The Fire Lion Youkai

"This is the Four Soul Star Gem?" Mizuchi Haruka asked in astonishment, turning to Snow Sky Dog and Kurogami Masayuki. Perhaps this goddess had never seen such a beautiful gem, radiating such a strange power.

"That's right, little sister!" Snow Sky Dog replied confidently with a high-pitched tone. "We've got the magical item that our master wanted! Now, I wonder what our master will reward us for our efforts."

"How about a wedding between me and you, snow wolf?" Mizuchi Haruka suggested, her enchanting eyes exchanging glances with Snow Sky Dog.

"Well, that sounds perfect! In that case, my wife will be a princess of flowers, beautiful and graceful," Snow Sky-Dog responded, countering the enchanting gaze of the flower princess with a beautiful smile. Perhaps Snow Sky-Dog looked most handsome when he playfully teased women. Perhaps his captivating smile was the most potent weapon, leaving a lasting impression on the hearts of the women he encountered.

"Enough, snow wolf! On the days you don't flirt with women, is the food not to your liking? We've obtained the Four Soul Star Gem, so let's quickly return to the Academy of the Gods. Staying here longer might attract another dangerous youkai that could try to snatch the gem we obtained so hard. Now is not the time for both of you to play around. If you truly want to play around, return to safety, and then you can play to your heart's content," Kurogami Masayuki said seriously, his voice resonating with a high level of vigilance.

"Are you scared, big brother?"

"I'm afraid that youkai will harm both of you! No youkai can harm me, let alone take away my life. By the way, I must say, Snow Sky Dog, in the recent battle, you fought well, but you still need to train more to improve your combat skills. These rebellious youkai are formidable. The first youkai was just the beginning of the fierce battles we are about to face! So, let's all be on high alert!" Kurogami Masayuki warned with a loud voice.

"Sigh, then I'll follow your advice, big brother. Mizuchi Haruka, let's go back!" Snow Sky-Dog said, feeling resigned.

"If you want to go back, hand over the Four Soul Star Gem that you just stole from that foolish sea dragon youkai, and I promise I'll ensure your safety. If not, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

All three were surprised and turned their gaze to the one who had just threatened the three young gods—a lion-like youkai. It looked just as bizarre as the foolish sea dragon youkai that Snow Sky-Dog scared away earlier. The only difference was that this lion-like youkai seemed more articulate in its speech. Nevertheless, its talking was still "polite youkai style": full of threats and arrogance. It respected the three young gods more than the foolish and crazed sea dragon youkai earlier.

"Big brother, let me handle it!" Snow Sky-Dog said angrily.

"Do you want to compete for the chance to showcase our abilities with me? You just finished a battle, and now you want to fight again? Rest, and let me deal with this lion youkai!" Kurogami Masayuki resolutely contested the "prey" with Snow Sky Dog.

"Fine, fight fiercely, big brother!"

"If you want, I'll follow your opinion, Kurogami Masayuki." Snow Sky-Dog said in frustration.

"What are you saying, you bunch? Do you dare to underestimate me?" I, Bai Ze, Divine Beast Scholar, will break every bone in your bodies." Bai Ze roared with a resounding voice. Its whole body burst into flames, and then it charged towards Kurogami Masayuki. Kurogami Masayuki gently held his sword and used magic to create a protective barrier. Kurogami Masayuki wielded the magic, transforming it into his special weapon, the "Youkai Slayer."

"That's the 'Youkai Slayer,' a magical item among the eight most powerful magical artifacts in the three worlds, right? Big brother, you surprised me!" Snow Sky Dog exclaimed, astonished.

Kurogami Masayuki remained silent, courageously advancing to confront Bai Ze, whose body was engulfed in hellfire.

Bai Ze and Kurogami Masayuki faced each other in a challenging battle. The hellfire emanating from Bai Ze's body created a tremendous heat, making the air stifling and unbearably hot. In contrast, Kurogami Masayuki maintained a steadfast posture, his face cold and determined, and the "Youkai Slayer" radiated a dazzling light.

Without waiting, Bai Ze lunged forward at an incredible speed, ablaze in flames. Kurogami Masayuki gently gripped the sword and used magic to create a protective barrier. The clash between the hellfire and the magical barrier resulted in a resounding explosion, forcing onlookers to shield their faces.

When the light from the explosion subsided, Bai Ze and Kurogami Masayuki still stood facing each other, both showing signs of exhaustion. Bai Ze laughed and roared, its eyes red and blazing like hellfire, then charged at Kurogami Masayuki. Not maintaining a defensive posture, Kurogami Masayuki quickly switched to an offensive stance.

The confrontation intensified as Kurogami Masayuki began employing various spells. He created a colossal column of fire from the sword's tip and directly struck Bai Ze with it. The lion youkai roared, but it struggled to resist the extraordinary power of the flames created by Kurogami Masayuki. Perhaps the fire he conjured was even more potent than Bai Ze's hellfire.

However, Bai Ze was no weak youkai. It deceived Kurogami Masayuki by generating fiery duplicates of itself, making it challenging for him to identify the real adversary. Kurogami Masayuki leaped and dodged continuously, simultaneously delivering precise and critical sword strikes.

The battle became more unpredictable and complex with the flexible combination of magic and Bai Ze's unique strength. The sense of threat and escalating pressure heightened, creating a tense atmosphere.

Meanwhile, Snow Sky Dog and Mizuchi Haruka observed the fight with anxiety and anticipation, hoping for Kurogami Masayuki to emerge victorious in this intense duel.

Finally, after a series of well-coordinated attacks with magic, Kurogami Masayuki discovered the secret to overcoming Bai Ze's unique power. He exploited small openings in the fiery mesh of his opponent, launching attacks with agile swordplay and precision.

Under the final strike, the "Youkai Slayer" emitted a brilliant light, piercing straight into Bai Ze's heart. The youkai lion roared one last time, its hellfire extinguished, and then dissipated into thin smoke. Kurogami Masayuki stood firm, his expression unchanged.

As tranquility returned, both Snow Sky Dog and Mizuchi Haruka breathed a sigh of relief, feeling as if they had just escaped an unpredictable danger. Kurogami Masayuki gazed intently at the spot where Bai Ze had vanished, and then gently returned the "Youkai Slayer" to its original position.

Kurogami Masayuki's soul is now brimmed with complex emotions. Although he had emerged victorious, this sentiment was not one of excitement. Instead, within his mind was an understanding of power and responsibility. He had defeated a formidable youkai but realized that the world was fraught with challenges and dangers awaiting their trio.

Tilting his head, Kurogami Masayuki looked into the distance, contemplating what was about to unfold and the new possibilities awaiting. Understanding and maturity had made the light in his soul shine brighter. In the darkness of the battle, he realized that his mission was not only for himself but also to protect the world of divine beings.

"We must continue to investigate and counter the youkai rebellion," Kurogami Masayuki declared, his tone heavy but resolute. "This battle is just the beginning, and we need to prepare for the challenges that lie ahead."