Chapter 59: The Guardian Trio: Culinary Bonds

"Snow Sky-Dog, are you still waiting for Seraphina Frostwind's carrier pigeon?" Kurogami Masayuki inquired, observing Snow Sky-Dog's silent and motionless demeanor, like a statue; yet he still felt surprised whenever Snow Sky-Dog assumed this extremely peculiar state.

"Yes, indeed, elder brother Kurogami Masayuki! I am awaiting her letter delivered by the carrier pigeon. It has been several days, and I have yet to receive any news from her. I am worried about her, fearing that the wretched 'Steel Dragon' Ryujin Tetsu might harm her! He is obsessed with her beauty, but unlike me, his mind is filled with dark and despicable desires. Seraphina Frostwind has publicly ended her romantic involvement with him, a relationship she inadvertently found herself entangled in. Moreover, she is a crucial link in gathering the 8 magical artifacts possessing incredibly potent magic, coveted by nearly everyone across the three worlds; hence, she is susceptible to the treachery and cruelty of 'Steel Dragon' Ryujin Tetsu. Seraphina Frostwind is the only one who knows the intricate and detailed secrets of the rarest type of 8 magical artifacts in these three worlds. Not only that, she is also my girlfriend. 'Steel Dragon' Ryujin Tetsu not only seeks to seize those 8 magical artifacts but also seeks revenge on all three of us for striking him in the dining hall of this academy on our very first day of enrollment. Due to all of these reasons, I am worried for Seraphina Frostwind, as she may not be safe in the Human World!" Snow Sky-Dog spoke without moving, except for his mouth.

Suddenly, Mizuchi Haruka opened the door to the room and entered slowly.

"Hey, elder brother Kurogami Masayuki, hey, Snow Sky-Dog, my boyfriend! I just bought a giant carp, incredibly fresh. I'll make fish porridge for both of you to enjoy. How do you feel about that?"

"Mizuchi Haruka, my sister, since when have you known how to cook?" Kurogami Masayuki asked his sister. He felt quite surprised by the unfolding events before him. Mizuchi Haruka knew how to cook? This was truly a strange occurrence.

"I've been practicing cooking, elder brother Kurogami Masayuki! I want to master culinary skills so that I can cook for Snow Sky-Dog after I become his wife. Isn't that right, Snow Sky-Dog?" Mizuchi Haruka winked at Snow Sky-Dog.

At this point, Snow Sky-Dog could no longer remain motionless like a statue. He scratched his head.

"Haizza, I think we should go to the academy's dining hall for breakfast! I think letting Mizuchi Haruka cook fish porridge, when she's done cooking, we won't be able to swallow that dish!"

"What? Did I hear you correctly? Snow Sky-Dog, are you mocking me? You have never spoken to Seraphina Frostwind like that, and now you speak to me like this?"

"I'm sorry, Mizuchi Haruka, I didn't mean to mock you. It's just... just..." Snow Sky-Dog listened to the emotions in Mizuchi Haruka's voice and realized that she was feeling hurt. He sensed her worry and unease, prompting him to form an intention: not to let Mizuchi Haruka worry alone.

"Mizuchi Haruka, I sincerely apologize. That was not my intention. Your fish porridge will surely be delicious and nutritious. I have complete trust in your cooking abilities. And with such effort and strong will, you will surely become a great wife for someone," Snow Sky-Dog explained, trying to soothe Mizuchi Haruka's hurt feelings.

Mizuchi Haruka looked at Snow Sky-Dog with an expression of gratitude and warmth. Though still somewhat worried, she felt comforted and encouraged by his words.

"Thank you, Snow Sky-Dog. I understand now," Mizuchi Haruka said, her tone softer. "Then let's invite everyone to the dining hall to enjoy my fish porridge! I will stay here to cook this dish. You all rest assured, I will finish this dish as quickly as possible so you won't have to wait long! My delicious fish porridge will be ready soon!"

