Chapter 48: The Trial of Resolve: A Journey into the Unknown

"What? Did I hear correctly, Kurogami Masayuki? Even you want to be challenged in that incredibly terrifying room?" The Water Deity of the Divine Council was utterly astonished by Kurogami Masayuki's words! He could not believe that his most favored disciple would request a room that instilled such dread in those bold enough to enter it to allow him to step in, challenge himself, and seek a new magical power.

"Respected Master, you did not mishear! I, Kurogami Masayuki, the God of Light, respectfully request to face and overcome the challenge in the 'Room of Trials'! I wish to grow stronger! I want to make you proud, dear Master! I aspire to become a deity worthy of being the elder brother of Snow Sky-Dog and Mizuchi Haruka." Kurogami Masayuki spoke with unwavering confidence, his eyes ablaze with the bright light of determination, a rare and radiant light indeed.

"Have you thought this through, Kurogami Masayuki? If you step into that room, you may never step out. That room is not a child's plaything! Therefore, Kurogami Masayuki, I hope you will reconsider my words."

"Master, I have thought long and hard about it! When you push a man to the limits, you truly see who he is! I realize that my abilities surpass those of Snow Sky-Dog by at least a degree. If Snow Sky-Dog could conquer such a challenging trial worthy of facing in that room, then I, his elder brother, must also confront and overcome it!" Kurogami Masayuki clenched his fist tightly and stared straight into his master's beautiful eyes. In his master's eyes, he saw a mixture of fear and admiration from a deity who had practiced magic before him for tens of millennia.

"Insane! Kurogami Masayuki, you are insane! Snow Sky-Dog had to enter that room because his specific magical power was countered by the specific magical power of 'Steel Dragon' Ryujin Tetsu. Whereas, you possess many different magical powers, not to mention the 'Demon-Slaying Sword,' one of the 8 most powerful magical artifacts from the primordial era of all three worlds. So why would you risk your life to enter that dreadful room? Kurogami Masayuki, do you still maintain normalcy in your central nervous system? I think Ryujin Tetsu isn't the only madman, the only blind fool in this academy! Do you understand me, Kurogami Masayuki?"

Snow Sky-Dog sensed the disadvantage in the situation Kurogami Masayuki was facing, so he decided to help him.

"Master, I believe that if today is a fine day for dragons to soar, then not even a demon can hinder a sparrow from taking flight! Ryujin Tetsu may belong to the dragon clan, but he is not worthy of being a true dragon. Whether Kurogami Masayuki is a dragon or a sparrow, let him enter the 'Room of Trials,' and the truth will be revealed!"

"Demon? Who are you calling a demon, you deceitful snow wolf? I am tired of your exaggerated rhetoric in your literature, Snow Sky-Dog! Remember, this is reality, not a world of all rosy colors or sparkling light-filled castles made of gold blocks and white pearls. If you keep confusing reality with ideals, you will never find peace, Snow Sky-Dog!" The Water Deity of the Divine Council spoke angrily. He seemed helpless before three students with divine blood flowing in their veins but foolish and fierce, not inferior to wild beasts in the Human World.

"I apologize, Master, I did not mean to offend you, I was just expressing my life philosophy!"

"Your life philosophy? Any god, no matter how powerful, would find it hard to preserve their life when stepping into that room. Expressing your life philosophy is no different from inflaming a fire when it's raging to destroy a wooden house as quickly as possible! Kurogami Masayuki might never step out of that terrifying room. What do you think about that?" The Water Deity of the Divine Council fixed his rarely fully opened eyes on the handsome face of Snow Sky-Dog.

"Kurogami Masayuki is at least three times stronger than me! If I could pass the test in that room, then I believe Kurogami Masayuki can too. All we need to do now is to give the wings of an eagle freedom when it's ready to soar higher than the sky in its cage!" Snow Sky-Dog spoke with all the straightforwardness and honesty he possessed, but he didn't know that his words only angered his master even more.

"You're suggesting that I confine you like pets in cages, aren't you? Or perhaps you're implying that you're powerful wild beasts, and I'm stifling your future development? Fancy yourself a literary genius, do you, Snow Sky-Dog? Your metaphor is clumsy and impertinent!" The Water Master of the Divine Ancestors seethed with anger, slamming his fist forcefully onto the surface of the wooden table, creating a dreadful sound. Fortunately, the table didn't shatter into multiple pieces (had it not been made of thousand-year-old oak, it would have succumbed to the terrifying force of the Water Master's punch).

"That's not what I meant, Master! I simply meant that if inside a man's mind resides a giant warrior ready for battle, sometimes all we need to do is provide him with a little motivation and step back to witness his eruption," Snow Sky-Dog replied to his master's rage with a steadfastness akin to a mountain.

"So, go ahead and soar, you stubborn students! If Kurogami Masayuki manages to overcome the challenge in that room, it would be a rare event because it is too dangerous for young deities like you. But if Kurogami Masayuki cannot pass the test, then you will lose a big brother who cares and is most responsible for you in all three worlds! At that time, don't drown yourselves in sorrow and regret! Now, all of you get out of my room. Kurogami Masayuki's test will take place in a week. Get out, you foolish and fierce students!"

The words of the Water Deity of the Divine Council echoed like a mysterious prophecy, speaking of the challenges and tragedies that might await them ahead. In the room, the polite light of the lamp gradually faded, making everything more mysterious and ominous. Kurogami Masayuki, Snow Sky-Dog, and Mizuchi Haruka quietly left the room, but in each of their hearts, they felt the rays of hope and determination.

The following week, Kurogami Masayuki's test took place, and everyone was tense awaiting the results. However, no one could predict what would happen in that mysterious room of trials. A new adventure was about to begin, and the story of these young deities would continue, with discoveries, challenges, and meaningful decisions ahead. The world awaited them, and they would have to face every challenge with unwavering spirit and steadfast determination.