Chapter 86: The Tangled Journey

"Snow Sky-Dog, today you have another date with Seraphina Frostwind! You better get ready soon, or your 'fair maiden' will be waiting long, and she'll be mad at you again! Haizza, Snow Sky-Dog, you truly are a handsome and romantic god, your handsome looks surely aren't just for decoration, right? And you have more than just good looks, don't you, Snow Sky-Dog, the snow wolf who often finds himself in love troubles with beautiful women? I feel sorry for both Mizuchi Haruka and Seraphina Frostwind, but what can we do, it's an unavoidable destiny! Haizza, Snow Sky-Dog, people in the Human World often think their destiny is decided by the gods, like us, but the truth isn't entirely as they think. The truth is that the destiny of all humans is indeed arranged, controlled, and decided by the gods; however, it's the job of powerful, renowned, and highest-ranking gods in the world of gods, not within the abilities and powers of you, me, and Mizuchi Haruka. Neither I, you, nor Mizuchi Haruka can escape the blessings and misfortunes that the gods who manage our destiny bring upon us. People in the Human World often blame and invoke all the gods they know, including us, when they encounter misfortunes of all levels caused by destiny, but they don't realize that even we are powerless against our destiny. Now, as all three worlds face a wildly challenging and potentially catastrophic storm, all three of our gods must endure and fight, struggling against what will try to engulf us but also will forge qualities, abilities, and virtues within us. So, Snow Sky-Dog, go on your date happily, and remember that the love triangle between you, Mizuchi Haruka, and Seraphina Frostwind is also a very uncomfortable challenge that destiny brings to all three of you!"

"Haizza, Kurogami Masayuki, my elder brother, have you learned and developed the art of this extremely complex and 'emotionally disruptive philosophy' in books? Kurogami Masayuki, you should help me by reading fewer books then! Can you do that?"

Kurogami Masayuki looked at Snow Sky-Dog with meaningful eyes, a slight smile appearing on his lips.

"Indeed, my friend," he said, "but philosophy comes from experience, and the act of engaging one's mind to think, analyze, link data, and synthesize what's essential comes not just from books and lectures of the gods who are lecturers in this academy. But if you wish, I can help you conquer them all."

"Thank you, my elder brother, but I'm off to a date with Seraphina Frostwind at the usual restaurant in the Human World!"

"All right, off you go, Snow Sky-Dog, and don't forget to ask her about the 6th magical item among the 8 most powerful magical items of all three worlds that are missing! And don't forget to charm her with a captivating smile and sweet, romantic words like your romance novels!"

"Elder brother, Kurogami Masayuki, stop mocking me, or I'll never go drinking with you again!"

But a moment later, something sparked in his mind, instead of continuing to feel uncomfortable about Kurogami Masayuki's teasing words, Snow Sky-Dog chuckled gently at Kurogami Masayuki's advice, his eyes shining brightly.

"Don't worry, elder brother, I'll remember everything you said." He said, gently adjusting his vest, preparing to leave the room. A sense of excitement spread within him as a new date approached.

At first glance, Snow Sky-Dog seemed like a charming and elegant god, but he always carried a great burden in his soul. The love triangle with Mizuchi Haruka and Seraphina Frostwind was a puzzle not easily solved. He felt like a wolf lost in the maze of love, unsure which path to choose.

As he stepped out the door, Snow Sky-Dog felt the cold breeze from the Human World blowing on his face. The light dimmed, replaced by the enveloping darkness, but under the sparkling moonlight, romance filled the air. He walked with steady steps, heading towards a new journey full of excitement, unaware of what awaited him ahead.

Snow Sky-Dog entered the familiar restaurant in the Human World, where he would be meeting Seraphina Frostwind. As he opened the glass door adorned with intricate patterns that caught everyone's attention, he couldn't hide his surprise: Seraphina Frostwind looked stunning and enchanting on this date. Though Snow Sky-Dog had seen Seraphina Frostwind's dazzling beauty after she meticulously applied makeup and chose outfits that she believed would captivate his heart the most on previous dates, every time he saw Seraphina Frostwind patiently waiting for him at the table in the far right corner of the restaurant, a seat with a window view, the most romantic spot in this restaurant, Snow Sky-Dog couldn't help but feel his heart pounding. Just like on previous dates, today Seraphina Frostwind looked radiantly beautiful. She made Snow Sky-Dog forget all of Kurogami Masayuki's warnings.

