The Enchanting Dance of Spring and the Snow Wolf

At the Academy of Gods

"Mizuchi Haruka, have you finished your makeup and prepared your outfit for the lantern festival yet? Why is it taking so long? If you continue to be this slow, I'm afraid that by the time you're done, the Human World Lantern Festival might already be over!" Kurogami Masayuki lost his patience, urging Mizuchi Haruka.

"Be a little patient, big brother! It takes time for women to do their makeup and choose outfits! You should get used to it! In the future, when you have a girlfriend, you won't be surprised and will quickly adapt to it." Mizuchi Haruka replied, her voice echoing from the dressing room, while she calmly and carefully selected the most beautiful and fashionable clothes, ignoring Kurogami Masayuki's impatience. Kurogami Masayuki had been waiting for over an hour, and he was growing impatient.

"I understand that, but I'm just worried that if you take too long with your makeup and outfit, the lantern festival might end, and we won't be able to meet that snow wolf and your rival. If that happens, all our efforts to win the affection of that snow wolf for you will be in vain!" Kurogami Masayuki expressed concern, warning Mizuchi Haruka.

"But if I don't look more beautiful than that fox spirit, my plan and yours will fail! Isn't that right, big brother?" Mizuchi Haruka replied, still diligently choosing her outfit, while Kurogami Masayuki felt exhausted waiting outside the dressing room. Kurogami Masayuki had been waiting for over an hour, and he was losing patience.

"Come on, you're the goddess of spring and the princess of flowers; whatever you wear will be beautiful! If you pay too much attention to your outfit, we might miss the rare opportunity to catch that snow wolf in the act with the human girl. If so, I can't guarantee that my assistance will be helpful to you." Kurogami Masayuki expressed his concern.

"Just wait a little longer, big brother, I'm almost done with my makeup and outfit!" Mizuchi Haruka defended her delay.

"I've heard that line so many times, little sister! It's not that I can't wait for you, but the lantern festival is about to end!" Kurogami Masayuki bluntly stated his point of view.

"Why don't you understand the psychology of women at all?" Mizuchi Haruka questioned Kurogami Masayuki while still choosing her outfit.

"Because I'm not Snow Sky Dog, I'm not that snow wolf, I'm not good at enticing women!" Kurogami Masayuki argued firmly and sharply in response to Mizuchi Haruka's questioning.

"Maybe that's why Snow Sky-Dog became a god adored by many girls, and you are his 'contrast,' although you are handsome and your magical powers are high." Mizuchi Haruka was trying to personally attack Kurogami Masayuki, even though he was the only one accompanying her in reclaiming her lover, trying to win back Snow Sky-Dog from Seraphina Frostwind.

"Do I long to be like that mischievous snow wolf? I don't have to worry about studying; I'm only good at enticing women. Maybe that's why people trust me more than that snow wolf!" Kurogami Masayuki responded sincerely, showing no signs of anger. "Why am I dragged into this love war? I'd rather fight with youkai!"

"You're drawn into this war because you're my big brother, and I'm your little sister! I know you've always been good to me!" Mizuchi Haruka changed her approach, starting psychological tactics. She attacked Kurogami Masayuki's affection for his little sister and his sense of responsibility when he was entrusted by the mentor to help and protect Snow Sky Dog and her. Kurogami Masayuki was about to respond when he suddenly gasped in surprise. Mizuchi Haruka stepped out of the dressing room, looking truly beautiful, dazzlingly beautiful, and enchanting.

Mizuchi Haruka appeared in front of Kurogami Masayuki, the light from the divine world shining brightly, reflecting the gentle beauty of the pink color on her delicate face. Mizuchi Haruka's sea-blue eyes had a fresh and sweet look, creating a charming and irresistible beauty. The delicate features, combined perfectly with the exquisite makeup, made her face shine like a vibrant work of art.

The outfit Mizuchi Haruka chose also contributed to highlighting her beauty. The light pink dress, made of soft, delicate material, floated gracefully with her steps, creating an indescribable beauty, like something out of literature or poetry. Light pink cherry blossoms adorned the dress, enhancing the elegance and gentleness of the goddess of spring.

