Chapter 57: The Gathering Storm

"I truly could not have imagined that the demons of hell, and their army, the army of hell, would join in a rebellion against the paradise of the rogue youkai," Kurogami Masayuki addressed everyone, perhaps unable to conceal his astonishment after witnessing all that had just transpired in the restaurant moments ago.

"Eldest brother, Kurogami Masayuki, I believe the leader of this rebellion, the pivotal figure in this uprising, is a force from hell rather than the rogue youkai. In my opinion, the rogue youkai plays a secondary role in this conspiracy. The primary instigator in this rebellion is likely the King of Demons, along with his generals, the commanders of his demon army, and the demon dukes. Perhaps Kamui is just one of the generals leading the army of hell in this rebellion; we cannot be certain that he is the most crucial figure in the hellish forces' scheme," Mizuchi Haruka candidly expressed her viewpoint.

"But if the King of Demons is involved in this rebellion, it means the conflict will become infinitely more dangerous and fierce than ever before," Snow Sky-Dog emphasized, his eyes brimming with concern. "We cannot face such a formidable force alone."

Seraphina Frostwind, with careful consideration, continued her analysis. "Indeed. If the King of Demons truly participates, we need a strong strategic plan and a more solid alliance than ever before."

Kurogami Masayuki nodded in agreement.

"We must gather all possible resources, from the mightiest gods to the most resilient warriors in all three worlds. Only through unity can we confront the threat from hell."

Mizuchi Haruka stared intently at her allies, her eyes full of determination.

"Let us gather all the strong and resolute individuals; we will not allow any force from hell to have the opportunity to disrupt peace across all three worlds."

With the determination and unity of everyone, the rebellion from hell would not be able to shake the peace in all three worlds. They would stand firm, ready to oppose any threat, safeguarding peace and freedom for all creatures living across all three worlds.

"Gathering a vast and powerful force to combat the King of Demons' forces is necessary, but it is not an easy task. It requires much time and effort. Moreover, to assemble this army, we need at least one god of extremely high prestige in the world of gods to represent and mobilize all necessary forces. Not only that, this god must be of immense credibility and influence to serve as a 'symbol' - a spiritual leader for the warriors under his command. In my opinion, the three gods among us, along with Seraphina Frostwind, cannot accomplish this, as we lack credibility and influence across all three worlds. To achieve this, perhaps there is only one god whom we all know well," Snow Sky-Dog said, maintaining his calm and seriousness in his tone, words, and handsome expression.

"Are you referring to our master, the God of Gods, Thuy To Cua Cac Vi Than, Snow Sky-Dog?" Mizuchi Haruka asked Snow Sky-Dog in a barely audible voice.

"You're right, Mizuchi Haruka! But I don't think we need to inform our master about this!" Kurogami Masayuki continued calmly sipping his wine and spoke slowly.

"Why is that, the eldest brother, Kurogami Masayuki?" Snow Sky-Dog and Mizuchi Haruka asked Kurogami Masayuki in unison. These two gods could not help but be surprised by Kurogami Masayuki's answer, their elder brother's answer. Even Seraphina Frostwind, known for maintaining her composure in all circumstances, could not help but be surprised by Kurogami Masayuki's words.

"All the gods in the Academy of Gods have a motto that reflects their most cherished life philosophy. Snow Sky-Dog, and Mizuchi Haruka, both of you know your most cherished life philosophy, you also know mine because we stated it on the first day of enrollment. These philosophies most clearly reflect the essence and unique characteristics of each of us. So, have you ever asked yourselves what our master's most cherished life philosophy is?" Kurogami Masayuki asked with an extremely calm demeanor. Snow Sky-Dog and Mizuchi Haruka remained silent and looked at each other because they did not know the answer. Facing this situation, Kurogami Masayuki continued to speak with an extremely calm demeanor as if nothing serious had happened to all three worlds. "Our master has a life philosophy that he cherishes the most, which is: 'Sometimes, a strategist cannot stay one step ahead of the enemy but must stay two to three steps ahead to ensure his plan will succeed.' In the battle with the rogue youkai, I guess our master foresaw that the King of Demons might join forces with the rogue youkai; that's why he tasked us with collecting the eight magical items with the greatest magical power in all three worlds. The rebels must seize these eight magical items to be confident enough to launch a war against paradise. I think if we just collect these eight magical items before they do, we will completely defeat the conspiracy of the rogue youkai and the rebellion of the hellish army."

Snow Sky-Dog and Mizuchi Haruka looked at each other in astonishment, realizing the intelligence and depth of Kurogami Masayuki. They both recognized that their master had calculated every detail in advance to protect the peace of all three worlds.

"You are right! We need to gather all eight magical items before the rebellion begins. If we cannot do this, we will be in much more difficult circumstances in the upcoming war," Mizuchi Haruka admitted.

"Yes! Then we should start planning to collect these items immediately," Snow Sky-Dog agreed.

Seraphina Frostwind also reacted.

"We must act quickly. Every minute that passes is an opportunity for the enemy to grow stronger."

Kurogami Masayuki looked at Mizuchi Haruka and Snow Sky-Dog.

"We will accomplish this task together and protect peace for everyone."

With their determination and unity, the group decided to act immediately. They would not let any force from hell or the youkai world disturb the peace of all three worlds.

Under the dim light of the restaurant, the four stood in silence, looking at each other with determined and hopeful eyes. Each of them knew they would face severe challenges, but they believed that, together, they could overcome any difficulties.

In their hearts, thoughts about the future of all three worlds still lingered. The current situation was just a small part of a larger picture, a battle between heaven, hell, and the youkai world. Every action they took would deeply affect the fate of millions of beings.

In their minds, images of fierce confrontations, relentless battles, and bonds of friendship continued to grow. They knew that on the path they had chosen, nothing would be easy, but they were determined to see it through, to protect peace for everyone.

And under the sparkling light of the moon, they stepped out of the restaurant, ready to face the challenges and threats ahead, to protect and pave the way for the future of all three worlds.

Their adventure was far from over, and discoveries awaited them in the next chapters of this endless journey.