The Enigmatic Vendetta: Shadows of Divine Realms

Ryujin Tetsu was sinking deeper into alcohol from day to day. He incessantly drank to forget the humiliation of being defeated by Kurogami Masayuki. He indulged himself in this way, going from one glass to another. If it weren't for the divine dragon's blood flowing in his veins, he would have died from excessive drinking. While Snow Sky-Dog, Kurogami Masayuki, and Mizuchi Haruka were diligently studying at the academy of the gods, Ryujin Tetsu was immersed in lingering hatred and envy, a prideful resentment for the nobility of his clan. During these solitary drinking sessions, his life seemed to be heading towards a dead end. In his mind, a dark intent suddenly emerged, fueled by the high alcohol content of the countless drinks he consumed.

"If I had one of the eight most powerful magical items in these three worlds, none of you could escape my punishment! But how can I obtain those eight magical items? They belong to the extremely rare category of magical items with the strangest powers in these three worlds; yet, very few have accurate information about their existence. Until now, only the gods of the highest rank in the world of the gods could have accurate information about their distribution. Ryujin Tetsu thought, the Four Soul Gems are in the hands of that wretched old man, the Ancestor of the Gods of Water, and the "Youkai Slayer" is in the hands of Kurogami Masayuki. That wretch Kurogami Masayuki owns the Youkai Slayer, so he cannot be defeated by any god or any Youkai. The Four Soul Gems have the Ancestor of the Gods of Water. That foolish old man guards that gem very carefully, and I cannot steal it. Or should I kill that foolish old man to take the gem? No! Ryujin Tetsu, be smarter for once! That old man possesses tremendous magical power because he is one of the first gods born in the world of the gods. That old man was born with the formation of all three worlds, so compared to him, my magical power is still very weak. I cannot kill that old man to steal the gem! If I kill that old man, he will undoubtedly kill me first, so it's impossible! What should I do then? Just let those three inferior beings be? No! I must make them pay for daring to look down on me!"

Ryujin Tetsu continued to drink, perhaps his stomach was made of steel, allowing him to endure such copious and strong alcohol.

"Hold on, it seems that the snow wolf, Snow Sky-Dog, is courting a human girl in the Human World. Why don't I ruin his love story? Let's see, in the Human World, I also have a vast social network. It's time for me to use this social network!"

Ryujin Tetsu contemplated this vile plot, and a wicked smile suddenly formed on his lips. And he continued to drink from one glass to another as if he were indifferent to life.

In the shared room of the three gods, Snow Sky-Dog, Kurogami Masayuki, and Mizuchi Haruka.

"So, you're going to the Human World to date Seraphina Frostwind, aren't you, Snow Sky-Dog?" Kurogami Masayuki asked with a bored tone mixed with indifference. He was quite fed up with Snow Sky-Dog's womanizing lifestyle, his younger brother.

"Yeah! Big brother is right, today is Seraphina Frostwind's birthday. If I show up with an expensive gift, she'll probably be very happy, don't you think, big brother?" Snow Sky-Dog smiled brightly, not the usual smile he used to lure women, but a genuine one, happy that he could bring a small joy to someone else. Even though he only brought a small joy to Seraphina Frostwind, he genuinely felt happy doing so. Perhaps because he was a god with a rather innocent and pure soul? 

"You only think about making Seraphina Frostwind happy, what about Mizuchi Haruka? She loves you with all her sincerity. By doing this, have you considered that it will make Mizuchi Haruka sad? Let me tell you, you are Mizuchi Haruka's first love, so act responsibly! You, Snow Sky-Dog, and Mizuchi Haruka are all dear to me. Therefore, I don't want both of you to regret because of your wrong decisions and actions. Pay attention to your attitude, thoughts, and behavior, Snow Sky-Dog. I've told you before; you're playing with fire, be careful if you don't want that fire you're toying with, with your disdainful attitude towards it, to eventually flare up uncontrollably and consume you." Kurogami Masayuki seriously warned Snow Sky-Dog. It wasn't that he intentionally exaggerated the matter, but the issue was becoming more complex and serious. Kurogami Masayuki was right; Snow Sky-Dog was playing with fire. Not just one fire but three intensely hot fires: Mizuchi Haruka, Seraphina Frostwind, and his mentor, the Ancestor of the Gods of Water. But Kurogami Masayuki forgot one thing, not only Snow Sky-Dog but all three of them, Kurogami Masayuki, Snow Sky-Dog, and Mizuchi Haruka, were all playing with an extreme fire, so hot that it was ruthless and disregarded justice: Ryujin Tetsu. All three of them didn't know that they had angered a monstrously cunning creature with chaotic blood flowing in its veins. And now Ryujin Tetsu, this villainous god, could harm Seraphina Frostwind, a beautiful girl who had nothing to do with his animosity. Perhaps the story has gone a bit too far, so let's go back to the main development of the story. Snow Sky-Dog heard this and felt a bit worried. But he still used his "cool" demeanor to mask the concern that made him troubled day and night. He said:

