Chapter 84: The Eternal Confrontation: Snow Sky-Dog vs. The Old Lady of Time

"Snow Sky-Dog, your team has lost to ours twice already! Although your teammates Kurogami Masayuki and Mizuchi Haruka have shown great effort, in the end, you still lost to us! And I suspect that you, Snow Sky-Dog, a deity of the snow wolf and eternity, will not be able to overcome the challenge I present to you today."

"The Great Youkai General of Wolves, Okami Tatsuya, with all due respect, I must tell you that today, I may find it challenging to overcome your challenge. Because who can guess who the opponent you choose to compete with me embodies? I know that no matter what competition I engage in, you will field an opponent embodying something I may struggle to defeat in that contest! But I am a warrior deity, and no matter who my opponent is, I will fight with all my might! I will not let the warrior spirit within me dim, no matter what tricks you may employ!"

"Snow Sky-Dog, well done, my son! Your response carries great spirit! If you've said so, let's start this challenge right now! Your challenge for today is a wrestling match. If you can defeat our selected wrestler, then I will hand over 'The Flaming Dragon Saber' to you. But if you cannot defeat your opponent in today's match, then unfortunately, you and your fellow deities must return to the Academy of the Gods without reclaiming 'The Flaming Dragon Saber'."

As Snow Sky-Dog wondered who would wrestle with him, an old lady stepped forward from the crowd very slowly. This old lady looked frail and lifeless. She had to keep herself from falling to the ground by leaning on a very peculiar animal-shaped wooden staff. Although Snow Sky-Dog's opponent appeared feeble compared to him, he did not underestimate her. For he had witnessed the cunning of 'The Great Youkai General of Wolves', Okami Tatsuya. Who could guess what embodiment of power this frail-looking old lady represented in all three worlds? Was it authority? Or the combative spirit of mighty warriors? Truly, it was difficult to discern the true capability of this old lady as she deliberately concealed it behind her aged, frail appearance!

"Snow Sky-Dog, I believe you cannot defeat this old lady in a wrestling match. Because this old lady embodies the essence of time. Who can defeat time when it brings aging and illness?"

Hearing this, Snow Sky-Dog laughed resoundingly throughout the castle of 'The Great Youkai General of Wolves', Okami Tatsuya.

"'The Great Youkai General of Wolves,' have you forgotten what I embody? I am the embodiment of the snow wolf, ice, snow, fire, and eternity. Eternity always triumphs over time, no matter how powerful time may be!"

Hearing Snow Sky-Dog say this, 'The Great Youkai General of Wolves' immediately felt concerned. Perhaps he was about to hand over 'The Flaming Dragon Saber' to the young deities of the world! Nevertheless, he reluctantly allowed the wrestling match to begin.

Tension filled the atmosphere as Snow Sky-Dog and the old lady, the embodiment of time, prepared to face each other in a fierce battle. The space became silent, with only the sound of heavy breathing and the constant pounding of the spectators' hearts serving as the backdrop for the match. Snow Sky-Dog, the deity of eternity, emanated a great light, full of determination yet also containing the pride of a true warrior.

"Fight me, old lady of the time. I will prove the power of eternity cannot be defeated by anything, not even time itself!" Snow Sky-Dog declared firmly, his tone reflecting determination and pride.

The old lady merely chuckled, her gaze deep as if peering through both the future and the past.

"Young son, you underestimate the power of time too much! Time is an unbeatable force, ceaselessly moving and changing everything. And you, a young deity, dare to confront it, can you withstand the constant changes brought by time?"

The match began, and Snow Sky-Dog and the old lady immediately engaged in a thrilling wrestling match. Snow Sky-Dog showcased the agility and swiftness of a snow wolf, while the old lady utilized the wisdom and tricks of time. Each punch, each shove, was a clash between the eternal power and the irresistible force of time.

Though Snow Sky-Dog exerted his utmost effort, the old lady grew stronger with each passing moment. The eternal light of Snow Sky-Dog gradually dimmed before the unstoppable force of time.

