Chapter 99: The Enchantment of Snow Sky-Dog

A Quiet Morning in the Human World

The first rays of light from the new day filtered through the green oak-framed windows of Seraphina Frostwind's wooden house. Seraphina Frostwind woke up, the pale yellow dawn casting a glow on her golden hair. The first rays of a new day shone on the back of her body. Seraphina Frostwind got out of her long, wide bed after neatly folding her thick, warm goose-down blanket. Suddenly, there was a doorbell outside. Seraphina Frostwind thought to herself:

"The one ringing the doorbell must be none other than Snow Sky-Dog. Haizza, this snow wolf god truly refuses to give up the love he has for me! After he rescued me from the clutches and threats of the kidnappers, I forgave this handsome god! I'm not angry with him anymore for approaching me on the mission to gather information on the eight most powerful magical items lost in all three worlds. But this handsome god still needs to be tested. For a man like him, a woman certainly can't be too easygoing and too proactive like Mizuchi Haruka!"

Seraphina Frostwind said to the person waiting for her outside.

"Snow Sky-Dog, please go back to Mizuchi Haruka! I don't love you anymore, we've broken up!"

"Seraphina Frostwind, please open the door for me! I'm not Snow Sky-Dog, I'm your aunt!"

"What? The person outside is my aunt?"

"Yes, I'm your aunt! Please open the door for me, then we can talk about Snow Sky-Dog!" The middle-aged woman laughed and mocked Seraphina Frostwind, her granddaughter.

Seraphina Frostwind hurriedly ran to open the door with a smile on her face, beautiful like a mermaid. As the door opened, she was extremely surprised to see a kind and very familiar face that she hadn't seen in many years.

"Hello, my aunt! I'm so glad you came from a distant place to visit me this morning. Have you eaten yet? It's a coincidence that I just finished cooking breakfast! Why don't you have breakfast with me?"

Seraphina Frostwind's aunt smiled and stepped into Seraphina Frostwind's oak wood house. The two women had breakfast together. While eating, suddenly Seraphina Frostwind's aunt paused and fixed her gaze full of hidden meanings on her extremely beautiful granddaughter's face.

"Snow Sky-Dog is your boyfriend, Seraphina Frostwind?"

"If I tell this story, it will be long and complicated, my aunt!"

"You don't need to tell me, I already know everything! You forget that I'm the witch with the greatest magical power in all three worlds?"

"You already know everything? Haizza, my aunt, this love story took a lot of time and effort for me to think about! After some consideration, I decided to continue loving Snow Sky-Dog! He is truly a good man, but he still needs to be challenged! You taught me that for men like him, we women should not be too proactive and lenient with them. Isn't that right, witch Zorya Vasilisa?"

Zorya Vasilisa took a sip of herbal tea on the table, then she smiled mysteriously.

"Seraphina Frostwind, you made the right decision! Continue to challenge Snow Sky-Dog, because this is the arrangement of destiny. I am the witch possessing the most powerful magical power in all three worlds, I am also the one who understands destiny. So I know that after many difficulties and twists of fate, you will become Snow Sky-Dog's only wife. Since I was the housekeeper of your family, I have used my prophetic ability to foresee this!"

"Is that so, Aunt Zorya Vasilisa?"

Zorya Vasilisa remained silent at this mysterious question, and she continued to drink her herbal tea.

Seraphina Frostwind sat across from her aunt, her eyes full of curiosity and amazement. She looked at her aunt's face, where the creativity and greatest magical power of the three worlds were manifested.

"Aunt Zorya Vasilisa, is the love between me and Snow Sky-Dog truly destined, or is it just a coincidence?" Seraphina asked, thoughts of love and destiny intertwining in her emerald eyes.

Zorya Vasilisa smiled mysteriously, her eyes gazing into the distance as if looking at the moving dimensions of space.

"Seraphina Frostwind, destiny, and love often connect miraculously. Sometimes, chosen people by destiny will find each other, no matter what difficulties may arise. Snow Sky-Dog and you are one such couple."

Taking another sip of tea, Zorya Vasilisa continued.

"When a woman understands her destiny and confronts it with courage, the universe's arrangements will converge to support her love. Snow Sky-Dog is not only a handsome man but also an integral part of your life and mission."

Seraphina Frostwind felt the warmth from her aunt's hand, and in her emerald eyes, a ray of hope flickered.

"Thank you, Aunt, for your advice and support. I will do as you say, and I hope that my love with Snow Sky-Dog will overcome all challenges and become a beautiful dreamlike journey."

The two women sat in the morning's silence, but in their souls, thoughts of love and destiny spread like warm rays, illuminating the oak wood house where Seraphina Frostwind's soul was blending into a mysterious and powerful love.

The new day began for Seraphina Frostwind like a wonderful experience of destiny and love. The sunlight filtered through the window, like gentle fingers stroking her face, making her warm and happy. This feeling made her heart grow bigger every day, like a love painting being drawn with each beautiful stroke.

Zorya Vasilisa and Seraphina Frostwind sat together in the peaceful morning space. Each of them held thoughts about the future and the challenges that life presented. In their eyes, the flames of hope flickered brightly, as Zorya Vasilisa looked at her granddaughter with love and pride.

"Seraphina Frostwind, never forget that you are a woman of strength and courage," Zorya Vasilisa said, her voice warm like a cool breeze. "Follow the path that destiny has chosen for you, and even in the face of difficult challenges, always believe that love will overcome all obstacles."

Seraphina Frostwind nodded, Zorya Vasilisa's words like encouragement, helping her to understand herself and her love better. At that moment, she realized that nothing could stop the love between her and Snow Sky Dog.

"Thank you, Aunt, for your advice and support," Seraphina Frostwind expressed her gratitude, her eyes sparkling with hope. "I will continue to challenge and devote myself to my love, to make it more passionate and enduring than ever."

Zorya Vasilisa just smiled gently, a knowing smile about the hidden things in the future.

"Keep moving forward, Seraphina Frostwind, and let destiny and love guide you. Life always has surprises and challenges, but remember, they are all part of your journey."

The two women sat facing each other, the women with two different strengths: one with the power of magic, and the other with the power of love and patience. In the tranquil oak wood house, the distant bell ringing reminded them of the passing of time. Zorya Vasilisa and Seraphina Frostwind were waiting for the new pages of their lives to be written, with love and destiny as the constant inspirations for that book. They both understood that whatever happened, they would always be together, stepping through every difficulty and seeking the dreams in their hearts. It was just the beginning, of a new adventure of love and destiny ahead.