Chapter 46: Frostfire Duel: Ryujin Tetsu Confronts Celestial Canine

Despite the continuous efforts of the three young gods, the wretched named Ryujin Tetsu set off to the haunted forest area in the youkai world before them.

"Is this the haunted forest in the youkai world? This forest doesn't look like its name at all! This forest only scares cowards, not someone like me who dares to wander!"

After muttering so in his mind, Ryujin Tetsu headed straight into the heart of the forest. He walked alone like that, ignoring the wandering shadows around him. Perhaps the shadows in this forest had taken the lives of many lost travelers who stumbled into this forest before, yet they dared not harm Ryujin Tetsu. It seemed that these shadows were born from the grudges, anger, and stubbornness of individuals who could not let go of their animosities even after death; but these shadows also recognized Ryujin Tetsu as a god even more ruthless and cunning than themselves; hence the dangerous shadows in this forest only dared to retreat on either side with each step of "Steel Dragon" Ryujin Tetsu. Ryujin Tetsu walked for about half an hour, and then he cast his gaze forward and saw a very large mountain in front of him. It was an extremely large mountain, so large that it looked like a giant crouching.

"Mountain Demon Yama Oni, step aside if you don't want to die!"

Ryujin Tetsu turned his ten fingers into ten giant iron whips. His ten iron whips struck straight at the mountain in front of him. His attack caused a large amount of rock debris on the mountain to collapse. A roar echoed, this terrifying sound seemed like a giant creature feeling immense pain after being struck by iron whips into its body.

"Who dares to disturb my sleep of over 1000 years? Is it you, little brat, do you want to die?" The mountain raised itself, reverting to its original form as a giant mountain demon, its body made up of earth, huge and sturdy rocks, along with vegetation covering the surface of the earth and rocks.

"Are you the Mountain Demon Yama Oni?" Ryujin Tetsu asked Yama Oni with a concise sentence, but the expression on his face showed disdain towards Yama Oni.

"Who are you? Why are you here? Why did you awaken me by attacking me while I was sleeping?"

"I am Steel Dragon Ryujin Tetsu, I am here to seize the 'Umbrella of Life and Death' from you. If you want to live, give it to me, if not I will destroy you, you foolish giant mountain demon!" Ryujin Tetsu threatened Yama Oni with words displaying arrogance and the ignoble character in his demeanor.

"Oh! So that's it! You are just like many fools, not knowing your strength and daring to come here to steal my 'Umbrella of Life and Death'. Then you must die here, you weakling god!" Yama Oni unleashed all the strength accumulated over 1000 years, rushing to attack Ryujin Tetsu. Ryujin Tetsu also mobilized all his magical power. The magical power he summoned covered his entire body, forming a silver halo. Then he also rushed to attack Yama Oni.

Yama Oni faced Ryujin Tetsu's attack with his mighty strength, demonstrated by terrifying blows with all his might. Yama Oni's blows carried the weight of a mountain, enough to shake the air around. However, Ryujin Tetsu did not retreat, he faced Yama Oni head-on, each of his blows carrying the destructive power of steel, causing not only resounding sounds but also flames and lightning flashes with each collision.

Their confrontation was a fierce battle, the resounding sounds of blows and collisions never ceased. Broken rocks flew everywhere, and the scene became chaotic and noisy. Yama Oni kept attacking with his unparalleled strength, but Ryujin Tetsu refused to yield, continuing to fight fiercely, using all his abilities to cope.

Despite Yama Oni's unparalleled strength from muscles and colossal mass, in the end, Ryujin Tetsu's destructive power and smart combat abilities prevailed. His precise and ruthless blows eventually made Yama Oni fall to the ground, unable to continue fighting.

"Now will you obediently hand over the 'Umbrella of Life and Death' to me, you foolish but weak giant mountain demon?" Ryujin Tetsu sneered at Yama Oni with a contemptuous smile.

"I will never give it to you, wretched Ryujin Tetsu! You, carrying the bloodline of dragons in your veins, I've heard of the chivalrous actions and noble character of the dragon race, but I never expected there to be a coward like you within the dragon lineage! If you are capable, take my life! I will never hand over that magical artifact to you. I have lived long enough, I would rather die than submit to a wretch like you!" Yama Oni stared at Ryujin Tetsu. Even facing impending death, this brave and proud youkai did not lose the honor of a warrior in his heart; even in defeat, he did not make other true warriors in all three worlds feel ashamed of him!

"Then I shall take your life, Yama Oni!"

"I will not allow you to do that, wretched Ryujin Tetsu!" Ryujin Tetsu glanced towards the source of that voice. He saw Snow Sky-Dog and his two friends Kurogami Masayuki and Mizuchi Haruka standing behind him.

