Haruka's Secret Scheme

Mizuchi Haruka sat quietly in the restaurant, waiting for Snow Sky-Dog, a turquoise butterfly perched on her shoulder.

"Is he coming, Mizuchi Haruka? I've been waiting for him for so long! How much longer do I have to wait?" The turquoise butterfly spoke up, revealing itself to be Kurogami Masayuki in disguise. Kurogami Masayuki and Mizuchi Haruka had secretly planned this date together, between Mizuchi Haruka and Snow Sky-Dog: Kurogami Masayuki would discreetly monitor this date without letting Snow Sky-Dog know of his presence, ensuring this by transforming into a turquoise butterfly.

"Please be patient, big brother! We've only been waiting for a while, so just be patient! Our master must have lectured Snow Sky-Dog with a long moral lesson, which is why he's late. Normally, he's very punctual for our dates!" Mizuchi Haruka defended Snow Sky-Dog. In reality, she, like Kurogami Masayuki, was slowly losing patience, but her love for Snow Sky-Dog made her ready to defend her lover against Kurogami Masayuki's criticisms.

"Patience, my foot! We've been waiting for so long, I don't understand what that snow wolf is up to!" Kurogami Masayuki continued to complain, ignoring Mizuchi Haruka's explanations.

"Big brother, you..." Mizuchi Haruka was interrupted when she and Kurogami Masayuki saw a man in a white suit slowly enter the restaurant. Mizuchi Haruka was extremely surprised as if she had lost her mind and let her soul fly out of her body. The man in the white suit was none other than Snow Sky-Dog, looking more elegant and charming than any gentleman in all three worlds. His grace and allure surpassed the normal standards of beauty and charm for a man in all three worlds.

"Mizuchi Haruka, calm down, it's just a handsome man in an all-white suit! Remember our goal and the direction of this plan. You have to appear vulnerable so that Snow Sky-Dog will love and care for you. You have to portray yourself as the victim of the love story between Snow Sky-Dog and Seraphina Frostwind. You have to make it seem like the love between Seraphina Frostwind and Snow Sky-Dog has hurt you. Keep it up, Mizuchi Haruka, the success of this plan depends on your acting skills!" Kurogami Masayuki communicated with Mizuchi Haruka using telepathy. He had carefully prepared and invested a lot of effort and time into this plan. This plan was designed for Mizuchi Haruka to gain more affection from Snow Sky-Dog than Seraphina Frostwind. Therefore, he did not want all his efforts to go to waste, nor did he want his efforts to be in vain just because Snow Sky-Dog looked so handsome in a white suit that attracted all eyes during today's date with Mizuchi Haruka.

"I understand, Kurogami Masayuki, I will try to act according to the script we discussed." Mizuchi Haruka also used telepathy to reply to Kurogami Masayuki. She realized the importance of herself on this date. She, too, did not want this plan to fail because Snow Sky-Dog looked like a nobleman from a royal lineage.

"Mizuchi Haruka, you look beautiful today, between you and Seraphina Frostwind, I don't know who is more beautiful!" Snow Sky-Dog approached Mizuchi Haruka, winking at her as he spoke.

"That snow wolf just mentioned Seraphina Frostwind! Stick to the plan, Mizuchi Haruka, act now!" Kurogami Masayuki hastily reminded Mizuchi Haruka. The decisive moment had come. At this moment, if this opportunity slipped away, it would be difficult to find a better one.

A tear rolled down from Mizuchi Haruka's beautiful eyes onto her white and sensual cheekbones.

"Why are you crying, Mizuchi Haruka? What did I do to hurt you?" Snow Sky-Dog asked anxiously, feeling a bit flustered by this scene. He was very confused when a beautiful woman cried in front of him.

"Snow Sky-Dog, you indeed have hurt me! Your treatment of Seraphina Frostwind has hurt me! Snow Sky-Dog, you promised me that after completing the mission assigned by our master and resolving any issues arising from that mission, you would come back to me. So why are you getting closer to Seraphina Frostwind day by day, like a couple in love? Every time I think about this, I feel pain as if my heart is pierced by a thousand arrows! I couldn't sleep all night, my mind was filled with this! Snow Sky-Dog, Seraphina Frostwind is not the only fragile girl who needs your protection. I also need you to protect, love, and care for me!"

Snow Sky-Dog looked at Mizuchi Haruka with a compassionate and understanding expression on his face, which had never been seen before.

"Mizuchi Haruka, I apologize to you for everything. I couldn't understand your feelings, and I hurt you. But trust me, from now on, I will change. I won't cause you any more pain. I promise you, from now on, I will always be by your side, protecting and loving you like nothing ever happened."

Mizuchi Haruka looked at Snow Sky-Dog with eyes full of trust and hope. She felt the sincerity in his words, and in her heart, a new ray of hope ignited.

"Thank you, Snow Sky-Dog, for understanding and forgiving me. From now on, we will overcome all difficulties and challenges together, and build a bright future for us."

Kurogami Masayuki, disguised as a turquoise butterfly, watched this scene with joy in his heart. His plan succeeded, and the reconciliation between Mizuchi Haruka and Snow Sky created a significant turning point in their lives. At this moment, he felt proud of himself and proud of the true friendship he had gained from his two friends.

Mizuchi Haruka and Snow Sky-Dog sat together, their moment seeming to pause in space and time. They both enjoyed the peaceful moment, the space around them becoming quiet, with only the sound of their hearts beating loudly within them.

In an instant, the warm atmosphere surrounding them became fuller and warmer than ever. Mizuchi Haruka felt the love and sincere care from Snow Sky-Dog, while Snow Sky-Dog understood the true value and meaning of their relationship. They no longer had to pretend or hide anything, but instead, they felt free and happy to be themselves.

In the future, they would face many challenges and difficulties, but now they knew they had each other, and they would always be there for each other to overcome any obstacles. This date was not only an important turning point in their relationship but also the beginning of a meaningful and happy journey.

With love and understanding, Mizuchi Haruka and Snow Sky-Dog stepped into the future, ready to face all the challenges and hardships that life brought, with the belief that their love would overcome all challenges and endure forever.