Snow Sky-Dog and Kurogami Masayuki went to the dining hall to wait and enjoy Mizuchi Haruka's fish porridge, making the atmosphere more cheerful and warm with their presence. Snow Sky-Dog felt relieved that Mizuchi Haruka had forgiven him, and his worry about Seraphina Frostwind lessened slightly. However, his mind still brimmed with anxiety and apprehension about the looming danger.

A while later, Mizuchi Haruka's fish porridge was served. Snow Sky-Dog looked at Kurogami Masayuki with a worried expression.

"Elder brother Kurogami Masayuki, you should try Mizuchi Haruka's fish porridge first!"

"Why, Snow Sky-Dog, are you afraid that this fish porridge might be poisonous? Are you planning to use me as a 'guinea pig' for you? I never expected you to treat me like this, Snow Sky-Dog!" Kurogami Masayuki laughed, a teasing smile directed at Snow Sky-Dog. "But it's okay, I'll eat it!" Then he ate Mizuchi Haruka's fish porridge. "Mmm! Oh, this fish porridge is incredibly delicious, Snow Sky-Dog! Snow Sky-Dog, you should try it! I guarantee it's very delicious!"

Hearing Kurogami Masayuki's words, Snow Sky-Dog decided to try Mizuchi Haruka's dish.

"Mizuchi Haruka, you cook very well! Your fish porridge is truly delicious!"

Mizuchi Haruka appeared delighted to hear compliments from Snow Sky-Dog and Kurogami Masayuki. Her eyes sparkled brighter than ever as if the dark clouds had dispersed, leaving behind a clear and fresh sky.

"Thank you, both of you, I'm glad you like my dish," Mizuchi Haruka said with a happy smile, "It's a great encouragement for me to practice cooking."

Kurogami Masayuki looked at Snow Sky-Dog and nodded, showing their agreement with Mizuchi Haruka's praise. At that moment, the space became warmer and filled with the joy of friendship.

However, the three of them still couldn't dispel their worries about Seraphina Frostwind and the danger posed by Ryujin Tetsu. Their hearts still held anxious thoughts, like dark clouds looming.

While enjoying Mizuchi Haruka's delicious food, they began to discuss their next plan to protect Seraphina Frostwind and counter Ryujin Tetsu's schemes. Despite the looming danger, they were determined not to let anyone among them face harm.

"We need to quickly find a way to deal with Ryujin Tetsu and protect Seraphina," Snow Sky-Dog spoke decisively.

"That's right, we can't sit idly by," Kurogami Masayuki added, his eyes shining with determination and will.

"Yes, we will overcome every challenge together," Mizuchi Haruka declared, displaying her determination in her bright blue eyes.

The three friends clasped hands, promising to face every difficulty and danger together, to protect each other and the ones they love. With each step, each decision, they would walk together, through happiness and anxiety, to prove to all three worlds the power of friendship and the courage of the three most outstanding deities among the students of this academy.

Under the sparkling light of dawn, the three friends stepped out of the room, ready to face the challenges ahead. In each of their minds, they knew that the journey ahead would not be easy, but they believed in the strength of their friendship and resilient will.

Ahead on the path, mysteries awaited to be discovered, and adventurous ventures filled with peril awaited them. They knew it was not only about protecting Seraphina Frostwind but also their duty to protect all three worlds from the threat of Ryujin Tetsu.

They moved forward, step by step, not forgetting to look back at the beautiful memories and happy moments they shared. This was not just a journey to seek magical power but also an adventure of friendship and courage.

Under the bright blue sky of the academy, Snow Sky-Dog, Kurogami Masayuki, and Mizuchi Haruka continued their journey, ready to face every challenge and difficulty. They never gave up on believing in themselves and each other. It was their story, a story of friendship, courage, and the power of the heart. And the adventure continued, with the hope that under the light of love and loyalty, they would overcome all hardships and triumph over every obstacle on their path.