Chapter 64: The Warrior's Resolve

"Mizuchi Haruka, why did you wake up so early today? It's strange; today you don't have a date with Snow Sky-Dog, so why did you bother with makeup and dressing up so nicely?" Kurogami Masayuki felt puzzled by the situation unfolding before him.

"Brother, Kurogami Masayuki, why is it that you often show great wisdom, but in this matter, you seem so foolish? For me, today is just as important as any date with Snow Sky-Dog! Today, I will face an extremely difficult challenge in the 'Chamber of Trials' and I will do my best to overcome it. And then, like you two gods, I will acquire a new magical power. I will no longer be the only member of the group vulnerable to the attacks of that wretched 'Steel Dragon' Ryujin Tetsu at any moment. Tell me, Brother, Kurogami Masayuki, isn't such an important day for a beautiful goddess worth carefully applying makeup and choosing beautiful attire?"

"Hmm, so it's because of the test today! But believe me, Flower Princess, once you step into that chamber, you'll have to fight with all your might! At that time, battle attire is what's tidy and less hindering for your combat. Also, with you dressing up so nicely, I fear that when the fierce battle erupts, you'll struggle to maintain your beauty and charm against the relentless attacks of the enemy. And then after the battle, you'll look as disheveled as Cinderella after her wicked stepmother's torment."

"Brother, Kurogami Masayuki, stop it! Humans are creatures who value symbolism and ceremonialism, especially for a woman like me."

"What? Did I hear correctly, have you turned into a human since when Spring Goddess of Flowers?"

"Oh, I misspoke a bit there, Brother, Kurogami Masayuki! But even as humans, gods, youkai, and demons are all the same; they all value symbolism and ceremonialism."

"But in everything, practicality should take precedence! Dressing up as if for a date will make it difficult to fight, Mizuchi Haruka."

"You're right! So what should I do now, Brother, Kurogami Masayuki?"

"Change out of this cumbersome and seductive outfit, and put on combat gear!"

"Alright, I'll do it right away, Brother!"

"Hurry up, our master doesn't like waiting! You're very slow in changing clothes!"

A moment later, Mizuchi Haruka stepped out of the dressing room in combat gear exuding a warrior spirit, looking as strong as a Valkyrie - the Guiding Goddesses of Brave Warriors to Valhalla. Kurogami Masayuki gasped in surprise, unable to hide his astonishment; even in combat gear, she remained beautiful, but not the feminine beauty, but rather the beauty reflecting the spirit of combat and the strength of a warrior at an extremely high level.

Mizuchi Haruka stood before the mirror, seeing herself in the new combat attire, she felt like a warrior ready to face any challenge. Her eyes sparkled with determination, every line on her face sharpened, reflecting confidence and decisiveness. Her heart beat strongly, full of strength and indomitable will.

"Now is the time," Haruka whispered to herself, the words a promise, to her friends, and her master.

Kurogami Masayuki looked at her with a contemplative gaze, excitement, and surprise still present in his mind. "You truly are an amazing woman, Mizuchi Haruka," he said with reverence in his voice.

Haruka felt the respect from Kurogami, which made her even prouder and more confident in herself. "Thank you, Brother," she said, her eyes shining like a beacon in the darkness.

The two of them were ready to face the challenge they were about to overcome. At that moment, not only their physical strength but also their spirits were illuminated; they were ready to fight for their common goal.

Facing the chamber of trials, Haruka and Masayuki reached out to hold each other's hands, a support that needed no words but deep understanding between them. Journeying together through all difficulties and challenges, they knew that nothing that came later could break the bond between them.

"Let's go, Mizuchi Haruka," Masayuki said, his voice containing an unwavering determination, ready to face any risks.

Haruka smiled, stepping forward with a determination equal to Masayuki's.

"Let's go together, Kurogami Masayuki," she replied, her voice full of hope and determination.

With strong and confident steps, Mizuchi Haruka entered the chamber of trials, ready to face any difficulties that fate placed before her beautiful, sea-blue eyes. Still, she also believed in her abilities and willpower, and the strength of friendship and team spirit.

"Do you want to withdraw from the challenge now, Mizuchi Haruka?" Their master asked her with a probing tone, testing her mind and challenging her mental strength. Mizuchi Haruka glanced towards Snow Sky-Dog, her beloved boyfriend whom she loved with all her sincere feelings in her heart, but he loved not only her.

Snow Sky-Dog spoke up:

"Master, please stop probing her, Mizuchi Haruka can pass this test! Let her begin right away!"

Their master nodded knowingly, expressing respect and trust in Mizuchi Haruka's abilities.

"That's right, Snow Sky-Dog. Let Mizuchi Haruka begin."

Haruka received support from her boyfriend and master, deciding not to hesitate any longer. Standing tall, she looked up at the ceiling of the chamber of trials with a determined and ready-to-face-all-challenges attitude.

"Now is the time," she said to herself, a statement of affirmation like a strong promise.

A door opened wide in front of Haruka, inviting her to step into her challenge. She didn't hesitate; she walked in with confidence and determination.

Meanwhile, Masayuki and Snow Sky-Dog stood outside the room, both guessing that Haruka would overcome any difficulties. Hope and belief permeated the air, making the atmosphere warm and motivating.

"She'll make it," Masayuki said, his eyes full of pride in his friend.

"Let's trust her," Snow Sky-Dog added, his voice filled with unreserved trust.

The two men stood waiting outside, eagerly awaiting the moment when Mizuchi Haruka would return, bringing with her a new achievement, and perhaps a new power in her hands.

The door closed behind Mizuchi Haruka, and the air in the room filled with the silence and mystery of the challenge. Her footsteps echoed on the floor, the sound like the deep breath of a warrior ready to face their final battle. Her inner self was filled with immense strength, yet also with calmness, like a tranquil river but ready to overcome any obstacles.

Outside the chamber, Kurogami Masayuki and Snow Sky-Dog waited with a mix of anxiety and hope. They knew Haruka would face difficult trials, but they also believed she had the strength and willpower to overcome them.