"My child, you have lost, Snow Sky-Dog. The power of eternity cannot compare to the irresistible force of time. Accept this," the old lady said, her tone as solemn as a song of the past.

Snow Sky-Dog fell to the ground, exhausted and disappointed. Yet suddenly, within his mind echoed his favorite motto: "In the arena, as in life, if you cannot control the rhythm while fighting, ultimately you are but an amateur. A professional in life, as in the arena, must know when to attack and when to retreat." From this profoundly accurate and insightful motto, Snow Sky-Dog questioned himself whether now was the time to continue attacking or whether he should retreat, accepting defeat. He answered this question with the action of rising to his feet and mobilizing all the strength he could muster, even if it meant surpassing all the limits he needed to overcome, even the greatest limits - the seemingly impossible ones. He made a decisive final strike to end the wrestling match with victory on his side. The old lady fell to the ground and could not rise. She felt extremely astonished, from the beginning of time, no one had defeated her, but today Snow Sky-Dog had achieved that.

"Oh, old lady, the embodiment of time! I have won, I will continue to protect the power of eternity and hope for the future," Snow Sky-Dog said, his tone decisive like an oath.

The wrestling match ended, but the memories and lessons from it would live on in everyone's hearts. Understanding of eternity and the irresistible force of time had been nurtured within each person, creating an invaluable lesson about life and understanding the essence of all three worlds.

The old lady, the embodiment of time, raised her head to look at Snow Sky-Dog with a pensive gaze as if contemplating something profound and distant. A faint light began to emanate from her arm, and each spark was like a glittering flame.

"Young son, you have proven something," the old lady said, her tone filled with appreciation. "Though time may be irresistible, your patience and determination have wrought miracles. You have found a way to surpass the burial and destructive power of time, not just in body but also in spirit."

Snow Sky-Dog realized that in this wrestling match, he had not only won in physical strength but also willpower and intellectual knowledge. It was a valuable lesson he learned from this contest.

"Old lady, thank you for the valuable lessons I have learned from our match. I promise to continue to protect the power of eternity and hope for everyone," Snow Sky-Dog expressed his gratitude.

"The Great Youkai General of Wolves" Okami Tatsuya, who organized this wrestling match, stepped forward and handed "The Flaming Dragon Saber" to Snow Sky-Dog with a proud smile.

"Congratulations, Snow Sky-Dog. You have proven your mettle. Use this power wisely and justly," Okami Tatsuya said.

With "The Flaming Dragon Saber" in hand, Snow Sky-Dog felt a great responsibility entrusted to him. He decided he would use this power to protect and serve everyone in the world of the gods.

The wrestling match ended, but the experiences and lessons from it would live on in everyone's hearts, contributing to making the world richer and deeper.

In the final moments of the match, Snow Sky-Dog and the old lady of time both showed strength, creating a powerful and aggressive dance. Each movement, each attack, was an effort by Snow Sky-Dog to prove the power of eternity and by the old lady to demonstrate the irresistible force of time.

Though Snow Sky-Dog had to face the frailty and weakness of old age brought by time, his fight never wavered. He knew that even as the body aged, willpower and patience could still overcome all challenges. That was the lesson Snow Sky-Dog learned from this wrestling match.

Finally, with a decisive strike, Snow Sky-Dog defeated the old lady of the time. Though she embodied physical weakness due to the aging effects of time, in her soul, she conveyed a profound message of willpower and patience.

When Snow Sky-Dog received "The Flaming Dragon Saber" from the hands of "The Great Youkai General of Wolves" Okami Tatsuya, he felt the weight of responsibility placed on his shoulders. The power of the sword was not only about physical strength but also about wisdom and justice.

The wrestling match ended, but the experiences and lessons from it would live on in everyone's hearts. Snow Sky-Dog learned that in life and on the battlefield, willpower and patience were the keys to overcoming all challenges, and eternity would never be erased by time.