


"You also speak well, Snow Sky Dog. I have high expectations for you. In the future, the order of all three worlds depends on your spiritual strength! Strive on." 


The Water Ancestor of the Gods fell silent for a moment, then spoke again. 


"The last one is Mizuchi Haruka, a goddess!" 


Mizuchi Haruka slowly stepped forward and spoke gently. 


"Hello, everyone. I am Mizuchi Haruka, the goddess of spring and various flowers. I don't have a strong life philosophy like the two senior brothers who just spoke. I just want to say: 'No joy without sorrow. No victory without pain. No freedom without sacrifice.'" 


"Mizuchi Haruka, you also speak very well. From now on, I hope you will maintain and embody that precious spirit. You are also a significant hope for the three worlds, so try your best to uphold your admirable spirit."