Heart of Snow White

Another Leisure Day in the Academy of Divine Beings 


Snow Sky-Dog emerged from the men's bath, deliberately opting not to wear a shirt, revealing a stunning physique with well-defined muscles and skin as white as snow. Wherever Snow Sky-Dog went, the eyes of the goddesses in the academy were drawn to him. Because the physique of Snow Sky-Dog was the most attractive among the male beings in this academy. Witnessing this scene, Kurogami Masayuki just shook his head gently. 


"Another seductive move from that cunning snow wolf! My sister, Mizuchi Haruka, is even more jealous of him." 


Snow Sky-Dog entered the changing room, donning a pure white outfit in the snow wolf style: a pristine white shirt and trousers matching the shirt. He combed his hair and admired himself in the mirror, then smiled before the mirror, still a beautifully enchanting smile, with a charm difficult to explain designed to seduce women. 


"Going down to the human world to visit that fox lady Seraphina Frostwind again?" Kurogami Masayuki's voice didn't startle him; it merely conveyed a message: his elder brother was standing behind him. 


"This matter is quite complicated, my elder brother wouldn't understand." After combing his chestnut-colored hair into a flowing wave, Snow Sky-Dog continued, "Take care of Mizuchi Haruka well while I'm away!" 


"If I take good care of Mizuchi Haruka, you'll end up hurting her afterward, so your advice is practically meaningless!" Kurogami Masayuki retorted with a cold and dry tone. 


"No more talking with my elder brother. I'm leaving now. Elder brother, take care of yourself, and when you have time, let's have a drink and discuss the philosophy of life together!" Snow Sky-Dog tucked a small comb into his pocket, gently turned around, and took a few steps, but only after three steps, Kurogami Masayuki spoke. 


"Since you got acquainted with that human girl, I've noticed you behaving strangely. Come on, tell me honestly, the secret and important mission assigned to you by the higher-ups has something to do with that fox lady, right, snow wolf?" 


"This matter is very complicated, my elder brother, and I can't explain it. Please understand and don't interfere with my affairs!" Snow Sky-Dog replied in a barely audible voice, then continued walking. 


"If you say so, I'm seventy percent sure out of a hundred! Lately, not only you but even the master has been acting strangely, and it's all related to Seraphina Frostwind, that beautiful human girl!" Kurogami Masayuki spoke in a tone colder than the snow of Snow Sky Dog. 


Snow Sky-Dog only responded with a low-volume utterance, "You might be right! If that's the case, both you and our little sister should sympathize with me and not hinder me!" 


"You understand women's psychology, but you struggle to keep your secrets because fundamentally, you are an honest and straightforward person! Well, is there something you can't tell your elder brother? If this matter is so important, snow wolf?" Kurogami Masayuki tried his best to extract information from Snow Sky Dog, but it seemed futile. 


"This matter is crucial, elder brother! The fewer people who know about it, the better. So, please don't inquire further from me." Snow Sky-Dog briskly walked out of the room, this time not stopping. He walked straight to the academy gate, then spread wide wings with feathers as white as snow and flew straight to the human world. 


Kurogami Masayuki shook his head gently and sighed, "This might indeed be a significant matter. Oh, master, why assign such an important and secret task to this snow wolf instead of me? Haizza, perhaps this mission is related to women, so letting the snow wolf handle it makes more sense! If that's the case, Mizuchi Haruka isn't the only pitiable one in this love triangle. Haizza, it's complicated and troublesome!" 


Snow Sky-Dog arrived in the human world, where Seraphina Frostwind had been waiting in a restaurant for a long time. Seeing Snow Sky-Dog enter the restaurant, she greeted him with joy and a hint of irritation. 


"Why are you so late?" She said, her eyes sparkling like gemstones in a shattered sky. 


"It's not that I'm late; it's just that you came too early!" Snow Sky-Dog projected a look full of love and admiration at Seraphina Frostwind. Surprisingly, today she looked even more beautiful than at the Lantern Festival. Perhaps at the Lantern Festival, Mizuchi Haruka overshadowed her in terms of beauty due to makeup and attire. So today, even without Mizuchi Haruka's presence, she wanted to "take revenge." 


