Chapter 37: Whispers of Determination: A Dove's Duty

Seraphina Frostwind had just returned home after her encounter with Ryujin Tetsu. Upon reaching the oakwood sanctuary of her abode, she promptly kicked off her high heels, stowed her purse in the closet, and gracefully reclined onto her sprawling bed. As she luxuriated upon its expanse, her ruminations unfurled:

"Will you change? Will you cease inflicting further anguish upon Mizuchi Haruka? Will you henceforth stand steadfast by her side, sheltering and cherishing her as if naught had transpired? Snow Sky-Dog, your artful proclamations of romance and sweetness, how could you extend them to Mizuchi Haruka as well? And what am I to you? Before me, you utter tender words as though they are solely reserved for my ears, yet behind my back, you lavish the same endearments upon another maiden. Snow Sky-Dog, you are truly despicable! Why must those who profess affection for me reveal themselves to be such reprehensible beings? Both Snow Sky-Dog and Ryujin Tetsu embody odiousness. Snow Sky-Dog dallies with affections indiscriminately, while Ryujin Tetsu, is of even fouler ilk. His gaze betrays his baseness and lasciviousness; it seems to hunger to consume me whole. Why am I ensnared by these two vile men simultaneously? Perhaps I am the sole custodian of the knowledge of the eight most potent artifacts across the three realms. Only I am privy to their whereabouts amidst this vast tri-realm. But enough ruminations, they but incite a vexing headache. Slumber beckons!"

Seraphina Frostwind descended into the depths of a profound slumber. Several hours hence, she stirred awake.

"Ah, what a restful repose! Now, a touch of alertness is in order. Let me see, is there still coffee in my kitchen? I believe there is!"

Seraphina Frostwind languidly brewed a pot of coffee. Presently, she cradled a steaming cup of the brew in her grasp, its aroma wafting enticingly into her nostrils. A sensation of comfort enveloped her being. She sipped the coffee leisurely, savoring each sip until the cup was drained. Thereafter, she indulged in a morsel of ginger candy. This moment within her oakwood haven felt truly serene to her! As she savored the zest of existence, she ruminated:

"In truth, my circumstances are not wholly dire! Indeed, Snow Sky-Dog is not entirely detestable either; he is merely ensnared in the romantic entanglements of two enchanting damsels. As for Ryujin Tetsu, there is no need to dwell on him; he is a rogue, vile, and wretched, incapable of stewarding a maiden's lifelong happiness! Yet Snow Sky-Dog, notwithstanding his penchant for seducing many, apart from this blemish, all else about him is commendable. I have made my resolve; I shall elect Snow Sky-Dog as my paramour, as my consort. As for Ryujin Tetsu, perhaps Snow Sky-Dog was correct in his assessment of his character, and Snow Sky-Dog was correct in his elucidation of the truth behind his overtures to me. It is quite plausible, as Snow Sky-Dog articulated, that the robbery was contrived by him to impress me. Ryujin Tetsu is not a nobleman! Through my dalliance with him, I have discerned this, it is the verity, I cannot be mistaken! Thus, he is audacious to deceive my sentiments. Very well! I shall teach Ryujin Tetsu what true emotional manipulation entails! I shall exploit him to secure Snow Sky-Dog's affections. If Mizuchi Haruka played the 'pretend to be a weak maiden' game with Snow Sky-Dog, then I shall surpass her in this gambit. Decision made! Onward, Seraphina Frostwind! All shall be well in due course! Ultimately, Snow Sky-Dog's heart shall be mine. Now, it is time to cook! I must prepare lunch immediately, for I am famished!"

Seraphina Frostwind vacated her chaise lounge and made her way to the kitchen. Sunlight streamed in through the windows, suffusing the space with warmth and radiance. She perused the contents of her refrigerator and retrieved the requisite ingredients for lunch. As she diced vegetables, her ruminations persisted.

The words of Snow Sky-Dog and the emotions within her when facing Ryujin Tetsu have stirred deep contemplations about her love and trust. Seraphina Frostwind sensed herself at a pivotal juncture in her existence. She was averse to being trapped in the labyrinthine machinations of romantic dalliances, yet she was loath to squander the opportunity to pursue genuine felicity.

With a tranquil heart, Seraphina Frostwind resolved not to retreat from the challenge. She recognized that the path she had chosen might be fraught with impediments and trials, yet she harbored the conviction that she would confront them with fortitude and resolve.

Nibbling on each morsel of her culinary creation, Seraphina Frostwind felt patience and determination suffusing her essence. Life might be intricate and replete with vicissitudes, yet she was resolved not to lose herself amidst its tumults. Armed with a modicum of confidence and determination, she believed that ultimately, contentment would grace the perseverant and valiant.

Upon concluding her repast, Seraphina Frostwind seated herself at the table and penned a missive to Snow Sky-Dog. Each word was inscribed with meticulous care. Once the missive was complete, she folded the parchment and affixed it to the dainty feet of a pigeon. This dove, she had nurtured it indoors for a long time, from before till now, and it still bore the duty of conveying letters between Seraphina Frostwind and Snow Sky-Dog. This time, it was unaware that the letter it would deliver to Snow Sky-Dog contained a determination as unyielding as iron, the resolve of Seraphina Frostwind. Nonetheless, it was merely a small piece of paper bearing the message that tomorrow Seraphina Frostwind and Snow Sky-Dog would once again rendezvous at their familiar restaurant in the Human World, nothing grandiose! Perhaps the little dove thought so, but in reality, tomorrow's date held significant importance and was a surprise for Snow Sky-Dog. Seraphina Frostwind released the pigeon into the ether, as it soared beyond the threshold of her abode and winged its way toward the Academy of Divine Beings.

"Little dove, Snow Sky-Dog awaits this missive!"

The door ajar, radiant sunlight spilled into Seraphina Frostwind's oakwood domicile, rendering every article within her diminutive chamber resplendent. She gazed outward, following the flight of the diminutive dove as though it were a harbinger of her hopes. She felt assured of her decision and ready to confront the challenges ahead.

Crossing the threshold of her humble abode, she commenced the task of marshaling her thoughts. The morrow's assignation was not merely an ordinary rendezvous. It was an opportunity for her to assert herself, to captivate Snow Sky-Dog, and to vanquish Mizuchi Haruka in this game of affection.

With a heart beating fervently, Seraphina Frostwind rose and surveyed her modest surroundings. Everything seemed poised for a new beginning. She gazed into the future, uncertain of what lay ahead, yet steadfast in her determination to face whatever challenges awaited her with courage and perseverance.

With a confident smile, Seraphina Frostwind stepped out of her domicile, ready to confront the novel trials of life and love. What awaited her on the horizon? Only time could proffer an answer to this query.