Chapter 42: Echoes of Destiny: Unveiling Secrets

Kurogami Masayuki, Mizuchi Haruka, do you know who the unfamiliar man who appeared in our midst while we were having breakfast yesterday was?" Snow Sky-Dog asked with a slightly worried tone.

"He looks a lot like Ryujin Tetsu, but he's not Ryujin Tetsu!" Kurogami Masayuki said, appearing quite calm.

"Oh, hold on! Ryujin Tetsu belongs to the dragon clan, and that man's face looks a lot like Ryujin Tetsu's. Is it possible that he also belongs to the dragon clan, or that he's related to Ryujin Tetsu?" Mizuchi Haruka curiously asked Snow Sky-Dog, her demeanor looking adorable as she posed the question.

"Perhaps so, Mizuchi Haruka!" Snow Sky-Dog said as he touched the white skin on Mizuchi Haruka's face. When Snow Sky-Dog touched Mizuchi Haruka's face, a feeling of happiness surged in his heart, spreading throughout his body, stimulating the nerves and neurotransmitters in his brain, and making him feel extremely excited.

"Stop it right there, playboy Snow Sky-Dog! This is not the time for you to be touching Mizuchi Haruka! Also, why were you not so intimate with Mizuchi Haruka when you were with Seraphina Frostwind, and now you're acting like this?" Kurogami Masayuki said, expressing some dissatisfaction with Snow Sky-Dog's attitude towards Mizuchi Haruka.

"Sigh, big brother, when I was intimate with Seraphina Frostwind, Mizuchi Haruka wasn't present, so I could be intimate with her! Do you think I can't be intimate with her?" Snow Sky-Dog retorted this snow wolf is always making excuses, yet he's quite popular with women. It's a pity for women who love him!

"Are you still saying that, Snow Sky-Dog? Do you want me to give you a beating? Your attitude only hurts Mizuchi Haruka and Seraphina Frostwind! Do you plan to marry both of them in the wedding our master will organize for you in heaven?" 

"What? Are you serious, big brother? A wedding that our master will organize for me? A wedding in heaven?" Snow Sky-Dog was very surprised, seeming unable to believe what Kurogami Masayuki had just said.

"Oh, it's nothing, Snow Sky-Dog, I misspoke a bit!" Kurogami Masayuki hastily denied what he had just said. He didn't want to reveal this secret too soon!

"Come on, big brother, I've known you for a long time, so I understand you very well! For something important like this, you can't make such a careless mistake, so just spill the truth!" Snow Sky-Dog replied to Kurogami Masayuki. In all three worlds, hardly any creature can deceive Snow Sky-Dog. If there is one, it can only be a woman, not a man.

"Alright, Snow Sky-Dog, you're too sharp! I give up! I'll tell you the truth right now. Sigh, I was planning to wait a while, until we collect all 8 lost magical artifacts, defeat the rebellious youkai, and establish permanent peace for all three worlds, then our master, the Water Ancestor of the Gods, will ask the Lord of the Gods for a favor for you. That is, you will become the only god allowed to marry. Our master will organize a grand, solemn wedding for you and the girl you will marry as your wife in heaven. I hope that girl will be Mizuchi Haruka, not Seraphina Frostwind! I'm doing my best to ensure that! Haizza, but to ensure that is quite challenging, although I will, have, and always endeavor to the fullest to assist you and Mizuchi Haruka in becoming a couple!" Kurogami Masayuki honestly revealed the secret he knew and expressed his hidden but perhaps grandest and strongest desire in his mind.

All three gods fell silent for a while, none of them spoke a word. They just looked at each other like that until Snow Sky-Dog broke the silence, and that suffocating atmosphere.

"Alright, Kurogami Masayuki, Mizuchi Haruka! What do you think of the unfamiliar man we met at the bar yesterday while we were having breakfast?"

"I think he's an accomplice of Ryujin Tetsu! The dragon clan exists in all three worlds, and the descendants of this clan are scattered everywhere, including in the world of youkai. Do you remember the sea dragon youkai that Snow Sky-Dog defeated to take its four soul gems? That sea dragon youkai is related to Ryujin Tetsu! All three worlds are currently hunting for the 8 lost magical artifacts. I think that scoundrel Ryujin Tetsu also intends to seize the 8 magical artifacts because if he owns one of those eight artifacts, he can easily seek revenge against us." Kurogami Masayuki said, appearing truly serious, more serious than ever.