Kurogami Masayuki couldn't contain his surprise and awe at Mizuchi Haruka's dazzling beauty. He had never thought that his little sister could become so alluring and sophisticated. His eyes were fixed on this captivating beauty, and his heart seemed to touch something he couldn't express.

Mizuchi Haruka turned around to give him a full view of this magnificent beauty, without any trace of arrogance.

"Well, big brother, the snow wolf won't be able to take his eyes off me when he sees me at the lantern festival!" She appeared confident, but there was still a hint of fear and excitement in her sea-blue eyes before the battle for affection she was engaged in.

Kurogami Masayuki couldn't articulate anything; he could only gaze intently at Mizuchi Haruka, and his heart suddenly skipped a beat. His principles for this lantern festival and his feelings for the day were becoming increasingly uncontrollable before the dazzling and attractive beauty of Mizuchi Haruka.

After a moment of surprise and a "paralyzed" awareness, Kurogami Masayuki found his soul again, after it wandered on the 33rd cloud when faced with the breathtaking beauty of the goddess of spring, Mizuchi Haruka. He said:

"You look beautiful, little sister, let's go to the lantern festival now. I hope it hasn't ended yet!" Kurogami Masayuki spoke, his eyes still fixed on Mizuchi Haruka's sea-blue eyes.

"Thank you, big brother, for waiting and helping me so patiently. After this, I'll treat you to a meal, alright?" Mizuchi Haruka blinked, exuding an irresistible charm.

"Of course, little sister!" Kurogami Masayuki responded, seemingly manipulated by emotions.

Then, both gods went to the lantern festival in the human world.

While Snow Sky Dog and Seraphina Frostwind were having dinner in a small, romantically decorated restaurant, Mizuchi Haruka, in her stunning outfit, walked in and said:

"Hello, Snow Sky Dog, my love, and hello to you, the human girl, my rival!"

Kurogami Masayuki also walked in and added, showing his support for Mizuchi Haruka in this competition for affection:

"Hello, mischievous snow wolf, your new girlfriend is very beautiful, but you should take a closer look at Mizuchi Haruka here!"

Snow Sky-Dog turned his gaze to Mizuchi Haruka; his eyes touched the enchanting beauty, and his reaction was similar to Kurogami Masayuki's earlier. His soul temporarily left his body and wandered on the 33rd cloud due to the pleasure and surprise. After he summoned back his soul to return to his body, he commented with all his sincerity:

"Mizuchi Haruka, you look truly beautiful today!"

"Thank you, my love!"

Seraphina Frostwind seemed uncomfortable with this comment.

Seraphina Frostwind raised her glass and looked intently at Mizuchi Haruka. In a polite yet subtly mocking tone, she said:

"Oh, look, the goddess of spring is appearing, making everything around fresh and spreading the fragrance of various flowers. Luckily, we can enjoy this fresh beauty just before winter arrives."

Mizuchi Haruka maintained a graceful posture and replied with a gentle but slightly ironic tone:

"Thank you for your appreciation, Seraphina Frostwind. Everyone has different views on beauty, and I'm glad I can bring a bit of spring color to the air."

Seraphina Frostwind responded with a light smile and said:

"Of course, everyone has their view of beauty. Didn't you express that through your choice of clothing and makeup?"

Kurogami Masayuki couldn't stay silent; he joined the conversation with a smile full of implications:

"Truly a miraculous scene. But I think, Snow Sky Dog, you missed most of the beauty if you didn't come here quickly. Mizuchi Haruka is truly radiant today, undoubtedly attracting a lot of attention from others."

Snow Sky-Dog just chuckled and sighed; he emphasized with a gentle tone:

"Indeed, everyone looks beautiful today. Let's enjoy this evening and the fascinating lantern festival."

Mizuchi Haruka emphasized this harmony and continued the conversation with Snow Sky Dog, while Seraphina Frostwind and Kurogami Masayuki still held conflicting looks, looks concealed behind their sophistication and gentleness but filled with sharp confrontations and dramatic challenges.

The dialogue continued in the festive atmosphere, where the emotions and the race for the affection of Snow Sky-Dog between Mizuchi Haruka and Seraphina Frostwind escalated with each passing second, each minute.