Chapter 68: The Enigmatic Encounter

"Haizza, Snow Sky-Dog, your human companion certainly knows how to tease us! She, Seraphina Frostwind, when she goes on dates with you, she's always punctual, but when this meeting involves Mizuchi Haruka and me, she makes all three of us wait in exhaustion." Kurogami Masayuki spoke as he sipped his wine in small sips.

"Haizza, elder brother, please be patient a little longer! Seraphina Frostwind is a beautiful girl; for a beautiful girl, meticulous makeup and selecting the perfect outfit before going out takes a lot of time. And it's very likely she, like me, wants to stand out as the most beautiful girl in this restaurant, the most outstanding in today's date, in terms of beauty! So, we should be a bit understanding and try to wait a little longer patiently." Mizuchi Haruka spoke, half-mocking Seraphina Frostwind and half-seemingly defending her. No one in this meeting could understand Mizuchi Haruka, the beautiful and wise goddess, whether she was attacking Seraphina Frostwind personally or defending her against the criticism of Kurogami Masayuki, her elder brother.

Meanwhile, Snow Sky-Dog remained silent, unmoving and unflinching like a statue, except for sipping his wine in small sips, he made no other movement. Despite Kurogami Masayuki's impatience due to waiting, Snow Sky-Dog remained as calm as a still pond without a ripple.

As the spiritual atmosphere of the group of three young and powerful gods began to tense and settle, a glamorous girl opened the restaurant door and walked over to sit next to Snow Sky-Dog.

"Seraphina Frostwind, you've arrived! We've been waiting for you for so long, but finally, you're here. Today, you look very beautiful, you must have spent a lot of time on makeup and selecting the best outfit for today's meeting, right, Seraphina Frostwind?" Snow Sky-Dog hastily placed his wine glass down to make welcoming gestures to Seraphina Frostwind. Joy was evident on his face. Today, Seraphina Frostwind looked truly magnificent, and comparing her beauty to Mizuchi Haruka's would be an impossible task. It was indeed challenging to compare the beauty of the two beautiful girls, as both deserved to be among the most beautiful. Because the beauty of a young woman does not lie in her cute face, but in the eyes of the beholder. Among Mizuchi Haruka and Seraphina Frostwind, who was the most beautiful girl in this meeting, only Snow Sky-Dog might know. And perhaps to judge who was more beautiful between the two, one could only ask Snow Sky-Dog. But the cunning Snow Sky-Dog would never speak so bluntly and directly because doing so would make one of the two girls competing for his affection sad, or even angry.

Although late, Seraphina Frostwind's presence had made the atmosphere in the restaurant livelier than ever. Everyone's eyes seemed to be drawn to her dazzling beauty and charm.

Seraphina Frostwind's beauty radiated from every detail. The perfect painting of her beauty was embellished by a delicate and careful layer of makeup, making her face shimmer under the flickering lights of the restaurant. Her deep eyes were like two precious gems, reflecting the elegance and gentleness of her soul. Her rosy lips were like cherry blossoms showing off their freshness and allure. Every movement she made caused the streaks of light on her blonde, wavy hair to shimmer like the hair of her goddess, Seraphina Frostwind, creating a perfect picture of exquisite and elegant beauty.

"Sorry for making you all wait," Seraphina Frostwind said with a gentle and polite tone, "I tried to prepare carefully to meet you all today."

Her presence filled the restaurant space with a sweet and captivating fragrance. All eyes were fixed on Seraphina Frostwind, honoring her beauty and graceful demeanor.

Kurogami Masayuki couldn't help but admire Seraphina Frostwind.

"You look truly magnificent today, Seraphina Frostwind," he said, his eyes filled with admiration, "Your makeup and outfit truly enhance your natural beauty."

Mizuchi Haruka was equally admiring in her expression.

"You look amazing, Seraphina Frostwind," she said with a gentle smile, "Your beauty makes this space even more dazzling and attractive."

With beauty resembling a fairy tale, Seraphina Frostwind had conquered the hearts of everyone present at this meeting.

"The first thing I want to say is thank you to you three young and talented gods for trying to save 'Asura King' Kagutsuchi Hiroshi, the Asura to whom I owe gratitude for the rest of my life! I'm sure you have put in a lot of effort in the battle against 'Steel Dragon' Ryujin Tetsu. I guess it was a fierce battle, wasn't it, three powerful gods?" Seraphina Frostwind gently raised her glass, expressing gratitude to the young gods sitting beside her, and took a small sip.