"You say that, it makes me scared, big brother, so what should we do?" Mizuchi Haruka asked worriedly.

"Seraphina Frostwind is a girl who hides great secrets about the destiny and balance of all three worlds. I guess she knows where the other 6 magical artifacts are in this vast world. If we are to discover the 8 magical artifacts before the greedy and malevolent who covet them, we must uncover the secrets of Seraphina Frostwind before they do. This will rely on the seductive prowess of Snow Sky-Dog!

"Me? Relying on me?" Snow Sky-Dog pretended to be surprised to ask Kurogami Masayuki again. He asked Kurogami Masayuki a question to which all three gods knew the answer.

"Yes, that's right, Snow Sky-Dog!" Kurogami Masayuki kept his eyes on Snow Sky-Dog's face to observe his expression.

Snow Sky-Dog looked embarrassed. He didn't know what else to say. Suddenly, his ability to seduce women like a playboy played a crucial role that could not be replaced in this grand mission.

Although Snow Sky-Dog felt a bit awkward about relying on his seductive abilities, he knew that this could be the key to continuing their mission. Seeing the worry on Mizuchi Haruka's face, he decided he must do everything to protect her and ensure the safety of all three worlds.

"We will try to approach Seraphina Frostwind," Snow Sky-Dog said, with a determined tone. "If she knows about the whereabouts of the magical artifacts, we will have a chance to stop Ryujin Tetsu and his group."

Mizuchi Haruka looked at Snow Sky-Dog with trust in her eyes, while Kurogami Masayuki felt a bit uneasy about this plan. However, he knew they had no other choice.

"We must act quickly," Kurogami Masayuki emphasized. "Time is not on our side, and with every passing minute, Ryujin Tetsu may come closer to his goal."

The three gods looked at each other once again, seeming to understand that they would have to face difficult challenges before they could achieve their ultimate goal. In the early morning darkness, they devised a new plan, and now it was time for them to act.

"Ah, Snow Sky-Dog, I truly dislike having to say this, but I feel compelled to tell you. Today, you have a date with Seraphina Frostwind in the World of Humans. Try to uncover her secrets, Snow Sky-Dog!" Kurogami Masayuki spoke with a tone of weariness and concern.

"You know nothing about women, Kurogami Masayuki! I may not be able to uncover her secrets now, but I will certainly do so shortly. Right now, I must play the ideal lover to make her infatuated with me more than anything she has ever been infatuated with before!"

"What about Mizuchi Haruka then? Do you think Mizuchi Haruka doesn't love you? Do you think Mizuchi Haruka isn't infatuated with you? By trying so hard to make Seraphina Frostwind fall for you, do you not think you will hurt Mizuchi Haruka?"

"I don't want to talk to you anymore, big brother. I'm going to take a bath!" Snow Sky-Dog replied with a hint of annoyance at Kurogami Masayuki's words, entering the men's bath.

As Snow Sky-Dog stepped into the bath, he closed the door behind him and stood before the mirror, gazing at his reflection. In his sharp blue eyes, the images of Mizuchi Haruka and Seraphina Frostwind appeared simultaneously. Concern for their future occupied Snow Sky-Dog's mind.

Mizuchi Haruka, with her gentle gaze and pure soul, had always stood by him in the toughest moments. She understood Snow Sky-Dog better than anyone else, and his feelings for her were undeniable. Yet Snow Sky-Dog couldn't deny that a part of him was always drawn to Seraphina Frostwind, a woman he felt a strange connection with from the moment they met.

Seraphina Frostwind, with her icy beauty and mystery, was like a puzzle Snow Sky-Dog wanted to solve. In every conversation, every glance, there was something about her that attracted him, a powerful allure that couldn't be predicted.

In the morning shadows, Snow Sky-Dog realized that life had brought him to the two most important women in his world. A decision would have to be made, and the future of all three worlds might depend on his choice.

But faced with a love that could change everything, Snow Sky-Dog knew he had to find the answer for himself. Not just for the safety of all three worlds, but also for his true love.

With thoughts swirling, Snow Sky-Dog entered the bath, ready for a fateful encounter with Seraphina Frostwind. At this moment, he didn't know that this meeting would lead him into a new adventure, unveiling even greater secrets and presenting even greater challenges. Yet he was willing to face every trial, hoping to sustain love and protect peace for all three worlds.