Enchantment's Conquest

"Did our master say that?" Mizuchi Haruka asked Kurogami Masayuki in astonishment. She found it hard to believe what she had just heard. This was truly unexpected for her. A grand wedding between two gods. It was something she could only dream of. If this were to happen, what could be more splendid?

"Yes, indeed, Mizuchi Haruka, our master did say so to me. I heard it. I am not mistaken, this is the truth, Mizuchi Haruka!" Kurogami Masayuki affirmed with utmost certainty. Deep within Kurogami Masayuki's mind, he truly wished for Snow Sky-Dog and Mizuchi Haruka to marry each other. To him, this was as wonderful as assuming an important position in heaven!

"I am overjoyed, elder brother, Kurogami Masayuki! Marrying Snow Sky-Dog is my greatest wish!" Mizuchi Haruka beamed with joy. This truly delighted her. If their master had indeed said so, it meant he was serious and responsible about his declaration.

"I know you are excited, but besides this joyous occasion, there are still its risks." Kurogami Masayuki warned Mizuchi Haruka gravely. Mizuchi Haruka had never seen him so serious before.

"What risks are those, elder brother?" Mizuchi Haruka asked, feeling puzzled. If their master had said so, then this was a cause for celebration, so why call it a risk?

"The risk is that Snow Sky-Dog might fall in love with Seraphina Frostwind and not marry you! I know that snow wolf very well; he easily charms women, but when women charm him, he is oblivious, thinking he is winning when he is ensnared in love." Kurogami Masayuki spoke forcefully, emphasizing each word for Mizuchi Haruka to understand.

"You are right, I forgot! So what should we do, elder brother?" Mizuchi Haruka asked anxiously, her face betraying her unease.

"If Snow Sky-Dog is easily swayed by women, and Seraphina Frostwind is charming him as a talented 'love spell' mage, then you must also charm him, you must also cast your own 'love spell' on him. The key here is for you to be better than Seraphina Frostwind in the art of seduction." Kurogami Masayuki said, looking at Mizuchi Haruka with a meaningful gaze.

"You are right, elder brother! Thank you for these insightful words!" Mizuchi Haruka said, gently stroking her flowing, wavy hair, a gesture that made her look truly enchanting. Kurogami Masayuki would need a strong mind not to fall for Mizuchi Haruka. He only saw her as a little sister, and he didn't need to become the only god-married like Snow Sky-Dog.

"But this is not as easy as you think, Mizuchi Haruka! Men like to protect vulnerable women. Now that scoundrel Ryujin Tetsu intends harm on Seraphina Frostwind, she naturally becomes the 'vulnerable woman.' This makes it easier for her to ensnare Snow Sky-Dog. If she doesn't take advantage of this to charm Snow Sky-Dog, then naturally Snow Sky-Dog will be more inclined to give his affection to her rather than to you. But in reality, Seraphina Frostwind is using the conflict between Snow Sky-Dog and Ryujin Tetsu to attract Snow Sky-Dog's attention and affection. So, for you to win more of Snow Sky-Dog's affection than what Snow Sky-Dog has for Seraphina Frostwind is quite difficult!" Kurogami Masayuki expressed his concern for Mizuchi Haruka with a steady, slow, and truly serious tone.

"What should we do now, elder brother? I don't want to lose Snow Sky-Dog! If there's a woman who will marry Snow Sky-Dog, it must be me, not Seraphina Frostwind!" Mizuchi Haruka replied with urgency and displayed immense concern.

"In many cases, whatever strategy our opponents employ, we can also execute that strategy. Seraphina Frostwind appears weak to receive Snow Sky-Dog's protection, help, and love, so you can do the same. Additionally, you need to show empathy, and understanding, and share sorrow, and burdens with Snow Sky-Dog - that's truly a wise move. Because men like Snow Sky-Dog may appear tough on the outside but are sensitive on the inside. He needs someone who can listen to and understand him, and at this moment, that person should be you, Mizuchi Haruka." Kurogami Masayuki analyzed in detail, clearly and specifically, the plan to win Snow Sky-Dog's affection for Mizuchi Haruka. As he spoke, his eyes sparkled with an odd light.

"But how do I show vulnerability?"

"You must appear genuinely saddened, distressed, by the romantic involvement between Snow Sky-Dog and Seraphina Frostwind. Alongside that, you must sympathize with Snow Sky-Dog regarding the pressure and the burden of the task our master assigned to him. Just by doing these things well, he will be yours!"

Mizuchi Haruka nodded, her eyes filled with understanding and determination that had been ignited within her. "I will do that," she said, her voice still slightly trembling from anxiety but becoming stronger. "I will show vulnerability, I will leverage his comfort and protection, while sharing the sadness and pressure he faces. I will be the one to understand and share with Snow Sky-Dog, I will not let him feel lonely or abandoned."

Kurogami Masayuki smiled gently, stepping closer to Mizuchi Haruka and gently placing his hand on her shoulder.

"I trust you, Mizuchi Haruka. You can do it. And when you do, Snow Sky-Dog cannot help but appreciate you, and his feelings for you will deepen with time." He spoke like a protector, his gaze warm and full of trust.

Mizuchi Haruka looked into Kurogami Masayuki's eyes, sensing the support and encouragement from this man.

"Thank you, elder brother," she said, stepping back from his embrace, and gently smiling. "I will do my best not to betray your trust and to win Snow Sky-Dog's love."

With newfound determination, Mizuchi Haruka stepped out of the room, ready to execute her plan. She knew the task wouldn't be easy, but she was determined not to give up. In her mind, the image of Snow Sky-Dog still lingered, and she promised to be the only woman in his heart.

As she stepped out, Mizuchi Haruka felt a cool breeze from outside. The sunlight shone through the window, casting golden patches on the floor. She gently closed the door behind her and walked on the path she had chosen.

As she walked, Mizuchi Haruka pondered over the discussions and decisions made. She felt she was facing a great challenge, but at the same time, it was an opportunity to prove herself and seize her happiness.

A familiar figure appeared in her mind - Snow Sky-Dog with his warm smile and deep gaze. Mizuchi Haruka looked ahead, running her hand gently through her hair, feeling the breeze. She knew that things wouldn't be easy, but she believed in herself and in the love he had for her.

And with that determination and faith, Mizuchi Haruka continued on her journey, preparing for the new challenges and adventures ahead, filled with hope and ambition in her heart.