"Thank you for reminding me, big brother. I know, I'll be careful! I'm going now, see you!"

"Hold on, Snow Sky-Dog, don't be in such a hurry! Do you know what you forgot?" Kurogami Masayuki said with a calm tone that made others very curious.

"Forgot? What did I forget, big brother, Kurogami Masayuki?" Snow Sky-Dog asked in surprise.

"You forgot to borrow my 'Youkai Slayer.' Without this magical item, Ryujin Tetsu will turn you and your human girlfriend into sashimi." Kurogami Masayuki said decisively, his eyes fixed on Snow Sky-Dog's handsome face.

"Oh! You're right, big brother! So, can you lend me that magical item?"

Kurogami Masayuki summoned the "Youkai Slayer" from the space in the room.

"Be careful with it, snow wolf! This is a magical item passed down from generation to generation of my clan. So, I don't want you to damage it. If you damage it, I will punish you, snow wolf."

Snow Sky-Dog accepted the "Youkai Slayer" from Kurogami Masayuki and used magic to shrink it into a small item like a pen, then he put it in his pocket.

"Thanks, big brother, rest assured, I'll take good care of your magical item! I'm going to Seraphina Frostwind's birthday now, see you!"

Snow Sky-Dog spread his wings with white feather fur and flew to the Human World.

In the restaurant where he often had dates with Seraphina Frostwind, she was sitting alone, a bit anxious and excited, waiting for Snow Sky-Dog's appearance. Snow Sky-Dog entered the restaurant, his right hand holding a huge bouquet of roses, and his left hand holding a small cute box. Inside the box was a necklace with a red diamond pendant. Today, Snow Sky-Dog looked handsome, wearing a purely white outfit in the style of a snow wolf. This white outfit accentuated his handsome face. Snow Sky-Dog walked up to Seraphina Frostwind and gave her the bouquet along with the small box containing the necklace.

"Seraphina Frostwind, today, you look so beautiful, perfectly beautiful! Today, you are flawless."

Seraphina Frostwind took a sip of chamomile tea from the cup on the table, but her eyes suddenly lit up with a sparkling light due to the happiness of seeing Snow Sky-Dog appear. The sunlight in the twilight reflected on his face, making his pure white clothes shine like snow falling in the dawn.

"Sorry for making you wait. Today is a special day, so I want to make everything as special as possible." Snow Sky-Dog said, his warm tone filled with emotions.

Seraphina Frostwind felt her heart leap with joy as she received the bouquet and the small box from Snow Sky-Dog. She opened the small box and saw the sparkling necklace with a red diamond, captivating and eye-catching.

"Oh, Snow Sky-Dog, it's amazing! Thank you so much." Seraphina said, her innocent voice adding vitality to the romantic atmosphere around her.

Snow Sky-Dog laughed and gently hugged Seraphina.

"Shall we take a walk before dinner?"

Both left the restaurant, only to return later for dinner. Street lights lit up, embellishing the silent night scene, beautiful like a painting.

In that moment, the love between Snow Sky-Dog and Seraphina Frostwind deepened, making the world around them seem to fade away, leaving only two hearts immersed in happiness and bathed in the light of love.

While Snow Sky-Dog and Seraphina Frostwind were enjoying the sweet moments of their date, elsewhere, Ryujin Tetsu continued to think about his revenge plan. His eyes, mad with hatred, reflected darkness and gloom, forecasting a massive wave of vengeance hidden behind the door of the future.