Chapter 105: Love's Duel: The Battle for Snow Sky-Dog's Heart

The first rays of the sun shimmered brilliantly upon Seraphina Frostwind's oakwood home. A playful breeze gently stirred Seraphina Frostwind awake. Stepping out of bed, she ran a comb of ivory through her golden locks. Intent on heading to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, she heard the doorbell chime. Seraphina Frostwind mused to herself:

"Snow Sky-Dog, that handsome deity, has come to visit me again. He truly possesses an astonishing level of patience! I've tested him, shown excessive coldness, and behaved outrageously, yet he remains steadfast. Truly a man beyond ordinary measure! Well, just hold on a moment, I'll open the door for you. You've come to visit me quite early! Hmm, I wonder if he brought roses?"

Seraphina Frostwind cheerfully opened the door, only to find not Snow Sky-Dog but Aunt Zorya Vasilisa standing before her. Zorya Vasilisa's expression was grave (clearly indicating something quite serious!).

"Seraphina Frostwind, my granddaughter, I bring you the news that I'm certain you won't be pleased to hear!"

"What is it, Aunt Zorya Vasilisa? You're making me feel rather anxious!"

"Listen carefully, Seraphina Frostwind! Mizuchi Haruka, your rival in love, after shedding tears as if there were no end, has performed a cunning act to monopolize Snow Sky-Dog's love in her heart!"

"What? Really? Please, tell me, in detail, about Mizuchi Haruka's cunning 'move', Aunt Zorya Vasilisa!"

"Mizuchi Haruka has beseeched the Love Goddess for a charm of immensely potent and unbreakable love magic. It's called the 'Magic Mole'."

"What? This is grave indeed! What should I do now, Aunt Zorya Vasilisa?"

"Do not fret so, my granddaughter! In truth, both the 'Immortal Rose' and the 'Magic Mole' hold immensely powerful love magic. But when they clash, they neutralize each other's potency within just a few days! So now, Snow Sky-Dog won't be subject to Mizuchi Haruka's irresistible influence, but he won't be bound by the 'eternal love' oath with you either! Thus, the battle for Snow Sky-Dog's affection between you and Mizuchi Haruka has shifted to a more balanced position. But fear not, Seraphina Frostwind, you still have a higher likelihood of becoming Snow Sky-Dog's wife!"

"Why do you think so, Aunt Zorya Vasilisa?"

"I've cared for you since you were a newborn, even after your father's overthrow as the ruler of the Youkai World by rebels. Do you think I don't understand you? When it comes to the art of seduction and understanding the psyche of men, you surpass Mizuchi Haruka, Seraphina Frostwind! Mizuchi Haruka displays her affection for Snow Sky-Dog too aggressively. Men like Snow Sky-Dog aren't particularly fond of that. Whereas you, Seraphina Frostwind, at times, know how to blend a few 'chilled seeds' into your behavior towards Snow Sky-Dog, maintaining the necessary allure of your character. And you know how to challenge Snow Sky-Dog to awaken the latent strength of a man within him - and that's what has spurred Snow Sky-Dog to develop a resolve to never give up on his love for you. So, while this conflict may have reached a stalemate, you're still a stronger contender than Mizuchi Haruka!"

Seraphina Frostwind looked at Aunt Zorya Vasilisa with grateful eyes, as if confidence and belief had been reinstated in her heart. She knew she couldn't sit idly by but had to face this challenge with strength and intelligence.

"Thank you, Aunt Zorya Vasilisa, for your encouragement and advice! Now, I won't let Mizuchi Haruka easily seize Snow Sky-Dog's heart. I'll show him that I'm a woman worth loving and respecting!"

With strong determination, Seraphina Frostwind stepped out of her home, the sunlight illuminating the path ahead. She knew the battle for Snow Sky-Dog's love between her and Mizuchi Haruka wouldn't be easy, but she believed that patience and inner strength would help her prevail.

Meanwhile, at the Academy of the Gods - the World of the Deities.

"Kurogami Masayuki, why do I feel like Snow Sky-Dog has fully regained his composure in the face of my exquisite beauty in recent days?"

"Your 'Magic Mole' spell has been neutralized! Snow Sky-Dog has returned to being an experienced seducer of women as before. The magic has been nullified, and Snow Sky-Dog no longer loves you 'regardless of his own life and death'!"

"Oh, why is that, Kurogami Masayuki, my elder brother?"

"It's because of the magic power of the 'Immortal Rose.' The 'Magic Mole' and the 'Immortal Rose' possess equal magical strength. When they clash, both types of love charms lose their effects on Snow Sky-Dog within a few days. Mizuchi Haruka, your battle returns to a stalemate!"

"I'm so worried, elder brother!"

"Don't worry too much, my sister! I already have a strategy for you!"

"Elder brother? Please tell me!"

"Snow Sky-Dog is a strong man. Such men like to protect vulnerable women. Mizuchi Haruka, you must capitalize on this to gain a competitive advantage! The power of women lies in soft power. It comes from a seductive dress, not the sharpest swords! My mother taught me that men are like untamed horses: rebellious, arrogant, and craving freedom. But what binds these horses isn't sturdy reins; rather, it is the strands of hair of women that always appear fragile to hold the hearts and strength of the men they truly love. You understand, Mizuchi Haruka?"

Mizuchi Haruka listened attentively to the advice of her elder brother, Kurogami Masayuki, with focus and determination. She realized that to win Snow Sky-Dog's heart, she needed to use the soft power of women, rather than trying to force him with magic or the power of the universe.

"I understand, elder brother. I will execute that plan. I appreciate your help!"

Mizuchi Haruka walked away from her brother's room, her heart filled with newfound confidence and determination. She knew that no matter how tough the battle for love might be, she could still win if she knew how to leverage her strength wisely.

Meanwhile, at Seraphina Frostwind's home, she was preparing breakfast for Snow Sky-Dog with joy and excitement. She knew things wouldn't be easy, but she wouldn't give up. Her love and determination were invested in Snow Sky-Dog, and she wouldn't let anyone take that away.

The battle to win Snow Sky-Dog's heart between Mizuchi Haruka and Seraphina Frostwind seemed to have just begun. The days ahead would bring them new challenges, difficult decisions, and various emotions. But no matter how the journey unfolds, one thing is certain: love will triumph, and those who love each other will find happiness in life's greatest wonders.