Chapter 111: The Forge of Destiny

"Snow Sky-Dog, Mizuchi Haruka, have you both thoroughly prepared everything needed for today's journey?" Kurogami Masayuki asked his fellow gods, his gaze filled with implications yet also with profound concern.

In truth, today holds significant importance for all three of them. After a week of leisure and indulgence in various pastimes, they, as students of this academy, were embarking on a journey promised with valuable rewards but also fraught with considerable challenges. Throughout the past week, Kurogami Masayuki had spent nearly all his free time testing which liquor from the Academy of the Gods' tavern could make him forget the skies and the earth. Snow Sky-Dog, on the other hand, was no less adventurous. He spent his time bathing in the sea and drinking coffee with Mizuchi Haruka as if there were no tomorrow, then went on outdoor excursions with Seraphina Frostwind - the life of a top-ranked handsome god could be quite busy when juggling multiple beautiful women simultaneously. Meanwhile, Mizuchi Haruka enjoys leisure time with Snow Sky-Dog and attempts to oust Seraphina Frostwind from this romantic game. But now, all three had to "pull themselves together" if they wanted to receive the three highly damaging weapons from the God of Blacksmiths, Takumi no Kami. Given his penchant for testing young gods' qualities, abilities, and virtues, Takumi no Kami would certainly not easily bestow those divine weapons upon them if they could not overcome his challenging trials.

"Kurogami Masayuki, my elder, I have long been ready! You don't need to remind me! And I'm sure the weapon I receive from Takumi no Kami will wield greater magical power than yours, Kurogami Masayuki!" Snow Sky-Dog didn't need to feign composure and confidence, for he truly excelled in both these qualities. Thus, he spoke with utmost naturalness.

"Are you sure, Snow Sky-Dog?" Kurogami Masayuki's discomfort was evident in the seemingly arrogant and provocative tone of Snow Sky-Dog's words.

"Come on, you two, don't make the atmosphere in our team tense like this! Time is running short, so let's go, handsome and mighty gods!" Mizuchi Haruka felt the sparks in the eyes of her two teammates could ignite the entire world, so she mediated between Kurogami Masayuki and Snow Sky-Dog with the advantage of being a beautiful goddess in a team dominated by male gods.

And so, the three young gods ceased their argument and began their journey to the castle of Takumi no Kami as the first rays of the new day were gentle and harmonious with everything existing in all three worlds.

They set off, flying through the colossal silver clouds of the Realm of the Gods. They flew until before them appeared a magnificent castle made of platinum. The castle was situated on a majestic mountain, surrounded by pink clouds of the Realm of the Gods. The courtyard of the castle was filled with lush ancient trees, radiating the vitality of Mother Nature (although all the objects and walls of the castle were made of platinum - an extremely rare and aesthetically pleasing material for those who appreciated and understood metals. But amidst this metallic material, there was the serene yet potent breath of Mother Nature - trees over a thousand years old with foliage of serene green).

"We've arrived, let's prepare ourselves to meet Takumi no Kami, Kurogami Masayuki, Mizuchi Haruka!" Snow Sky-Dog exclaimed, opening the massive platinum gate for his two teammates to enter. As they stepped inside the castle, a butler emerged, impeccably dressed, to greet the trio of young gods. The butler informed them that Takumi no Kami was in his forge, and they were to follow him to meet the god. Without hesitation, the three young gods followed the butler. Upon arrival, they saw a god with a towering figure, muscles bulging on his body, exuding remarkable physical strength. He was swinging a giant steel hammer, an action that anyone in the Realm of the Gods would find immensely challenging even to conceive, let alone execute, as Takumi no Kami did. The resounding blows of this gigantic steel hammer on a metallic object being forged stirred a mixture of awe and admiration within the trio of young gods, witnessing the extraordinary physical strength and the admirable mental fortitude of the god standing before them. After a while, the resounding echo ceased. Takumi no Kami temporarily ceased using the hammer because, after all, he had finished forging those divine weapons. He instructed his butler to put them away and then turned his piercing gaze toward the three young gods.

"Your mentor is a close friend of mine. He selected you three gods to receive the divine weapons from my armory by assessing the depth and philosophy of your thoughts. I also enjoy creating this challenge for you. But rest assured, regardless of what motto you espouse, you will receive the divine weapons from me! Your articulation of righteous and philosophical thoughts only helps me tailor the most suitable divine weapons for you! This is not so much a test of eligibility for receiving divine weapons but rather an introspection of yourselves to find the most suitable divine weapons for your souls and minds! Tell me what you have never said at the Academy of the Gods. It must be your genuine thoughts; the crystallization of your spirits."

Snow Sky-Dog didn't hesitate or fear. He stepped forward with the power-laden gaze of a tempest.

"I have accumulated much: strength, speed, endurance, and experience. I have endured pain, honed myself, nurtured, challenged, and fought. A clenched fist formed from the subconscious. Strength forged for survival, honed to protect, nurtured through will, and also transmitted through sorrow. A true warrior cannot relinquish these chains."

"Well, let's see! With thoughts so full of vigor, 'steel,' and 'fire' like these, perhaps this weapon of mine will suit you!" Takumi no Kami produced a spiked mace, not the kind with chain links, but a mace with a handle neither too short nor too long - fitting for Snow Sky-Dog's grip. The spiked mace was made of a special alloy, remarkably tougher than diamonds.

After Snow Sky-Dog received his gift from Takumi no Kami with indescribable joy, Kurogami Masayuki stepped forward, his gaze penetrating through layers of mist to reach the purest intellect, the utmost courage within his mind.

"Hence, I must employ strategy from within. Inner strategy is my way of life. I struggle, strive, endure, and accept aid. All these factors combined make me strong!"

"Hmm, I believe this weapon of mine will suit you well with such concise yet deeply profound thoughts!" Takumi no Kami handed Kurogami Masayuki a serrated blade sword. Like Snow Sky-Dog's weapon, this serrated blade sword was made from a special alloy. It possessed an incredible hardness.

Mizuchi Haruka felt torn and somewhat anxious as her two teammates had performed exceptionally well. But after careful consideration and inner turmoil, she spoke:

"If the path leading to the great is too easy, it's very likely that you're on the wrong path."

"Concise, succinct, yet extremely profound. Then this dagger will suit you!" Takumi no Kami presented Mizuchi Haruka with a beautiful dagger, extremely robust and sharp.

The young gods received their divine weapons from Takumi no Kami, each reflecting the uniqueness and strength of their souls and spirits. They left the castle with joy and confidence, ready to face new challenges.

Upon their return to the Academy of the Gods, an atmosphere of excitement and hope permeated. Stories of their journey spread quickly, igniting curiosity and ambition among other students.

Snow Sky-Dog, Mizuchi Haruka, and Kurogami Masayuki, three companions, had overcome challenges together, not only physical but also spiritual and philosophical. They discovered that true strength lay not only in weapons but also in their courage and patience.

With belief in themselves and each other, they were ready to embark on new chapters of their journey, conquering further challenges and exploring new aspects of themselves and the world around them. Their story didn't end here; it was merely the beginning of new pages in the book of their lives.