Seraphina Frostwind was wearing a long white dress, delicate as a thin layer of fragile snow covering a field on a crisp morning. The dress hugged her body, accentuating the seductive curves that her naturally snow-white skin created. Snow Sky-Dog couldn't take his eyes off her, looking at her with a fascinated gaze, admiring the pure and refined beauty of Seraphina Frostwind. 


Seraphina Frostwind's beauty was not only in her appearance but also contained the beauty of her soul. She had emerald green eyes that sparkled like precious gems, holding wisdom and depth. When she smiled, her soft pink lips were like newly bloomed roses, making the atmosphere gentle and warm. 


"You're so handsome, but you always make me wait. Do you know that it makes me sad?" Seraphina Frostwind looked at Snow Sky-Dog with a teasing yet loving gaze. Her words were a mixture of complaint and inquiry, creating a harmonious date between love and responsibility. 


"Sorry, it's because I didn't prepare well," Snow Sky-Dog replied with a gentle smile, running his fingers lightly through her hair. "But now I'm here, let's order drinks and food." 


In the luxurious restaurant, with dim lights and soft music, a romantic atmosphere was created. Snow Sky Dog and Seraphina Frostwind sat at a table in the corner, offering an excellent view of the beautiful suburban scenery with sparkling city lights. The cozy and love-filled atmosphere made their date even more romantic. 


Seraphina Frostwind nodded, expressing satisfaction as she looked around the restaurant. "This is truly a wonderful place. Thank you for taking the time to prepare for this date." 


Snow Sky Dog, sitting across from her, spoke with a romantic tone, "You deserve the best. Let's have a special date in this restaurant, Seraphina." 


Their words were like gentle music, conveying deep emotions. Each phrase was an emotion, a part of the romantic story they were building. 


But suddenly, Seraphina Frostwind questioned Snow Sky Dog. 


"What about the flower princess on our first date, handsome guy? Are you in love with multiple people at once? Are you playing around with me, aren't you?" 


Snow Sky-Dog felt flustered and tried to explain. 


"No, you've misunderstood! For me, she's just like a younger sister!" 


"But she calls you 'my love' and calls me 'rival.' How do you explain that?" 


"She may have feelings for me, but in my heart, there's only one image of a girl I love, and that's you, not her!" Snow Sky-Dog tried to explain as best as he could. 


Seraphina Frostwind gazed intently at Snow Sky Dog, her eyes sparkling with the complexity of emotions. 


"Maybe I should believe you, but everything is too complicated. Loving multiple people at once, I can't accept that." 


Feeling the increasing pressure, Snow Sky-Dog reminded himself to stay calm and answered sincerely. 


"Seraphina, I truly love only you. Mizuchi Haruka, she's just my close friend. We have a lot of history and connection that I don't want to lose." 


Seraphina Frostwind kept her gaze, trying to read Snow Sky Dog's soul. 


"I don't want to be the third wheel, don't want to be put in a difficult situation between you and her. If you truly love me, prove it." 


Snow Sky-Dog placed his hand over his heart and said, 


"This heart is only directed towards you, Seraphina. I don't want you to worry about anything. Trust me, we can build a beautiful, elegant, pure love like your name." 


Seraphina Frostwind nodded gently and looked straight into Snow Sky Dog's eyes. 


"I will trust you, but keep your promise. Nothing hurts me more than facing betrayal from you." 


Snow Sky-Dog held her hand and whispered, 


"I promise, Seraphina. Our understanding and love will not be lost to anything else. We will build our future together, won't we?" 


They looked at each other with trust and hope, but life's challenges still awaited them. The upscale date became a significant turning point, clarifying the feelings between Snow Sky Dog and Seraphina Frostwind. However, challenges still lay ahead. Nevertheless, genuine love and serious commitment could make every difficulty more manageable.