Seraphina Frostwind sat confidently, her presence exuding a special allure. The light from outside illuminated her beauty. With her golden hair shining, as smooth as the early morning sun gently kissing the earth. The light blue dress hugged her body, creating enticing curves, while the layered skirt cascaded down like soft clouds. Delicate flowers adorned the waistline, adding to her femininity and gentleness.

"Snow Sky-Dog," Seraphina Frostwind said, her voice as calm as a gentle breeze, "You're early. You still look handsome as usual, but today you seem... more excited than usual, don't you?" She smiled, her blue eyes sparkling like two bright gems.

Snow Sky-Dog couldn't help but admire Seraphina Frostwind's beauty.

"You look amazing," he said, his voice soaring like a vibrant melody, "Every time I see you, my heart feels like stepping into a new world, full of excitement and anticipation."

The two sat together, enveloped in the soothing melody of the piano and the warmth of the sparkling lights. In that moment, Snow Sky-Dog wished to freeze time, to forever gaze upon Seraphina Frostwind's beauty, and to never have to face life's difficulties and troubles. But he knew time would always march on, and he would have to face challenges and hardships, for his destiny couldn't escape those.

Amidst the glittering lights, Snow Sky-Dog and Seraphina Frostwind enjoyed the romantic atmosphere, but in their hearts, anxiety lingered. Their date wasn't just a sweet memory, but also a challenge of destiny, a significant turning point in their lives.

While Snow Sky-Dog and Seraphina Frostwind savored the romantic evening at the restaurant, elsewhere in the Human World, Mizuchi Haruka wandered alone along the silent streets, where the streetlights twinkled like stars in the night sky. A sense of loneliness and emptiness pervaded her mind as she reminisced about the peaceful days with Snow Sky-Dog, but now, everything had changed.

Mizuchi Haruka gazed up at the night sky, watching the stars twinkle, but in her heart, unease continued to grow. The love triangle between her, Snow Sky-Dog, and Seraphina Frostwind was not an easy puzzle to solve. Her heart was torn in two, one half longing for happiness with Snow Sky-Dog, and the other half in pain from fear and worry. Mizuchi Haruka didn't know what to do anymore, she only knew that she was walking a thorny path, without knowing where it would lead.

The distant sounds from the unfamiliar concerts echoed into her ears, serving as a reminder of the emotions swirling around her. Mizuchi Haruka glanced down at her feet, taking steps ensnared by her tumultuous feelings, yet in her mind, images of Snow Sky-Dog and Seraphina Frostwind emerged. She couldn't find an escape for herself, feeling increasingly trapped in a world of complex emotions.

The anxieties and uncertainties about the future became heavier as everything around her continued to change. Mizuchi Haruka felt like she was losing control over her life like a brick being swept away by the waves.

Under the warm golden glow of the streetlights, Mizuchi Haruka continued to walk, but in her heart, the feeling of insecurity and loneliness persisted. Facing an uncertain future full of unknowns remained a significant challenge for her.

Mizuchi Haruka's gentle footsteps continued silently on the seemingly endless path. Her heart felt solitary amidst the tumultuous waves of emotions, yet the streetlights shimmered like a part of the serene picture. In her mind, images of Snow Sky-Dog and Seraphina Frostwind still stood on either side of a tumultuous stream, leaving her uncertain of which path to pursue.

The anxieties and uncertainties about the future were growing heavier, but Mizuchi Haruka couldn't cease her contemplation. With each step, Mizuchi Haruka seemed to delve deeper into the abyss of her emotions, embarking on a journey fraught with difficulties and hardships.

In some corner of her mind, Mizuchi Haruka felt like a character in a mesmerizing and intricate story, where the confrontation with destiny was the final pages needing to be written.

Under the brilliant night sky, Mizuchi Haruka continued to walk, not knowing what lay ahead, but she tried to keep her footing on her path. Everything continued, but she knew that life was never a straight road, and only with patience and courage could she overcome all challenges and difficulties.