"Who are you? Why have you come here to save me?"

"I am Snow Sky-Dog, the boyfriend of Seraphina Frostwind! I have come here to save you, Yama Oni!"

"I am also the girlfriend of this guy, and I am also the rival of Seraphina Frostwind!" Mizuchi Haruka couldn't contain her jealousy when Snow Sky-Dog said that Seraphina Frostwind was his girlfriend.

"What? Do you love multiple people at once, Snow Sky-Dog? Seraphina Frostwind is a very beautiful and pure girl, are you planning to toy with her feelings, Snow Sky-Dog?" Yama Oni said in a very surprised tone, perhaps only a playboy like Snow Sky-Dog thought loving multiple girls at once was normal!

"For this matter, I will explain to you later. Now I will save you by defeating that wretched Ryujin Tetsu!" Snow Sky-Dog replied to Yama Oni in a very calm tone, but his eyes filled with anger were fixed on the face of the wretched Ryujin Tetsu. Snow Sky-Dog transformed his body, turning into a god with a form combining fire and ice. The left half of his body, running from head to toe, was ice; the right half of his body, running from head to toe, was fire with extremely high temperature.

"Snow Sky-Dog, you wretched creature! Why do you exist as such a monstrous and detestable being? Why do you always surpass me and persistently obstruct me?" Ryujin Tetsu lamented his inferiority. He knew he couldn't defeat the deity possessing two unique magical powers standing before him, as the fire magic of that deity countered his steel magic. Yet, if he had to fight, he would do so with the utmost determination and stubbornness.

"Wretched one, Ryujin Tetsu, I am in a new form, call me The Ice Fire Celestial Canine!"

The Ice Fire Celestial Canine lunged forward to attack Ryujin Tetsu. Ryujin Tetsu recoiled in fear, but then he also, despite the impending failure awaiting him after this battle, rushed forward to resist The Ice Fire Celestial Canine.

The strikes of The Ice Fire Celestial Canine carried the power of fire magic, spreading like destructive flames. Each blow was a wave of fierce fire, making the air sweltering. But Ryujin Tetsu did not retreat; he still confronted bravely, using his steel magic to resist. Despite the opposition, he sought every means to counter the enemy, with pride and tremendous determination—the only valuable traits in his despicable character.

The battle grew fiercer than ever, with the roar of fire and the chilling cry of ice echoing, forming a symphony of destruction. The Ice Fire Celestial Canine fought fiercely, leveraging his magical power to overwhelm the opponent. But Ryujin Tetsu remained defiant, ceaselessly struggling, using all his strength and tactics to inflict damage on the foe.

Despite Ryujin Tetsu's efforts, ultimately, The Ice Fire Celestial Canine emerged victorious. The power of fire haunted everywhere, rendering Ryujin Tetsu unable to continue fighting. Though not dead, he had to accept defeat before the undeniable power of the opposing deity.

Seeing the defeated foe, The Ice Fire Celestial Canine ceased further attack, instead relaxing into a triumphant smile.

"Ryujin Tetsu, you have fought enough. Remember, strength comes not only from physical might but also from spirit and courage. Pause and reflect on that! And then mend your despicable character like a tattered garment!"

Ryujin Tetsu acknowledged his failure and could not deny the strength of his opponent. Despite his anger, he decided to withdraw, leaving The Ice Fire Celestial Canine and his companions in the peace of the forest.

The battle ended, but its consequences lingered. The Ice Fire Celestial Canine had proven his strength and courage, leaving a mark in the merciless battle.

After Ryujin Tetsu's retreat, the forest seemed to return to tranquility. Sunlight filtered through the dense canopy, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. The Ice Fire Celestial Canine and his companions exchanged victorious smiles, satisfied with the outcome of the battle. They knew their daring and determination had helped protect the forest from Ryujin Tetsu's threat.

However, beneath the peaceful surface, mysteries remained undiscovered in the depths of the forest. Rumors of the power of the "Umbrella of Life and Death" persisted, possibly attracting the attention of other ambitious beings. The tale of the clash between Ryujin Tetsu and The Ice Fire Celestial Canine might only be the beginning of more intriguing and perilous events in the future.

The comrades who had just fought realized they could not cease their actions. They must continue seeking truth and safeguarding all three worlds from any hidden dangers. With unity and unwavering determination, they would face every challenge and move forward, ready to confront any surprises the future might bring.

Amidst the rustling of wind in the forest, the distant chirping of birds, and the gentle murmur of a small stream, a new chapter of the story was being written. And then, new battles and adventures would continue, immersing readers in the colorful and wondrous worlds of yokai and deities, as well as humans in the human world.