"Oh, it was nothing! I defeated that scoundrel as easily as pie!" Kurogami Masayuki laughed and joked with Seraphina Frostwind.

Mizuchi Haruka nudged Kurogami Masayuki lightly with her elbow.

"Elder brother, be serious for a moment, Seraphina Frostwind is being serious!" Then Mizuchi Haruka gave a bright sunflower-like smile to Seraphina Frostwind. "Seraphina Frostwind, I apologize to you for Kurogami Masayuki's rudeness, our elder brother!"

"Oh, it's nothing, Mizuchi Haruka, just a small matter!" Seraphina Frostwind replied to Mizuchi Haruka, but her gaze was still fixed on the handsome face of Snow Sky-Dog, the deity whom both she and Mizuchi Haruka wanted to be his only wife. This made Mizuchi Haruka feel a little uncomfortable, but she tried to control herself and maintain a calm and polite attitude.

"It's nice to see you all again," Seraphina Frostwind said, her voice reflecting respect and gratitude. "I've heard a lot about the fierce battle with Ryujin Tetsu and your efforts. Please allow me to express my deepest gratitude to you, Kurogami Masayuki, Mizuchi Haruka, and Snow Sky-Dog."

With humility, she raised her glass, showing respect to the young gods sitting beside her.

"I hope that after that battle, the world will become more peaceful," she continued, expressing faith in the future. "You've done a great job, and I believe we can face any challenge when we stand together."

Seraphina Frostwind's words were full of determination and optimism, making the atmosphere in the restaurant warm and hopeful.

Kurogami Masayuki spoke with admiration in his eyes.

"Thank you, Seraphina Frostwind," he said, his voice sincere. "We always need words of encouragement and hope for the future, especially after such difficult times."

Mizuchi Haruka nodded in agreement, her eyes sparkling in the light from Seraphina Frostwind's words.

"You've always been a great source of encouragement for us, Seraphina Frostwind," she said, continuing to find excitement in every word. "We need each other, and we will always be there for each other through every challenge."

While the young gods were talking, Snow Sky-Dog remained silent, but his eyes reflected an understanding and unconditional support for what Seraphina Frostwind said. Despite his silence, his presence was a stable and meaningful factor in the group.

After Seraphina Frostwind's words ended, a sense of peace and unity spread throughout the restaurant space, as each person in the group felt uplifted in determination and optimism, feeling encouraged by the spirit of solidarity and hope.

"So let's order now, I'm starving!" Snow Sky-Dog said, indeed, he was very hungry, his stomach protesting vehemently.

"Hey, Snow Sky-Dog, you're even hungrier than me, yet both Seraphina Frostwind and Mizuchi Haruka are infatuated with you. For me, this is truly incomprehensible!"

Seraphina Frostwind gently smiled, expressing her grace and sophistication.

"Let's order, Snow Sky-Dog, my beloved, everyone here is very hungry!"

Mizuchi Haruka thought to herself:

"Beloved? I wonder. It's not clear whether Snow Sky-Dog will choose who as his only wife, this cunning human girl!"

As Snow Sky-Dog was taking the menu to order, a stranger appeared at the restaurant door. He was not a familiar face but a mysterious stranger, someone from a distant and mysterious land. His steps were light, but each movement reflected determination and solemnity.

His face was covered by a wide hat, and his dark eyes peered out from under the cloth covering his face. However, the mysterious expression could not hide his determination and hidden power. His eyes fixed on the group of young friends, but there was no sign of his intentions.

Mizuchi Haruka, with the keen intuition of a goddess, sensed this strange presence. She felt a strange sensation, a premonition of impending events.

Kurogami Masayuki noticed the appearance of the stranger and warned the group:

"Looks odd! Isn't this the stranger who appeared in my dreams?"

Seraphina Frostwind and Snow Sky-Dog also sensed something unusual. Snow Sky-Dog remained silent, but his eyes reflected vigilance, while Seraphina Frostwind felt like there was a lurking danger ahead.

The stranger said nothing, but his footsteps created a tense atmosphere in the restaurant. A mysterious and mystical feeling spread, making the atmosphere tense and uncomfortable.

While everyone was silent and alert, the stranger suddenly laughed, a strange and mysterious sound echoing from under the wide hat covering his face.

"Finally, we meet," he said, his voice impressive and extremely peculiar. "You've been waiting for me, haven't you?"