Chapter 44: The Silent Guardians: The Quest for the Mystic Artifacts

"Why do you sit so still and unmoving like a statue, Snow Sky-Dog?" Kurogami Masayuki asked Snow Sky-Dog. He had seen this many times before. It felt strange to him, and in his mind, there was a hint of admiration for Snow Sky-Dog's special ability. For in all three worlds, creatures with the ability to remain silent, not moving any part of their bodies, and completely still while thinking - just like a statue - were truly rare. A deity with this ability had to possess a calm demeanor, focus, emotional balance, extremely high autonomy, and an understanding of the art of balancing between trying to control and trying to create something while accepting the natural laws of life with peace of mind at a level that surpassed all other deities in the world of gods.

"Kurogami Masayuki, I am waiting," Snow Sky-Dog replied, that statue-like figure answering Kurogami Masayuki without even a hint of movement.

"What are you waiting for, Snow Sky-Dog?" Mizuchi Haruka also felt puzzled and curious just like Kurogami Masayuki. She admired this ability and the qualities that made up Snow Sky-Dog's power more than Kurogami Masayuki did. She had tried to be like Snow Sky-Dog before, but the result was truly terrible! To be like Snow Sky-Dog was difficult! She had failed to remain motionless, not moving even for 15 minutes. But now, aside from those things, she also wondered what Snow Sky-Dog was waiting for. Whatever Snow Sky-Dog was waiting for must be something very important! So what could be so important that Snow Sky-Dog had to be in this special state?

"Mizuchi Haruka, I am waiting for the carrier pigeon of Seraphina Frostwind!"

"Seraphina Frostwind! Seraphina Frostwind! It's about Seraphina Frostwind again! I thought it was something really important to you! It's just a date! When you go to the Human World restaurant, just enjoy and flirt with Seraphina Frostwind as you do with me. What's so important is that you have to sit still and not move at all like a statue like this, Snow Sky-Dog! You are a superficial and weak-willed god! Besides women, is there anything more important in your mind?" Mizuchi Haruka was angry and annoyed, she couldn't believe that Snow Sky-Dog, the god she loved, could be so shallow!

"Mizuchi Haruka, you misunderstand! I canceled my appointment with Seraphina Frostwind a long time ago. I'm waiting for her news about the 8 most powerful magical items in the three worlds." Snow Sky-Dog explained, his eyes like calm still waters, without a ripple - in his eyes filled with terrifying calmness, and to the point of admiration.

"What? Are you serious, Snow Sky-Dog? I apologize for being jealous and misunderstanding you, Snow Sky-Dog!" Mizuchi Haruka felt very ashamed, this feeling made her want to dig a hole in the ground and hide in it because she had said foolish, silly, and wrong things.

"Is there any news about the eight magical items, Snow Sky-Dog?" Kurogami Masayuki couldn't keep his calm like Snow Sky-Dog when he heard about the 8 magical items, however, this was a rare moment when the god seemed to always maintain his composure in every situation like Kurogami Masayuki lost his composure like this. The task of collecting the 8 lost magical items for the world of gods was truly a great responsibility and an invisible pressure as extremely heavy on three young gods!

"That scoundrel Ryujin Tetsu is trying to outwit us with an important move! He's trying to steal the 'Umbrella of Life and Death' of the owner of this magical item. If he succeeds in this, my new form of power as The Ice Fire Celestial Canine will be useless against him!

"What? There's this too? So what do we do now?" Kurogami Masayuki asked with a little fear in his voice, his voice trembling.

"Elder brother, Kurogami Masayuki, calm down a bit, don't worry too much! Things are not as serious as you think!" Snow Sky-Dog reassured Kurogami Masayuki. Perhaps this wasn't as serious as it seemed!

Meanwhile, Ryujin Tetsu had been carrying out his plan stealthily and ruthlessly. He knew that seizing the "Umbrella of Life and Death" would give him unparalleled power and control over all three worlds. For Ryujin Tetsu, nothing was more important than achieving this ultimate power.

In a secluded house in the youkai world, a mysterious deity was gathering with a group of familiar youkai. Dim lights shimmered on his face, creating a shadow full of gloom.

"Hidden deity, we've heard that you are keeping an important secret about one of the most powerful magical items in the three worlds," a youkai said, his voice echoing in the room. "We're here to get information from you."

The hidden deity stared at the group of youkai, an expression of contemplation and mystery evident on his face.

"So you want to know about the 'Umbrella of Life and Death'?" he said, his voice like thunder reverberating in the space. "I can tell you, but the price to pay won't be easy."

The group of youkai looked at each other, determination evident in their eyes.

"We'll pay the price in any way," a youkai said, his voice determined. "We don't care about the cost, just tell us how to obtain the 'Umbrella of Life and Death'."

The hidden deity chuckled, suspicion and malice lurking in his eyes.

"Be careful what you wish to know," he warned. "For once known, you will have to face the consequences of understanding."

A night breeze blew through, carrying an atmosphere of mystery and danger. The battle between supernatural forces was escalating, and a fierce fight awaited, where power and courage would be put to the ultimate test.

Warm rays of sunlight began to fade as dusk fell, casting thick shadows over the lush landscape of the Human World. In Snow Sky-Dog's quiet room, the light dimmed, giving way to a dark and mysterious atmosphere.

Snow Sky-Dog, Kurogami Masayuki, and Mizuchi Haruka all felt a slight anxiety, enough to make the atmosphere more tense. Challenges and dangers were beginning to emerge, and each of them knew that their journey would be long and perilous.

"We will overcome all difficulties together," Snow Sky-Dog said, his voice calm but powerful. "We cannot let Ryujin Tetsu seize the 'Umbrella of Life and Death'. We must stop him, for not only our fate is at stake, but also the fate of these three worlds may fall into his hands."

Kurogami Masayuki and Mizuchi Haruka nodded in agreement, determination evident on their faces. They were not afraid of the challenge but were ready to face it with strength, intelligence, and patience.

Under the brilliant sky of the Human World, three young gods, as close as brothers, gathered, ready for a new adventure, a final battle against evil and ambition.

And the vast sky above their heads remained a symbol of hope and freedom, a promise for the new chapters soon to be written in their great story.