Chapter 79: The Fear-Conquering Quest

"The Bishamonten War God, this is 'The Weeping Demon Blade,' an extremely rare weapon across all three worlds. Please accept it! Today, I bring it to you as a special gift. I hope you will like it!"

"Snow Sky-Dog, I can't believe you have this weapon! This weapon is a masterpiece of the art of war and combat! How did you get it, Snow Sky-Dog?"

"The story behind it is long and complex! Just accept this gift from me."

"Alright, alright! Snow Sky-Dog and Kurogami Masayuki, I agree to teach you two gods the forbidden magic in this academy, just as I promised."

"Thank you very much, Bishamonten War God!" Snow Sky-Dog and Kurogami Masayuki exclaimed together. They were too moved by Bishamonten War God's words. The truth was, that very few gods in the world of gods were fortunate enough to possess this extremely devastating magic. Those gods who possessed this magic were among the most powerful gods.

"I will teach you both the magic of 'The Dominator's Colors' with my utmost enthusiasm. But as you both know, gods who understand, master, and harness the full power of this magic are few. So, while I will do my best to help you succeed in possessing this magic, you must also put in maximum effort in learning and practicing what I teach you. Whether you succeed in possessing this magic or not depends not on me but on your efforts, perseverance, determination, and diligence! Do you understand?"

"Yes, thank you for reminding us, we understand, Master!"

"The essence of this magical power lies in the spirit of its user and possessor. It's not the spirit of fearlessness like that of someone who has lost all senses of life or like someone with a central nervous system issue; it's the spirit of overcoming one's fear when one has discovered the answer to the question hidden behind that fear. Remember, you are not prisoners of fear, but rather you are the interpreters of the message of fear deep within your minds, and then you convincingly defeat it. Act without a trace of fear! Be like a true lord! Make even the wind ask for your permission when it inadvertently blows through your territory! Make even demons flee at the sight of your battle! Make even the god of death express admiration for your fighting spirit! Come on, be brave! Roar like a lion ruling over a vast savannah! No one is unbeatable, it's just that if you fight for righteousness with all that makes up your strength, and you continuously fuel that strength with the brightest flames in your soul, then no servant of evil can destroy you; in fact, they will even beg you not to destroy them when the powerful energy of righteousness surges in every drop of blood within your veins. Do you understand clearly? And now for the only and most important exercise, concentrate all your mental strength after you have felt and understood the spirit of my words just now. Channel it into your mind and release it out of your body through your beautiful eyes. When you shatter the two mirrors I placed far apart in front of you, then you have succeeded in possessing this magic, the magic of 'The Dominator's Colors.'"

Snow Sky-Dog and Kurogami Masayuki listened to Bishamonten War God's teachings with earnestness and determination. They knew that to succeed, they had to overcome every difficulty, putting all their effort into each step of their journey.

Bishamonten War God's teachings presented Snow Sky-Dog and Kurogami Masayuki with a great challenge. It was not just about learning a new kind of magic but also about testing their spirit, perseverance, and determination. They knew that to achieve their goals, they had to exert themselves fully.

Facing difficulties and immense pressure, Snow Sky-Dog and Kurogami Masayuki never gave up. They spent hours tirelessly practicing, constantly seeking new knowledge, and absorbing it. Each step they took brought learning and growth, making them stronger and more confident.

With each effort, they felt the growing strength within them, the strength of spirit and unwavering determination increasing. They remembered Bishamonten War God's advice: never give up, never be afraid, and always trust in their strength.

Finally, after many relentless attempts, Snow Sky-Dog and Kurogami Masayuki overcame the challenge. They defeated the difficulty, they shattered the two mirrors placed far apart in front of them. This success was not just a significant milestone in their lives but also evidence of their extraordinary determination and effort.

Excited applause rang out as Snow Sky-Dog and Kurogami Masayuki completed the challenging task assigned by the Bishamonten War God. They were proud of their mental strength and unwavering perseverance.

However, as they were still celebrating their success, a sudden sound interrupted them, causing them both to turn around. A mysterious woman stood at the entrance, her gaze deep but radiating with light.

"Sorry to interrupt," the woman said, her tone gentle yet carrying an undeniable strength. "I have heard of your achievements and wanted to meet you."

Snow Sky-Dog and Kurogami Masayuki looked at each other, both feeling excited and curious. They had never heard of this woman before, but they couldn't deny the impression from her wild appearance.

"Who I am is not important," the woman continued. "But what's important is what you two have shown. I have an important task that I need your help with."

Snow Sky-Dog and Kurogami Masayuki didn't hesitate. They were willing to face any challenge, especially if it could help them continue to grow stronger.

"We will help you," Snow Sky-Dog declared, her voice firm and confident.

"That's right," Kurogami Masayuki added. "We will do everything in our power to ensure your task is completed."

The woman smiled, showing satisfaction. "I know you won't disappoint me. Be prepared. Our adventure will begin right now."

Under the sparkling lights of the classroom, Snow Sky-Dog and Kurogami Masayuki looked at each other with hopeful and determined eyes. They knew that a new adventure was about to begin, and they were ready to face new challenges.

This mysterious woman not only brought an invitation but also an opportunity for them to demonstrate their abilities to the fullest. Ahead of them lay an important mission, and they were determined not only to complete it but also to exceed all expectations.

Both gods showed excitement at this new challenge, excitement, and curiosity shining in their eyes. Willing and eager, they boldly embarked on a new adventure, unaware of what awaited them ahead.

Perhaps this would be a journey full of difficulties and risks, but Snow Sky-Dog and Kurogami Masayuki were ready to face any challenge. Behind every challenge was an opportunity for them to grow and mature, and they would never give up under any circumstances.

With determination and unwavering perseverance, they would continue to walk their path, ready to face whatever life placed before them. And with the help of this mysterious woman, they would discover new mysteries and conquer extraordinary challenges. Their new adventure had only just begun...